
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Chunin Exams: The First Test 2!

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384


Chapter 89: Chunin Exams: The First Test 2!

Jutsu of the day:

<Prediction no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours Truly


[Previously on NaRUS?]


As he said, "Quiet down you worthless bastards."

As everyone turned quiet and looked at them, he continued, "Thank you for waiting… I am Morino Ibiki, the examiner for the Chunin selection examination's first test. Nice to meet you."

He gave a savage grin. Sending shivers down most of the Genin's backs.



[Continued from Chapter 88]

Monitor Room.



The Jonin Instructors, team leaders and Mitsu's party was watching the scene happening from the monitoring room.

Most of the Jonin's were impressed by Ibiki's intimidation tactics.

While Mitsu…

"Hahaha! Scowl face sure knows how to make an impact, don't you guys think so?", He grinned at the sight of all the Genin's gulping.

"Mitsu-sama… Not everyone is as capable as you… They are just Genins...", Replied a Jonin from Kiri.

"Is it alright for someone like him to be the examiner?", A worried Kurenai asked.

"Mah, mah, don't worry too much Kurenai. The kids will be fine.", Kakashi replied without taking his eye off of his book.

"Kurenai, you became a Jonin recently, so you might not know, Ibiki is a pro at mind games...

But even though Ibiki is intimidating, he is doing it for their own good… He is one of the people who was once captured and tortured. As a survivor, he understands the importance of not getting caught while gathering information.

This exam should also be such a lesson. And hopefully will save some of those brats' lives in the field.", Asuma answered while smoking his cigarette.

"I agree. This will help the Genins understand the art of information gathering." Baki from Sand interjected.

"What a YOUTHFUL exam!", said Guy as he looked at all the Jonin's from different villages around him.

As most of the villages were now in alliance, well except Iwa and Kumo.

They all gathered in a group near Mitsu. Because every village head has greatly expressed the importance of being in the good graces of the Golden Prince.

The Kumo and Iwa Jonin's were wary, though. Especially the Iwa Jonin's, as they didn't have many elites left to send to Konoha, so the 2 teams they sent were led by newly promoted Jonin's.

One might even consider them as disposable.

While Kumo also sent 2 teams, the leaders were both well known. They were being led by Samui and C.

Neither Iwa nor Kumo Jonin's approached the group and simply kept to themselves, but they did listen in on the conversation.

"Soooo~ anyone wanna guess how the Genins would cheat in the exam?", Mitsu asked nonchalantly, as if he was here for a picnic.

But seeing him getting comfortable on his sofa, while drinking tea… One might actually assume just that.

"Mitsu-sama… Your habit is showing…", Fuzzy said from the side in a low voice.

"Fuzzy-senpai, let Master be, I want to hear Master's thought on the Genin's.", Haku helpfully interjected from the side.

The other Jonin's also looked interested.

It was Kakashi who agreed first, "Sure, why don't you tell us what you think, Mitsu-sama? Tell us who do you think will pass most likely." He gave an eye smile.

Mitsu chuckled at that and started, "Very well… I will start with my friends.

Starting with your team, Masked Radish.

Hina and Tsundere Uchiha will have zero issues, obviously because of their eyes. While sunshine furball on the other hand…

Well, even though he is smarter and more mature than his academy days… He is still an idiot when it comes to academics…

But knowing his new tendencies of stealthy pranks… I am pretty sure he already has set up some misdirecting mirrors for him to cheat with. If not, he might actually just doodle something in the paper.

Because I am pretty sure, he will figure out what the exam is about half way through.

That being not getting caught by the examiners, as Scowlface explained.

Then there is your team Weird Beard. Lazy Boi shouldn't have any issues with the questions. But if he does, Flower Girl will simply wait for some of the plants to finish writing, take over their body, and then help her team. If not, then Lazy Boi will take possession of them both and write the exam in one go.

As for your team Shaggy Lady, Sakura should be able to answer everything… I mean… If nothing else, she is book smart. I mean, her forehead is enough to tell you that.

Then Shino will simply use his bugs to gather info like usual, and Kiba will use Akamaru…

Now for any other Konoha team… Hmm prolly Bushy Brows' team has good chances. The angry Hyuga has Byakugan, the twin buns have her tools and will prolly help the mini Bushy Brow with it.

