
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Chunin Exams: The First Test 1!

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384


Chapter 88: Chunin Exams: The First Test 1!

Jutsu of the day:

<Acting Intimidating no Jutsu >

Courtesy of Morino Ibiki


1st July, Year 78

Location: Konoha Ninja Academy



Today was the start of the Chunin exams. A most troublesome day, I may add…

The first exam was going to be held in our Academy. It is supposed to start at 10 sharp.

So simply arriving half an hour early would've been fine…

"Care to explain why are we here at 8?" I asked Naruto annoyed.

"Mah, mah, just because our mentor is Kakashi-sensei, doesn't mean we are not punctual!" Naruto answered with a grin as we walked towards the academy.

I could hear Hinata and Ino laughing at Naruto's answer.

"Coming earlier than necessary isn't being punctual, Naruto…" Why was I even explaining to him? I had no idea.

"Don't bother with the Dobe, but I do believe arriving earlier will be to our advantage." Sasuke added from the side.

"The duck butt is right. We can sniff out the competition. Right Akamaru?" Kiba added enthusiastically.


That made sense. And yet it didn't...

Because, not many teams will arrive this early... And we can check our competition before the exam starts anyways... Sigh... What a drag.

"Exactly! Like Dog breath said, we can check the competition. I hope there will be some strong guys like those sand siblings." said Naruto happily.

"Hmph, like you can compete with them." Sakura sneered from the side. But everyone ignored her.

As we came to the academy gate, we noticed that a few teams had already arrived and was lounging around.

From what Mitsu told us, about 80 teams were competing in this Chunin exam.

And we should be careful to not start any hostilities, but should not back down if some other snob tries to act arrogantly.

And as we walked inside the academy, my eyes landed on a girl.

She had blood-red a pair of round glasses. She looked skinny, underweight and malnourished? I stopped to take a better look at her.

Everyone stopped beside me and looked at me in askance.

Ino seemed to notice what I was looking at as she gave me a teasing smirk and asked, "Is little Shika falling for a girl?"

The others made noises to tease me. But I simply sighed and said,

"Doesn't that redhead from Kusa remind you of something? Like I don't know, someone Mitsu told us to save?"

Everyone was taken aback and stared at the girl.

"Well, she does have red hair… But I mean, doesn't many others have it too?" Kiba asked.

"Actually, no. Not many people have red hair, and certainly not red hair like that. It could be the girl Mitsu was talking about. But we can't be sure. Let's keep an eye on any other redheads, yeah?" I added.

"Well… Mitsu-kun did say it would be a damsel in distress, meaning she will be in trouble right… And umm… She does look malnourished and underweight like Sakura… She also seems a bit scared… Are they treating her badly?" Ino interjected.

"Hey!" we heard an indignant yell from our side.

But we chose to ignore it.

"Let's just keep an eye on her, yeah? We will decide what to do later." Kiba said, and we all agreed.

We made our way to the second floor and saw that 3 teams were arguing with some other Genin.

"Why won't you let us through? We have worked so hard to get here!" One of the Genin said.

"We are simply saving you the trouble of tasting failure. Chunin exams ain't for everyone…" The gatekeepers were trying to dissuade the Genins.

Our group noticed the scene play out when Sasuke said softly, "Genjutsu."

I nodded and made some hand signs telling everyone to discreetly move to the stairs to the third floor.

Everyone agreed. I was glad that Sakura and Kiba didn't make a fuss about showing our superiority or trying to impress Sasuke… I am pretty sure I didn't make a mistake in that sentence.

We stealthily came to the next floor, where our Jonin sensei's flickered in.


Sasuke only grunted in response, though a smirk hung on his lips and Hinata started giggling.

"It's very real Naruto-san. Our sensei is really on time." She said in between her giggles.

"Mou… My precious little students sure know how to hurt my bruising heart… But I am proud of all of you. And I am sure you will do great. All of you." He said the last part, looking at all of us.

He and our sensei's trained us with Mitsu. So they were our part-time teachers as well. And we honestly did learn a lot. And our respect for them grew by miles.

"As Kakashi said, you will all do great, I am sure of that. Believe in yourself and believe in your teammate! That's the most important thing. And don't cower in front of challenges." Asuma-sensei said.

"Yes, you have all worked very hard. Though the Chunin exams this year might be a bit more challenging, you are all way beyond normal Genins. So good luck." Kurenai-sensei added.

After that, we all said our farewells to our sensei's as we entered the room where our first exam was going to be held.

Hopefully… It won't be too much of a drag.

Unknowingly, a slight smile appeared on my lips.




After the Genins walked into the room, the 3 sensei's looked behind them, and Kakashi asked,

"Well, are you sure it was okay to not meet them?"

"Yeah, I have already given them my pep talk yesterday. And have already promised Hina a nice picnic after the exams. So seeing me now would have been counterproductive." Mitsu said from his position leaning on the wall.

Kakashi nodded at that.

But Kurenai asked, "You sure are confident about them. You do know that the other villages might have some hidden gems."

Mitsu simply grinned.

"Of course they do. But no one can match our rookie 8 and Sakura! Don't worry about them. They are all resourceful. And this exam isn't particularly hard, to be honest."

"It's as if you already know what the exams are… I am pretty sure the exams are not even decided yet. Hokage-sama, only issued who the invigilators will be.

And knowing that the first examiner will be Morino Ibiki. He will only make the exam half an hour before the start. Meaning there is still almost an hour before the exam is even prepared…

So how can you possibly be so sure about the exams?" Kakashi asked skeptically.

"Well, my dear masked radish, you simply confirmed what the exam is going to be with this tidbit of info." Mitsu chuckled as he turned around without elaborating on the matter.

"Shall we go take our seats in the viewing room?"

The three Jonin's could only shrug and follow him.

'Damn… I didn't think the Chunin exams will still have the same invigilators… Welp… Even though I didn't give them complete information. The little advice I gave them should help them tremendously.

I did take the difference in invigilators into account, so it's all cool now!' Mitsu thought as he chuckled in his head.




We had arrived very early, because Gaara couldn't rest at all.

I could tell that he was scared. He was also confused and angry. But whatever Kaneko Mitsu did to him is keeping him grounded.

He hasn't really lashed at or tried to kill anyone in the past week.

He has only been quiet. Which actually scared me more.

Because a quiet Gaara was an unpredictable Gaara.

I felt ashamed of myself for fearing my own brother… I just hope what Kaneko Mitsu said is true, and who even that 'pervy sage' was can help my brother. And apparently father hasn't disagreed to the matter...

He some how, managed to convince father as well...

I looked to my side and saw Gaara quietly sitting with his eyes closed.

Beside him, Kankuro was lazying about with his legs on the desk.

Other than us, there were only 4 other teams in the room. 1 from Kiri. 2 from Konoha, they looked older than us. And finally one from Kumo.

The Kiri team was keeping to themselves, but the Kumo team was giving everyone weary stink eyes. Well, especially the redheaded with tanned skin girl.

There were 2 other boys. One looked bored out of his mind, and the other was giving everyone else the stink eyes. As if telling everyone to stay away.

'Not like we want to talk to you…' I sneered in my head.

It was then the door to the room opened and in came 3 teams. All adorning the Konoha headband.

And my eyes narrowed. As I saw that pupil-less bitch…

She seemed to notice my gaze and looked at me impassively, before it turned into a smile as she waved in my direction.

Which baffled me.

But I curbed my urge to lash at her and only turned my head away.

I did notice that the 3 Konoha teams seemed to be quite close to each other as they started chatting without any care in the world.

But I did notice them throwing glances at the red-headed with tanned skin from Kumo, who actually noticed the glances as she glared at them with a scowl.

Not even a minute passed, when the team from Kiri approached the Konoha teams, well to be more specific the pupil-less bitch.

'This oughta be good.' I smirked. Hoping to see them clash. But what happened next baffled me yet again.

I watched the Kiri team approach the Konoha Genin. The Konoha Genins seemed to be alert and on guard at first, but when the leading Kiri Genin opened his mouth, it surprised us all.

He was a blue-haired boy, meek-looking with glasses on. He was older than most of us. Around 15 I would assume.

'A ringer?' That was my first thought. But it wasn't impossible for him to be a Genin either.

As it was no secret that Kiri went through a revolution not too long ago. And was going through a civil war.

So he was probably not promoted, and now, here to show off and get his promotion in one go.

But when he approached the pupil-less bitch, he bowed and asked politely.

"Are you perhaps Mitsu-sama's intended?"

Hearing that, the bitch's face turned a shade of red, and she softly replied, "We aren't engaged, yet… But yes, I am his girlfriend. My name is Hyuga Hinata, by the way." She said happily.

Hearing her talking that sweetly made me scowl… Because I remember how dangerous she really was…

"Ah! Is that so? My name is Chojuro. Nice to meet Mitsu-sama's intended and his friends.

Please, if you require any assistance of us, let us know. Any Kiri Nin will lend you their help. We owe too much to Mitsu-sama after all."

"Of course, we are all in the same alliance. We can all probably get to know each other and become friends after the exams."

To that, everyone agreed and chatted for a bit before taking their own seats.

The Kumo Ninjas seemed to be as surprised as I was. But they were more wary of the Kiri and Konoha teams now. They didn't approach anyone, and neither did we.

I thought we would simply wait till the exam would start, but that didn't happen.

As a black haired lazy looking boy from the Konoha team came to our table and greeted us,

"Hey, Mitsu said that the Pervy Sage is in Konoha now and can meet you after the second exam." Saying so, he left without any other words.

I wanted to lash at him, but I contained myself. I looked at Gaara, who looked thoughtful. While Kankuro was worried about the whole situation.

Soon, more and more teams started pouring in.

There were well over 150 people present.

I heard there would be over 200 Genins competing this time. But it seems like the Genjutsu on the second floor has stopped more than a few teams on their tracks.

Well, better for us I guess.

And the moment the clock struck 10.


A group of Ninjas appeared at the front of the hall with a puff of smoke.

Leading them was a menacing-looking Jonin.

As he said, "Quiet down you worthless bastards."

As everyone turned quiet and looked at them, he continued, "Thank you for waiting… I am Morino Ibiki, the examiner for the Chunin selection examination's first test. Nice to meet you."

He gave a savage grin. Sending shivers down most of the Genin's backs.


[To be continued.]


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Hoho, hope you guys wont mind seeing the other characters growth in this arc. As there will be very little Mitsu involvement here.

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts