
Naruto : reincarnated as an uchiha girl (Drop)

Sometimes life is full of unexpected things. like I had been reincarnated into a little girl due to the coercion of that cursed system. "Itachi-kun, it seems there is a misunderstanding between us..." Uchiha kana said she wanted to say something but Itachi in front of her didn't seem to hear what she said. "let's have dinner at my house today, mom cooked a lot of side dishes today and don't know why dad told me to pick you up for dinner at our house, but I totally agree" "ehh..but.." before I could say a word Itachi was already pulling my arm towards his house. I just gave up following him, after all it's free food and Aunt Mikoto's cooking is very good. A brief introduction to this fanfic: [trying to maintain the original storyline][no love candidate yet][No yuri][...] …… disclaimer: this is just a Naruto fanfic. ………… English is not the main language I use, I am not responsible for any grammatical errors in this fanfic. All types of grammatical errors in fanfic that make readers dizzy, angry, etc., the author is not responsible. The author knows the reader has a high IQ who is able to understand it even if there are grammatical errors.

AuroraFlower30303 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chp 2: Itachi was curious

The Uchiha clan training ground was deserted and empty.

Since the outbreak of the Nine-Tails rebels, the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village leaders has become increasingly intense.

The Uchiha clan was blamed so that the land of origin of the Uchiha clan was moved to a corner of the village.

As the land of the Uchiha clan, it is also a training ground dedicated to the clan, and basically no outsiders come.

In the anime, Uchiha kana often saw Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi training in this place, and now I am actually standing here, and it is really amazing.

All ninjas will encapsulate their own technical combat system, which has been refined for generations, and the combat effectiveness is far better than 99% of civilian ninja's self-exploration.

As an Uchiha she has Uchiha style fighting techniques but not perfect considering his parents died before teaching her the perfect Uchiha style fighting techniques,

now she is just an orphan, apart from the support funds provided by the Uchiha clan, there is no one to give training guidance,

You can only do exercises independently trying to improve the technique to perfection or watch the fight between Uchihas to gain insight.

But she is Uchiha kana who has a super buff, don't worry too much sooner or later I will definitely perfect the Uchiha style fighting technique.

She continued to practice her taijutsu in an empty and deserted training ground, and with each repetition, Uchiha Kana could see the blanks in his fighting techniques.

She could feel the increase in her ability to improve.

This is the strength of a genius ninja plus a 1000% increase in cultivation speed, an insane increase.

Now, Uchiha kana believes that his cultivation speed is able to surpass the speed of a genius in cultivation.


Not far from the place where Uchiha Kana cultivated.

The other children were also training hard.

He was Uchiha Itachi, he was standing in the middle of some trees with 8 kunai between his fingers.

After he squatted down, he jumped, and when he was in the air, Itachi actually changed the position of his head under his feet by spinning in the air in an instant.

Looking around quickly, his hands immediately stretched out to the sides.

Eight cold kunai instantly flew in eight different directions.

When Itachi landed smoothly, he looked for eight targets scattered in the corners, and sure enough, there was a kunai inserted in the middle of each target.

All in one strike.

"Wuuh, for today it's enough up here"

Itachi packed his ninja gear, turned around and prepared to head home.

But he stopped when he heard a childish voice coming from the forest not far from here.

"Fire release: Great Fireball technique"

Itachi was a little surprised to hear this voice after all since returning from the third shinobi war field at the age of 4, Itachi had been training in this forest for almost two years.

Except for Shisui's brother, he rarely met anyone his age here.

At this time, hearing this childish voice, he was a little curious.

(Is there anyone else his age here?) Have you started Great Fireball at this age?

This kind of talent was enough to be called a genius.

(Should go quietly or go take a look?)

Itachi is not a child who likes to take the initiative to socialize, even though he seems humble and polite but because of his premature attitude, coupled with his father's expectations of himself.

To this day, Itachi has no good friends except Uchiha Shisui.

However, as a child, he still had curiosity.

So with that kind of personality, he always felt a bit strange to run over to say hello, but it didn't matter if he sneaked in to take a look, he was still very confident in his hidden abilities after all.

As soon as he made up his mind, Itachi stopped walking on his way home and sneaked silently towards the forest beside him.

Itachi searched for the source of the sound and soon found a thin figure.

Itachi carefully crouched down on the grass and quietly looked out.

"Turns out she's a girl?"

Itachi was a bit shy, the terrain he was on was already a bit low, plus he was crouching on the ground at this time.

Every time the wind blew, the corners of the girl's skirt would flutter slightly and every corner of the girl's skirt fluttered, Itachi felt he saw something extraordinary.

Even though he didn't actually see anything, the feeling that suddenly appeared made him feel extremely…embarrassed.

After all, this was too rude, knowing that the other party was a girl shouldn't peek like this.

"Katon: Gōkakyu no jutsu"

The girl's slender hands kept changing various hands.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

After the sealing, the girl's small hand was placed on her lips and a flame erupted.

Of course the fire wasn't big, and Itachi felt the fire was mostly used to boil water.

But this is already good, after all few people like me can succeed in ninjutsu for the first time.

Until now, Itachi still remembers his father's praise for him at that time.

(This is my son!)

The girl seemed very dissatisfied with her appearance and started repeating the action over and over again.

Repeated practice, ten minutes passed.

The flame that the girl spewed out looked bigger to the naked eye, and Itachi was a little surprised. This talent can indeed be said to be very good.

Itachi couldn't help but look to the side as his face became red and sweaty because he continuously released fire jutsu, he looked like he was trying his best, maybe he wanted to fulfill his father's wish.

Wishing a child to be a genius is an inevitable notion for many parents.

But how much weight does this thinking place on children? Nobody seems to really care.


This can be said to be very easy to bring people closer.

Heavy expectations are familiar to Itachi.

"As the eldest male of the Patriarch Uchiha family...." Those words would ring in his ears whenever and wherever.

At this time, Itachi felt that he saw his own reflection from the figure of a beautiful girl (?) in front of him.

He had wanted so badly to come out and say hello to the girl, but now that he was peeking at her it felt so inappropriate to do so.

As he was hesitating, the girl suddenly glanced her away.

"Who's there, get out!"

The girl's coquettish voice sounded, and Itachi silently said in his heart that it was over.

I really didn't expect that this girl not only had extraordinary cultivation talent, but even her perception was extremely sharp, and definitely didn't show any flaws.

Now girls in the shinobi village are generally precocious and they would definitely be mistaken for perverts nowadays.

But she couldn't turn around and run away, so I'm afraid it's getting more and more inexplicable.

There was no way Itachi could do that, he could only stand up and walk out of the grass.

"I'm sorry I just..." Before Itachi could finish his sentence, he saw the girl's face turn red.

Then before Itachi could explain anything the girl turned and disappeared into the dense forest within moments of taking off.

Itachi stood on the spot dumbfounded, sighing, this was a big misunderstanding, but it didn't matter, it wasn't too late to apologize the next time they met.

After all, they were from the same clan, and they would always meet again.


Don't complain, Grammar is not perfect like my love for you is not perfect Ahahah.

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