Now moving on to the Sand siblings… The puppet boy has his puppet set as an examiner, so he will use that. Big Fangirl will probably have no issues by herself, she looks smart. As for the possum boy, he probably has some voodoo ability with his sand that can probably create something to observe others with.

Now coming to the Water bois… The blue-haired one already had a Water Clone present in the room from the start. Very impressive.

And what's this? The pony-tailed boi has created something like a Mirror with his water. As for the last one… He looks like he is going to crap his pants… Hopefully, he won't give in to pressure.

For the Iwa team… Hmm… They are all Chunins… Ringers.", This got the attention of everyone in the room. And the Iwa Jonin's tensed, but no one made any moves, as Mitsu kept talking as if them being Ringers was natural.

"Chillax, it won't matter whether they are Ringers or singers. They should have no issues completing this test. But judging from their age... They should have a bit of experience, they will be good target practice for Hina.

As for Kumo… One team will fail. The other… Hmm… The lazy one, will probably sleep the whole exam off, and pass because of that. The redhead has some understanding and will probably write what she knows…

As for the last one... Interesting. He seems to be able to read movements... Doing that without any Doujutsu... Very impressive.

The two teams from Yuki should have no issues with cheating, as they can make their own mirrors.

Other than them, the Kusa team, 1 team from Yu, 1 team from Ame, and 1 team from Taki will probably pass, just because they will be too stubborn to quit."

Everyone was silent.

Before Samui, who was listening in, decided to speak, "How can you be so sure about all this? How do you know so much about everyone?", She narrowed her eyes. Voiced laced with doubt.

"Well, Miss my-back-hurts-a lot, it's simple really."

To that, everyone raised a brow looking at him for an answer.

But Mitsu simply grinned and said, "I am just that awesome."

Making Fuzzy sigh, and Haku giggle, covering her mouth with her hand. While the others either gave him deadpanned looks or simply looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, if you don't believe me… Why don't we just watch what happens?", Mitsu said as he looked back at the monitor, as the exam had already started.




I was enjoying the exam.

Watching the brats panic like that was always fun. But I was also impressed with some of them.

Especially the Konoha Rookies… I heard they were directly trained by the Golden Prince… I have no idea how strong the Golden Prince was… But I did hear some rumors…

No matter how unbelievable they sounded, I had to accept them. They came from reliable sources after all.

And looks like the rumors weren't just that. Because it was apparent that getting his guidance has truly benefited the rookies. All of them have the aura of trained Ninjas.

I kept my eyes on a few others and liked what I saw.

But there was still way too many participants left, even after 30 minutes. This batch was truly exceptional, with more than a few outstanding Ninjas.

'We can't have that…'

So I decided to increase the pressure for the 10th question…

At the start, I was only going to intimidate them before the 10th question and once most of the weaker ones left, I would have passed them…

But now… I will take this a step further.

I had a satisfying plan forming on my mind.

I checked the time, as 45 minutes had passed and it was time for the 10th question.

And right on time, the Puppet Genin returned.

"Heh, nice timing. Was playing with your doll beneficial? Hope it was... Now go and sit down." The boy looked a bit surprised but he quickly schooled it in before sitting down.

I then started,

"Now I will explain… the rule of desperation."

All the Genins took a gulp at my declaration. That earned them an unnerving smile from me.

I then made myself expressionless, as I continued,

"First, for the 10th question… you must decide whether you will take it or not."

The sandy-haired girl from Suna questioned, "Choose?! What happens if we choose not to?!"

I replied without concern, "If you choose not to, your points will be reduced to zero… You fail! Along with your two teammates."

There were many voices of discontents. As it basically meant that they MUST take the question.

I ignored their shouting as I continued, "Now for the other rule…"

"If you choose to take it… and answer it incorrectly… That person will lose the right to take the Chunin Selection Exam again."

That caused an outrage.

The Inuzuka Heir couldn't keep it in as he shouted, "What kind of stupid rule is that? There are guys here who have taken the exam before!!"

To that, I started laughing.

I simply stated, "You guys were unlucky… This year it's my rules."

Which made them all silent, as at the start I told them, my exam, my rules…

Seeing the Genin's already shaken, I continued, "But I am giving you a way out… Those that aren't confident can choose not to take it… And try again next year."

I could already see many Genin's thinking about the opportunity.

So, I hit the nail, "But if you guys are truly adamant on passing even after knowing all this, I will give you another opportunity… Whoever can convince their two teammates to give up in the next 5 minutes, will automatically pass. But if you get off your seat to go convince your teammates, and aren't able to within that time frame… You all fail."

