
Naruto: Resilience

She died and was reborn as Rin Nohara, a character destined to die. She would change her fate and she would change the fate of all the others. Maybe Kakashi wouldn't be depressed. Maybe Obito wouldn't go down the darkside and maybe Naruto could keep his dad. On the other hand... she could live a normal life, be a normal shinobi, get married, have kids, then die a normal death of natural cause. But if she's a jinchuurkiki... how's she going to do that? *sigh...* life is so hard... I don't own naruto or any of the characters sry for grammar and spelling errors Some events might be a bit off for the sake of the story

MelonChan1205 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 25: More Naruto Training


Naruto sat in the training field, waiting. Where was Big Sis? She had promised she would train him everyday. Had something happened to her? He stood up. "I should start," he said to himself, "Yeah! Maybe she'll treat me to ramen if I start training right now without her telling me to!" 

He thought of Guy's training. "First, I'll run five laps around this place." He started to run. 

"Hey kid," said a voice halfway through. 

Naruto turned and saw someone staring at him. He recognized them. "Who are you?" Naruto asked. 

Naruto remembered this person. This person was always watching him, staring at him while he ate, slept, and did other stuff. Naruto knew this person was a good guy cause he was friends with Big Sis. The man wore a mask. His hair was silver-white, like an old mans, but he was too young to be old. "Where's Big Sis?" asked Naruto. 

"I'm Hatake, Kakashi," said Kakashi, "Your Big Sis is… busy…" she was in the hospital, "So I will train you in her place for now."

"Really?" asked Naruto, "Furui-nii san, are you good at ninjutsu? Or taijutsu? Or what about genjutsu? What about Fuinjutsu? What are you going to teach me first? Oooh! Big Sis said she would teach me Shadow Clone Jutsu today. She promised but since she's not here, you have to keep that promise okay?" 

Kakashi stared at the kid. He was what? Three years old? How was he so loud already? "Um…" said Kakashi, "Did she really? Shadow Clone Jutsu is very dangerous and unsafe… you'd need lots of chakra to use it…" 

Naruto stared at him with big puppy eyes and Kakashi gave in, "I won't teach you Shadow Clone yet, first, you need to be able to use control chakra." 

"Cool! How do I do that?" asked Naruto. 

Kakashi picked up a leaf and placed it on his forehead. His headband was there, but it was fine. It wouldn't get in the way. "You put a leaf on your forehead and old it there. When you get it," said Kakashi, "I'll teach you the basics." 

Naruto nodded, "Like this?" Naruto looked up and balanced the leaf on his forehead. 

Kakashi shook his head, "That's cheating, you have to look straight. You need to use chakra, not gravity." 

"What's gravity?" 


A few weeks ago

1st person POV, Rin

Naruto lay in his mindscape, unconscious. "Human…" whispered a menacing voice. 

"Hello Kurama," I say. 

He stares at me, surprised. "You know my name?" 

I nodded, "And your siblings." 

"You are Isobu's prison," said Kurama. 

I shrugged, "I'm more of a… permanent vacation home." 

Kurama snorted, "You humans are all the same." 

I shook my head, "Naruto is different." 

"Naruto?" asked Kurama, "That's the name of my prison." 

I shook my head, "If you just tried to get to know him… you'd discover somethin worth it." 

He snorted, "And whats that? Human." 

I gestured to Naruto, "The Sun." 

Back to present

"What the…" Kakashi stared at the blonde in shock. 

Naruto himself was plastered in leaves. Every inch of his body was covered in green. He looked like he could pass for a bush. "So, so," said Naruto, "Furui-nii san, will you teach me Shadow Clone Jutsu now?" 

Kakashi shook away his shock. Naruto had only been practicing for two days and he could do the leaf exercise perfectly? This level of chakra control was extremely rare. Was Naruto really a prodigy, just like Minato-sensei? "Fine," he said, "Let's try." 

"MULTI-SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!!!!!" now seven-year old Naruto charged at Kakashi's shadow clone, five more copies of the blue-eyed kid following behind. 

"I still can't believe," Genma said, "That you taught him that jutsu willingly." 

Kakashi shrugged behind me, "He…" 

"He's cute," I said, "and you let him manipulate you… maybe we should send him to T&I…" 

"You're going to let a five year old torture seasoned shinobi?" asked Kakashi, aghast. 

"No, I was gonna let his cuteness win the over," I said as Kakashi's shadow clone went poof. 

Genma stood up and spit his senbon at one of Naruto's shadow clones. It exploded in white dust. "Hey!" complained the kid, "That's not fair!"

"Actually," I said, "That's totally fair. In a real battle, no one's going to stop and think about fairness. You just fight. But good job." 


"Okay," said Genma to Naruto, "You're still young so you're kind of weak…" 

Naruto glared at him. Genma ignored his look, "You need to be able to escape from stronger opponents. The most important thing is speed." 

Naruto looked at him, "Will you teach me to be super fast like Big Sis?" 

Genma shook his head, "That's Fuinjutsu." 

"Oh…" said Naruto, "So how do I get fast?" 

Genma grinned, "You've had Guys training right?" he asked. 

Naruto nodded, scared, "Yep…" 

"Don't worry," laughed Genma, "I'm not like him. Let's play hide-and-seek-go-tag." 

Naruto's eyes lit up. He was still a kid after all. "Alright Senbon-nii san," grinned Naruto, "I'll win for sure!" 

Genma shrugged, "Don't be too sure. I'll give you a two hour head start." 

"Hmph," said Naruto, "I only need two minutes." 

"I wouldn't be too sure…" 

Naruto stood as still as he could as Genma walked past him. The moment Genma was out of his sight, he sighed in relief and reverted back to his original state. Poof! He had been a girl before, a girl on an ad, advertising some book called Icha-Icha. Genma haden't noticed him… hehehe… 

"Ouch!" someon grabbed him by the ear. 

"Found you," said Genma. 

Naruto glared at him, "That's not fair…" 

Genma shrugged, "I'll give you two minutes. Run." 

"Can't I get two hours instead?" asked Naruto sheepishly. 

"Absolutely not," said Genma, "You're the one who said you only needed 2 minutes." 


"You're holding it wrong!" shouted Yugao, impatiently. 

"You're holding it wrong!" declared Naruto, glaring at Yugao. 

He was olding a wooden sword. Yugao was trying to teach him kenjutsu, with no avail. He just wasn't interested. "At least learn the basics…" muttered Yugao. 

She held her own wooden sword. "You've got to hold it like this, one hand above the other!" 

Naruto shook his head, "I like it like this! It feels better when my hands are on top of each other!" 

Yugao turned to look at Rin who shrugged, "Naruto, just listen to Yugao okay?" 

"No!" argued Naruto, "Murasaki-nee san is too bossy!" 

"You brat!" shouted Yugao, her hair rising. 

Rin snorted, having a feeling a nostalgia. Yugao could be like Kushina-nee sometimes.