
Naruto : reincarnated as an uchiha girl (Drop)

Sometimes life is full of unexpected things. like I had been reincarnated into a little girl due to the coercion of that cursed system. "Itachi-kun, it seems there is a misunderstanding between us..." Uchiha kana said she wanted to say something but Itachi in front of her didn't seem to hear what she said. "let's have dinner at my house today, mom cooked a lot of side dishes today and don't know why dad told me to pick you up for dinner at our house, but I totally agree" "ehh..but.." before I could say a word Itachi was already pulling my arm towards his house. I just gave up following him, after all it's free food and Aunt Mikoto's cooking is very good. A brief introduction to this fanfic: [trying to maintain the original storyline][no love candidate yet][No yuri][...] …… disclaimer: this is just a Naruto fanfic. ………… English is not the main language I use, I am not responsible for any grammatical errors in this fanfic. All types of grammatical errors in fanfic that make readers dizzy, angry, etc., the author is not responsible. The author knows the reader has a high IQ who is able to understand it even if there are grammatical errors.

AuroraFlower30303 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chp 1 Uchiha kana

[Ding! Success traversing the world of Naruto]

[Travel the 52nd year of konoha time]

[Lock trip to uchiha clan location]

[Please choose your personal identity]

[Uchiha Fu]

[Uchiha Fu's character introduction : An ordinary uchiha boy

Details: mediocre ninja talent, mediocre everything.

Note : if you want to die, choose him to ensure that you will not survive the night of extinction~]

[Uchiha Kana]

[Uchiha kana's character introduction: a girl from the uchiha clan whose parents died during a mission.

Details: a prodigy girl who mastered the triple body art and tier C ninjutsu Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu) at the age of 6.

Note : choose her, show me a cute little charm (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ , then attach super buff to you, and passively increase cultivation speed by 1000%]

"Increased Cultivation Speed ​​by 1000%" said the soul floating in the void, snorting with disdain and disdain.

"System, are you insulting my IQ? I, a gentleman have never been tempted by the system's rewards and would rather die than live without the tools below."

"Do you think I will become a woman for the sake of cultivation speed? Don't be kidding, I will choose that uchiha boy." Said the soul loudly, and full of conviction.

[System : Then I'll give you the starter pack and forget it if you don't want it.]

Seeing the system message, the soul immediately replied.

"OK, OK, is that true? As a good young man in the 21st century I really realize the importance of equality between men and women. Of course I choose Uchiha kana. (Sorry brother, we had to separate and I hope I can have you again) if i have a way to make it happen (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠).)

Instantly a bright light shone, and the soul instantly appeared in a wooden hut and he was just forced to surrender to reality.

Oh no, this is not the time to complain.

He was forced to accept reality, and a feeling of shame welled up in his heart when he saw the little girl in the mirror before him.

He was a man in his previous life who could not do the forward leg straightening and touch the toes by straightening the hands to match the feet, and use the toes of the arms to touch them.

Now by using a woman's body the flexibility of uchiha kana's body is very good.

After a few moments of examining the new body and enduring the humiliation given by the system, uchiha kana stopped thinking about that and she felt much better in her heart now.

Only then did he take a close look in the mirror.

"Damn, I really didn't expect that 'she' actually looks so pretty"

The little girl in the mirror has long straight black hair, delicate white skin, and a beautiful face that is slightly childish, but still bright and incomprehensible. This is really a beauty that gives addiction to look at her face.

"Very good, very beautiful, eh...however, I can't let my guard down, I must increase my strength as soon as possible to survive the Uchiha clan's night of extinction.

Uchiha kana stood cheering for himself.

At this time, the system sound sounded again.

[Now the system will give you your first mission in naruto world]

[Live through the night of the Uchiha clan annihilation

Mission reward : upgrade card ×1, loyal subordinate character card ×10.]

[Side mission]

[Seduce uchiha itachi with your little girl beauty(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~, and let uchiha Itachi have feelings for you.

Mission reward: 10000 ryo, kunai ×10, shuriken ×50, a set of weights used for leg and arm exercises, 50kg each set.

Note: suitable for beginners, recommended by Konoha physical arts experts - might guy.]

Uchiha kana sighed, the Uchiha clan's annihilation night, of course he didn't forget, but he had the super buff of the 1000% cultivation speed system as a reward for humiliation and there is a system too, there should be no big problem.

The side mission given by the system, I almost vomited blood scolding the unreasonable system.

Is the system still insulting me? Seducing Itachi? What's a crazy system? Even though I am a woman, I am still a man.

The mission rewards are tempting but I don't want them, good luck the missions the system gives are not mandatory, they are 5 star user friendly indeed

[System : Ehh..thank you]

Her current level should be that of a genin, higher than that of students at Konoha's ninja school.

Even though uchiha kana doesn't have [sharingan] yet, she is still a genius capable of releasing C level jutsu techniques.

"System, what about the rookie package you mentioned earlier?"

[Please press this email, if you don't have money and can invite friends to borrow money together]

Kana : ?? This routine seems familiar?

[Sorry, I mean the system reward package is still being prepared, and the system will send it to you later]

Okay, okay, how does it feel to have this system so adept at playing.

With unified thoughts, Uchiha Kana picked up the ninja bag on the table and carefully walked out of the house. Fortunately, hers family's residence was quite far away and no one passed in front of the door.

This made Uchiha Kana, who had just put on a knee-high skirt a little relieved.

Sure enough, I'm not used to it yet, so let's run quickly.

Thinking of that, Uchiha kana disappeared at the end of the road.


don't complain, it's not perfect grammatically like my feelings of love for you are not perfect

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