
Naruto: Reincarnated as Kurama

When our mc just died tragically with a truck kun's crash, his soul suddenly vanished from earth and reappeared in the naruto world. When it just appeared, it saw minato sealing kurama into naruto. After that.........you should read first chapter to know more details.

Im_jealous · Others
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32 Chs


After agreeing to fight with Sasuke, kisho listened to all the classes with much interest. But he finds of all the teachers, Iruka sensei is the only one who is impartial to all students.

He taught them with much explanation by explaining with his own experiences. His ability to teach earned a bit of admiration from kisho.

Later in the evening after the classes conducted, Kisho along with naruto, Sasuke and Shikamaru went to the hill of Hokage's, where have agreed to fight.

Shikamaru acted as the only judge of this fight, while naruto is the only spectator of this fight.

They didn't waste much time, after agreeing to some simple rules like targeting vital parts of the body is not allowed and started fighting.

Sasuke who has learned the way of kunai from his brother since childhood took a step back and threw 2 kunai's directly on the place where kisho stood.

Kisho, who has been standing there simply dodged them by jumping into the air. As he was still in the air, he performed seals of Shadow Imitation Technique with a much faster rate than that Sasuke can see what's happening.

Before, he even knows what those seals are for, a shadow like a snake came to him with alarming speed and caught him.

With a single move, Sasuke lost to kisho.

"From today onwards! I will work even harder and won't be a burden to you in the future." Sasuke simply indicated his friendship to kisho, even without mentioning a word of 'friend' in his speech.

Shikamaru is the only one who is not affected by kisho win. After learning the clan's technique, clan elders make him practice battles daily. He can already take on a genin without any difficult, much less these babies.

Naruto also looked at kisho with puppy eyes, that was full of admiration and asked,

"I will also spar with kisho kun! We will see how many moves I can take."

Seeing the look on naruto, kisho admired his courage. Even knowing he is going to lose, he wants to compete with him.

"Naruto, the day you can take on ten moves from Sasuke is the day, I will practice with you. Let's just practice ourselves, so that we can become the strongest. Naruto you need more practice than us."

He simply declared his will to become the strongest, Shikamaru didn't take it much seriously. But, Naruto and Sasuke's eyes started to burn with intense fire in them and both of them nodded with firm nods of their heads.

Two years have passed, since the first fight with Sasuke and kisho. Both of them sparred daily, but Sasuke can't take more than five moves of kisho, even when he is using only single shadow and some basic kunai throws.

Naruto can now able to fight with Sasuke for more than 20 rounds. He has been working constantly and improved much better than before. Naruto also sparred with Kisho, but he can't take more than three moves of his.

After turning ten years old, the first thing kisho did is to contact god dharin.

"Hey shitty god dharin, you told me after I turn ten you will tell me about my body secret right?"

Dharin who has been on intense battle with his wife, suddenly felt something whipped him and heard words of kisho from his karma link. The thing that whipped him is karma strike, he has not felt for more than 4 years.

The pain caused him to stop his intense actions, making his wife pout at him with dissatisfaction all over her face. She stood up and went outside of the bedroom with anger written eyes.

"What the hell human beast boy, I told you not to curse me... and also told you to nat call me unnecessarily. Now, my wife is angry with me because of you, are you happy."

He couldn't control himself, as the pain of karma strike and his wife dissatisfied make him angry and flared up on kisho.

"Shit god! dumb god! b*itch god... I just forgot about our pact and called you subconsciously. What are doing there? Are you doing adultery or what? Is there no time for you to do those things. Isn't morning time, duty time for you....you dare shout at me huh?"

Each curse from Kisho caused a karma strike on god dharin...He just sat on his bed with a shivering body. He wants to curse but feared of this boy flaring up again.

He cooled himself and asked the purpose of his call,

"How could you forgot! You told me that you can tell my body secret after I turn 10. Now I am already ten years old, tell me what's this advanced version of my body is all about."

Hearing this dharin stunned for a second and cursed himself for making this boy wait for 4 years.

"Nothing great boy!! Your body is made so that it can take on all the chakra of Kurama. But you need to practice it to that level by practicing physical exercises daily."

Hearing this, kisho face twitched and was about to curse this god.

"Wait! let me complete what I am saying. I already told you to train your body to release seals in your body right? That is for this reason. Your body has a total of 25 seals, you have already opened 2 seals, in your body. Each seal will have an ascending amount of chakra, so to release each seal will need your body to become stronger again and again."

After saying that he waited for some time contemplating something and continued,

"Your body also is much different from the human body, when you consider the number of gates present in your body. As the seals in your body, you also have 25 gates, instead of 8 gates. They are 9 outer gates, 7 normal gates, and 9 hidden gates. As you are a Kurama and born from chakra itself, you don't have a death gate in your body. Otherwise, you would have 26 gates."

Hearing this kisho jumped high into the air, He was so delighted to hear this news. Not only he has as many as 25 gates, but he also doesn't have a death gate.

This means if he were to practice hidden gates technique.... he will become overpowered.


He started laughing wildly, making dharin put a stern expression and cursed inwardly.

"Listen to me boy, for now, you can only release two gates at most. How many gates and seals you can release depend on the strength of your body. So, we can say it like, however many seals you have released is also the same for how many gates, you need to release. But..."

Dharin was about to say something but halted and withdrew whatever he was about to say.

Kisho who was hopping happily didn't listen to this. After that god dharin cut the link between them and started laughing wildly while sitting on his bed nakedly.