Now, Chaos descended. And it was wonderful.




I couldn't help it… After hearing the last rule… I burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA! You were right, masked Radish. This guy is a bigger sadist than I thought! He actually pulled that crap out of his head.

I was wrong. Hahaha! I highly doubt more than 12 teams will pass this stage. It's completely ridiculous."

It indeed was. I could already see that many of the Genins had broken down mentally.

Some quit with their team. Some even managed to make their teammates quit and stood on one side. While only a handful of them were still on their seat without moving at all…

But I wasn't worried about my friends.

The other Jonin Instructors were watching the exam with furrowed brows, as many of their Genin's quit or betrayed their teammates. Which would affect their assessment in the future.

After the 5 minutes were up,

4 Konoha teams, 2 Suna teams, 1 Kumo team, 2 Iwa teams, 1 Kiri team, 1 Kusa team, and the Ame team remained seated.

While 5 people managed to convince their teams to quit. And passed the first exam.

They were feeling smug about all this… But soon they will understand just how they fu*cked up.

We all watched as Ibiki gave all the remaining Genin's a look over. And seeing that no one else will leave, he decided to call it.

"Anyone else wants to leave?"

Seeing no one responding, he smiled evilly,

"Good decision… All of you who have stayed… I congratulate you on passing your first test!"

Again, I started to laugh, looking at the pure confused faces of all the Genin's. Even Hina looked a bit confused but relieved. Even though I had already told all of them that the first test will be something like this.

But hearing something and facing something are two different things.

Then, we watched as some drama happened, with the Genin's asking questions about what just occurred and where the 10th question was, which Ibiki handled pretty well in my opinion. He then explained the purpose of the exam to everyone. Showing them his scars.

Then we watched as the 5 who passed by convincing their teammates to quit looked guilty and sad. But little did they know about the Shit storm they were going to face later.

"Welp, those 5 are gonna have the best days of their lives from now.", I grinned. Sarcasm dripping my tone.

The other Jonin's nodded. And 2 Jonin Instructors looked ashamed of their Genin's.

It was then the window to the room broke, and in came the Snake lady.

She stuck two Kunai's to the ceiling to hang her banner as she did a pose.

"You guys, this is no time to be celebrating. I am the examiner of the second test, Mitarashi Anko. Now let's go!"

But she only got silence in response, till Ibiki broke it.

"Bad timing… I was still explaining the second part…"

Anko had the decency to look embarrassed, but she covered it by looking around the room.

"Hmmm? 41 remaining? Huh? 14 teams? Did a team have 1 person missing?", Anko asked.

"No. 12 teams passed… *Pointing at the 5 standing in one side* Those guys sold of their teammates to get a free pass," Ibiki said with a malicious grin.

Which reflected on Anko's face.

"Sold their teammates, did they? Excellent! They will have so much fun in the next part of the exam.", Anko licked her lips as she eyed the 5 Genin's, who looked outright terrified.

"Well, good job Ibiki. Very well done. Anyway, *looking at the Genin's* You all will follow me to the next exam venue, if you don't want to fail straight away… Well, it won't matter really… Only half the teams will survive anyways."

Saying so, she left, with all the Genin's following her.

While in the monitoring room, I looked at all the Jonin's as I got up.

"Well, I will be seeing some of you on the other side. But for now, enjoy your stay in Konoha. Peace out!"

Saying so, I walked out of the room, with Haku and Fuzzy, leaving all the Jonin's behind as they had thoughtful looks on their faces.

"Your guesses were spot on Master." Haku said sweetly.

"Indeed, they were, Mitsu-sama. Even the number of teams you predicted to pass was almost correct." Fuzzy added.

I smiled at them and said, "Well, whatever happens, the end result will surely be wonderful."

They nodded in agreement as they followed me out. I already had <Wood Clones> all around the forest of death, so I won't need to arrive at the tower before the 5th day.

'Heh… Even though a few things are different, with no snakey bastard, and a lot of other factors. It's still turning out to be an interesting Chunin exam…'



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Gah... I took the booster dose of the vaccine today. And I am praying hard that this will not be a repeat of last year... Though last time the reaction happened with Astrogenica, this time I am taking Phizer so hopefully things will be fine. But if I don't post for a day or two, it's probably coz I am recovering.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Pray that I don't become a zombie again@!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts