
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

A Nightmare for Kumo 2

Edited By: Jetstorm


Chapter 38: A Nightmare for Kumo 2

Jutsu of the day:

<Vengeance no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours truly


[Previously on NaRUS?]


After the meeting with Hokage, Mitsu wasn't all that happy. But being the modern man he is, he decided not to directly slap the 'current' leaders of the Fire Country. Instead, he decided to take his wrath on the unfortunate Lightning Daimyo and the Muscle Brained Raikage.

He did as he wanted and kidnapped the Daimyo, took his language ability away and left him bondaged on the Raikage's bed.

How will things transpire?

The story continues~


Time: Morning

Lightning Daimyo's Housing



Mabui was coming to the Raikage's mansion to pick up some change of clothes and other daily necessities. Being a perfectionist, she wanted everything to be perfect even in troubled times.

There was only one thing she didn't understand... 'How was the Daimyo kidnapped, without anyone noticing?'

Even a toddler in the Ninja world knew that the Daimyos were heavily guarded. And assassinating the Daimyo of a country would get the one responsible and their whole clan eradicated.

'How did this actually happen… The entire capital is in uproar… I heard the officials are visiting the Raikage today, and they don't seem happy.' Mabui thought worriedly.

Still engrossed in her thoughts, she unknowingly arrived at the Raikage's mansion. Seeing that she reached her location, she put all her worries to the back of her head.

Entering the mansion, she was greeted by the head maid.

"Gee, can you bring me a set of clean clothes for A-sama? Also, pack some lunch and snacks for him." Mabui requested the maid.

"Right away, Mabui-sama.", Gee bowed slightly and went to get the things quickly. She knew very well that the country was facing some issues at the moment, and she shouldn't keep the Kage's personal assistant waiting long.

Mabui was waiting in the living room when she heard a loud high-pitched scream.


Mabui and a few hidden guards quickly rushed towards the direction of the scream where they saw a maid sitting on her bottom, looking horrified.

Before anyone could ask her anything, she screamed, "He is right there, there is a pervert inside A-sama's room! Please help!"

Hearing the maid, the guards were about to apprehend the said 'pervert' when they came to a stop hearing Mabui shout out.

"STOP! That's no pervert…

That's the Daimyo-sama!"


Everyone in the room and outside, were shocked when they heard what Mabui said. They started inspecting the 'Indecent' figure carefully. And they all recognized that it really was the Daimyo.

This raised a series of questions. But the most common thing in their head was.

'No wonder there are no heirs…'

Mabui, seeing the judging face of the guards and their confused gazes, felt a headache coming. She ordered, "Get the Daimyo out of those binds. Get him a proper set of clothes and some food.

One of you, return and inform the Kage. Things seem too peculiar.


No matter what happens. What you just saw can not be leaked!"

One of the guards nodded and took her leave.

Mabui had a weird expression on her face, as she started looking for clues.

But no matter how much she searched, there was nothing. No clues except that the Raikage was the only other person who entered the room…

'This could get complicated. We need to control the situation. I think only the Daimyo can tell what happened to him…'


Time: After finding the Daimyo

Place: Outside the Raikage's Mansion



The guard from the mansion was making haste towards the Kage's office. She had to deliver very sensitive news. Something so sensitive that it could cause a huge scandal.

She didn't want to waste a moment and started using her full speed.

But when she was about to cross a path of trees, her feet got stuck to one of the branches.

"What is this? I can't jump… I don't sense anyone around either… Am I too tired? Did seeing that straw drain my energy?..." The guard felt weird. Her guts were telling her that something was nearby, but she couldn't sense anyone no matter how hard she tried.

[E/N: ...straw?]

When suddenly she heard,

"Aww! Poop! And I was imagining you would say, 'Onii-chan I am stuck' or something… Damn my imaginations have been going haywire lately… Am I achieving puberty? Umu,umu could be. This prince has been waiting for that for a loooooong time after all." Said an apparition coming out of the tree.

This scared the guard a lot. And before she could say anything. She lost consciousness and dropped to a deep slumber.

The apparition came out of the tree and took the form of the guard as it started going towards the Kage's office with a smile.


Location: Kage's Office



Inside the office there were three grumpy noble looking men having a heated conversation with Unruly A, the Raikage.

"Lord Fourth, how have you still not found where the Daimyo is? How come there has been no information about this? Are you doing your job? I heard your office was also attacked yesterday. Don't tell me your Ninjas are that incompetent!" Said one of the grumpy men with a heated voice.

"Urata-sama, we are looking into it. And you have no right to talk to me, the Raikage like that. I know you are worried, so I will forgive you. But the next time…" A said narrowing his eyes.

"FORGIVE ME? Why you…" The official was about to rage when a Ninja jumped in directly.

A was already on the verge of losing his patience, and when he saw that his subordinate came in without permission, he wanted to lash out, but then he heard,

"A-sama, w-we, we have found the Daimyo! It has become a peculiar situation. Please hurry, we need you there!" Said the guard frantically.

"WHAT? WHERE? WHERE IS THE DAIMYO?" Asked one of the officials. He went and grabbed the guard by her collar and started shaking her in agitation.

The guard seemed hesitant. It appeared that she didn't want to disclose the situation.

A noticed and wanted to dive in and ask her in private, but outside his expectation, the guard started speaking.

"The Da-da-Daimyo-sama wa-was fa-fa-found tied up inside the RAIKAGE-SAMA's BEDROOM!" She said those words with a stutter, but when it came to the last part she shouted.

It caused the room to turn silent.

As if understanding what she said, she put her hands on her mouth in shock.

"Wha-what di-did you say?" Asked one of the officials.

The guard didn't answer as she glanced at the Raikage who started boiling in anger.

She gulped and said,

"Th-the Daimyo was fa-found naked and tied up on the Raikage's bed…"

"""!!!""" Everyone in the room was shocked.

"BULLSHIT!" A shouted and wanted to order his ANBU to apprehend the woman, but she suddenly started running away but her voice could be heard in the air,

"I knew that you would try to keep me silent. You really have some weird fetishes, Raikage-sama. I have always respected you, but to think you would do a bondage play with the Daimyo… I am ashamed. I know that the Daimyo couldn't produce heirs… but, but, but this was too much…"

She kept shouting as she was jumping from building to building.

All the pedestrians started gossiping as they heard what the Ninja just said. The ANBU was chasing her with all their might, but somehow lost her track. But the voice could still be heard.

It was coming from all directions, as if it was a recording being played through an announcing mechanism.


Inside the office the Raikage was almost red with rage and wanted to return to his mansion as soon as possible.

But the officials started bugging him. They started pointing fingers, accusing, threatening and started throwing many different logic that made no sense at all.

Their logic for the accusation was beyond common sense and the Raikage had half a mind to just kill them right there.

But he knew that if he actually did that, then there would be no turning back. Things would only get worse. All he could do now was go see the Daimyo himself and ask him directly.




That night~


A was sitting on top of the great Kaminari Mountain. His Father, the third Raikage, one of his greatest supports lay here on the mountain.

The night was serene and the sky was almost clear. The moonlight wasn't strong but the area was still illuminated.

The eerie silence was broken by the voice of A,


I have failed you.

I have failed Kumo.

The Daimyo was found to be unable to converse and his mind seemed delusional. He could only point. And till the very end… He kept pointing at me.

The officials took him away and declared the Daimyo's office will not be funding, or giving any missions to the village for now. Until this situation is solved that is…

But deep down..

I know that this might be the end of the connection between the Lightning country feudal system and the Hidden village.

It might even cause a civil war if I don't handle things properly…

But I will at least promise you this…

I will-"

"I will eat bananas and be an oversized monkey?

I will still be fat and the only thing with my butt?

Or would it be, umm, I will keep the village safe?

I don't know man! What do you think number 2?" A childlike voice interrupted A.

This made him stand alerted. He had a serious face. As before hearing the voice… He couldn't even perceive the other party. If they wanted to assassinate him. They would have a good chance, well, if they could break through the lightning chakra mode that is…

"HEY! STOP CALLING ME NUMBER 2. You are number 2, your whole family is number 2…." Said the other person standing there.

"Ummm… you and I are the same no? So isn't my family?.... You know what. Let's not go there. So number 2… Which option do you think suits this gorilla?" Said the first person.

"He prolly will be thinking with that poopy brain of his, right? I mean, he is really dumb and all." Said number 2.

"Spoke like a true number 2. Even your analogy is poop like. Well done. Commended!" Said the first person.

"..." Number 2 and the Raikage.

A couldn't take this stupidity any longer, so he asked the two figures directly.

"It was done by you bastards… wasn't it? I just need to capture you and I will still have some hope of fixing this.."

The two figures looked at each other, then looked back at the Raikage. Their glance was judgemental...

The first one whispered, "You are right number 2, he does seem poopy brained. I think we haven't exercised much in a while… I don't wanna gain man-boobs like this gorilla sooo, let me dance with him a bit."

The other figure simply smiled and nodded.

Raikage sneered and was about to attack. But right then.

The air changed.

His instincts were telling him to run.

He felt like he was staring at Hachibi in it's bare form.

He was in disbelief, when he heard,

"I think I have been too lenient lately. Hope you trained well, little gorilla. Coz my punches will hurt…"

And the apparition disappeared.



Hey there, beautiful people!!! Yours Truly has successfully defended his Thesis!! And will most surely Graduate MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAA! I will try to upload some extra chapters whenever I can. So stay tuned.

If you want to join the discord! The link: ht tps://discord .gg/RcZZjnKnwx ]

Alright bois your boy, will do an illus tomorrow!!!!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts