
Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system

In his previous life on Earth, He reached the top. He had it all and more, but he was not satisfied at all. Sadly, no matter how much influence and money he had, he couldn't fight the cycle of life. He never stopped trying to fight fate, if there was a chance to live longer he wouldn't mind sacrificing all life in the world, but alas, his time ran out. [Greatly inspired by "All Existence" please check it out] [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Scroll of seals

The next four years at the academy passed very slowly for Ren, but he did not want to show a lot of potential and get forced into root. Today was the graduation exam to become a genin, and Ren was 100% confident that he could easily pass the test. Ren did not really interact with that many people during the four years, he only rarely talked to Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, and Naruto. Ren looked at all the progress he made over the four years and laughed about how strong he was in his head.

『Name: Ren Akimasa

Age: Seven years -----> Eleven years

Race: Human (Vampire 10%) -----> Human (Vampire 25%)

Strength: 8.5 -----> 60 (Average chunin)

Agility: 7 -----> 50 (Peak genin)

Vitality: 17 -----> 70 (High chunin)

Chakra: 6 (Dark Chakra: 3) -----> 60 (Dark Chakra: 30) (Average chunin & Average genin)

Chakra Control: 7 -----> 50 (Peak genin)

Points: 1,830 -----> 5,870


Rank 0 of each path, Rank 1 vampire path, darkness path, and ghoul path

Method for rank 1 of each path bought

Method for rank 2 vampire path bought


Water (Great)

Blood (Medium) -----> Blood (Great)

Earth (Small)

-Kekkei Genkai-

Blood control (Host's blood only)

One meter soul

Absorb souls

Dark chakra

Necromancer abilities


Chakra spreading method (Endlessly increase Strength and Agility) (AN: I am going to stop showing this in the future)

Chakra mold method (Endlessly increase Chakra and Chakra Control) (AN: I am going to stop showing this in the future)

Body replacement jutsu

Transformation jutsu

Clone jutsu *NEW*

Blood healing jutsu

Blood clotting jutsu

Lee (improved by 10%) and Shira exercise combined (AN: I am going to stop showing this in the future)

Faster Blood Flow jutsu

Blood condensing method

Blood refining method *NEW*

Owl chakra aura *NEW*

Vampire claw fighting method *NEW*』

Over the four years, Ren was able to get a lot more points because he started to drink some of the blood from academy students in the orphanage. With these points, Ren got he was able to get the rank 1 of the darkness and ghoul path. Ren also bought a method to fight with the claws the vampire path gave him, this method mostly consisted of using slashes and slapping like motions. Ren was also able to perfect the owl chakra aura that Shira used to make all his attacks silent. Lastly, he bought the blood refining method so that he can increase the percentage of vampire blood in his body.

Ren decided not to buy any ninjutsu because he would probably get access to them once he was a genin. Now Ren's name was just called out by Mizuki and it was time to do the test to become a genin. Ren walked into the testing room and was told to perform the Transformation jutsu and Clone jutsu, which Ren was easily able to do. He made five clones and transformed them into five different people in his class.

"It seems that you can perform the Transformation jutsu and Clone jutsu very well, come to your class tomorrow and we will tell you who your teammates and leaders are.��� - Third Hokage

After this Iruka walks towards Ren and hands him a headband that has a metal plate with the leaf symbol on it.

'Now that I am a genin I will probably go on more missions and can get tons of points.' - Ren

Ren then put the headband on his head and walked back into the class. Ren saw that the exact same thing that happened in the manga happened.

'Wait I just remembered that Naruto gets the scroll of seals, so I could probably ask him to let me look at it and then I get All Existence to memorize all the ninjutsu on it!' - Ren

After this Ren started to spy on Naruto and saw that everything went like how it did in the canon, but he first went to the orphanage and said he felt tired and wanted to go to sleep, so he used transformation jutsu on pillows to make it look like he was sleeping. Then it began to become night and Ren saw Naruto enter the Hokage resident and then leave with a scroll after a few minutes. Ren did not want to be associated with stealing the scroll so he transformed into Mizuki and then followed Naruto into the forest.

"Naruto, I see you have the scroll, now all you need to do is learn one jutsu, but can you let me look at it to make sure you grabbed the right scroll" - Mizuki (Ren)

Naruto then handed the scroll to Mizuki (Ren) and he opened it up.

'All Existence copy all the jutsu into my memories and then make a copy in the crimson world.' - Ren

『Making copy in Host's mind and making a physical copy in the crimson world(-500 points, total now 5,370 points)』

"Naruto, this is the right scroll, now all you need to do is master one jutsu." - Mizuki (Ren)

Then Mizuki (Ren) jumped away and once he was far away from Naruto he untransformed and left the forest. As Ren was walking back to the orphanage he looked through all the jutsus that were on the scroll of seals, Impure World Reincarnation, Creation Rebirth, Eight Inner Gates, Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu, and Eight Trigrams Sealing.

'I do not have enough chakra for the Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu so that is kind of useless right now, also if I use the Impure World Reincarnation, Creation Rebirth, and the Eight Trigrams Sealing someone may figure out I looked at the scroll, so I guess only the eight inner gates could be used, I just need to train more in physical aspects so that I can withstand it.' - Ren

Now that Ren was back at the orphanage he hoped that the third Hokage did not see him when he untransformed.

Hopefully you guys like how I did the timeskip, the newer chapters will have more dialogue. Do you guys like the forbidden jutsu that I put on the scroll if not I will do different ones. Also which team do you guys want me to put him in or should he be put in something weird like anbu.

If you guys find any problems or anything you would like me to add in the future then comment it.

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