
Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system

In his previous life on Earth, He reached the top. He had it all and more, but he was not satisfied at all. Sadly, no matter how much influence and money he had, he couldn't fight the cycle of life. He never stopped trying to fight fate, if there was a chance to live longer he wouldn't mind sacrificing all life in the world, but alas, his time ran out. [Greatly inspired by "All Existence" please check it out] [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Blood condensing method

"Ren, I saw you helping Naruto with shuriken throwing, but you are not skilled enough at throwing shurikens to teach another person." - Mizuki

'Well, I don't really need to help Naruto that much more, because he already owes me a favor.' - Ren

"Okay, I will not help Naruto with throwing shurikens." - Ren

"Good, if Naruto needs help with anything I can help him." - Mizuki

After this Ren left the classroom, he did not really care about what Mizuki said because Naruto already owed him a favor and if Mizuki forced him to do something he could just tell Iruka or another ninja. Ren began to walk back to the orphanage and once he was back the headmistress of the orphanage called him to talk to him.

"Ren I have heard that you are talking to a blonde haired boy with whiskers at the academy, is this true." - Headmistress

"Yes, I have been talking to him" - Ren

"Well that boy always causes problems in the village, so you should not be friends with him or else you may get in trouble."- Headmistress

'Damn, these people really hate Naruto, I just talked to him for a little bit today and everyone tells me to stop.' - Ren

"Don't worry I will not be friends with that boy." - Ren

Ren hated having to play along with the Headmistress, but he had no money so if he would get kicked out of the orphanage he would have to live on the streets and would have to steal food with his eyes. Now that Ren was back in his room he decided that tonight he would go into All Existence and speed up time, but this time he would mainly try to comprehend the manual for the vampire path (Rank 1). So Ren followed his normal routine until it was time to go to bed and then he used the transformation jutsu on some pillows to look like him.

'All Existence I want to enter the crimson world and speed time up by 10x also set an alarm that will go off in eight hours in the real world.' - Ren

『Host enter crimson world, time is sped up by 10 times(100 points every two hours)』

'Damn this will cost me lots of points but once I am rank 1 in the vampire path I can get a lot more points' - Ren

Once Ren was in the crimson world he took a book from a stack of books, the book was the manual for the vampire path (Rank 1), Ren had physical copies of the manuals because All Existence gave him a copy in his memories and a physical copy but he kept them in the crimson world so no one finds them. After reading the manual for a few hours Ren wondered how long until he would reach rank 1 at this pace and decided to ask All Existence.

'All Existence at this speed how long will it take me to reach rank 1 of the vampire path.' - Ren

『Based on current speed and not doing any different training it will take host two and a half years to break through to rank 1 (-5 points, total now 2,530 points』

'Damn, two and a half years I really need to find a way to get to rank 1 faster. All Existence how can I get to rank 1 of the vampire path faster.' - Ren

『Showing methods for Host to get to rank 1 of the vampire path faster

-Blood condensing method: Allows host to condense blood, lets vitality go up to the peak of the rank the blood is at. (points: 300)

-Blood refining method: Allows host to refine vampire blood, this makes host be a more pure-blooded vampire. (points: 600)』

'Right now I do not need the blood refining method because when my vampire path rank increases I will become purer blooded, so the blood condensing method is definitely better for me right now. All Existence I want to buy the blood condensing method.' - Ren

『Buying blood condensing method (-300 points, total now 2,230 points)』

Now that Ren had the blood condensing method in his mind he began to condense his blood. Since Ren had to wait for his body to make more blood before he could condense blood again, he decided to do some taijutsu practice while the blood was not fully back. After using the blood condensing method for a little while Ren felt that his blood was slightly heavier and he wondered how much his vitality increased.

'All Existence show the increase in my vitality stat.' - Ren

『Showing Host's vitality stat

Vitality: 15 -----> 17』

'Wow! It increased that much in just a little while if I use this for the whole week I will probably be at the peak of rank 0 with vitality.' - Ren

Then Ren continued to use the blood condensing method and did some taijutsu training in the meantime for the rest of the time in the crimson world.

『Alarm going off eight hours have passed in the real world』

'Okay, All Existence I want to leave the crimson world, also end the speed up of time.' - Ren

『Leaving crimson world and ending speeding up time(-400 points, total now 1,830 points)』

Now Ren was back in the orphanage and even though he did not sleep for a long time since his vitality increased so much he still felt energized. Ren left his room and got some breakfast then he started to walk to the academy. After a short walk, Ren was in the 1-A class and was waiting for everyone to come to class. Then after a short while, Ren sees everyone but Naruto in class and hears.

"Damn that Naruto, he is painting on the Hokage rock again. Everyone, you can study whatever you want until I am back with Naruto." - Iruka

Then Ren sees Iruka leave the class and go towards the Hokage rock. Since they were allowed to study anything Ren decided to study hand seals and secretly use the blood condensing method.

'If only there were no ninjas protecting the civilians because if there was none I could kill one and would get tons of points.' - Ren

It took around twenty minutes until Iruka came back with Naruto and then class began again.

I am going to go back to the 1 chapter a day because I just can not write super long chapters. Sorry if anyone gets mad how I missed one chapter, I will release an extra one some time this week.

If you guys find any problems or anything you would like me to add in the future then comment it.

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