

walking in the body of a stone village boy, not remembering the past except the plot. our MC tries to survive in the world and tries to change the surrounding situation to see if he was able to survive the world.

Kevin_Kevin_7608 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


As Onoki entered his office, his gaze fell upon the neatly organized stacks of historical records that their village and clans had collected over the years. As he perused through the files, he was finally able to find the file he was looking for in a particular folder that stood out among the rest. The label read, "THE LEGEND OF BLUE FLAMES." Onoki's opened the file and started to read as...

"In the annals of ninja history, there are tales of powerful clans that have risen and fallen, leaving behind only legends and the occasional remnant. Among these tales is the legend of the Blue Flame, a power so great that it could level mountains and incinerate entire armies.

According to the legend, only a single person from each generation is able to wield the Blue Flame. This person becomes the leader of their clan, and with their power, the clan grows to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful in the land.

However, with great power comes great responsibility, and some wielders of the Blue Flame succumbed to their own hubris. One such wielder was the second to ever wield the Blue Flame. He used his power to plunder the neighboring clans, and in doing so, he brought about the destruction of his own.

The other clans were afraid of the power of the Blue Flame wielder, and they banded together to destroy his clan and all its dependents. However, it is said that some of the survivors of the Blue Flame wielder's clan, who possessed the rare bloodline of lava style, were able to escape.

Years passed, and the memory of the Blue Flame faded into obscurity. But the legend persisted, and some still believed that there may one day be another who would wield the Blue Flame and bring about the rise of a new clan. Until that day, the legend of the Blue Flame remained a cautionary tale, a reminder that even the most powerful of abilities must be wielded with care and wisdom."

As Onoki continued to read, he discovered that these descendants of the blue flame wielder eventually joined the newly formed Stone Village, hoping to find peace and stability under its protection. Onoki couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for the tragic fate that had befallen the once powerful and feared blue flame clan. The file was a testament to the fact that even the most extraordinary powers could come with a terrible cost.

Onoki's mind was in turmoil as he pondered over the potential of Ren's abilities. After hours of contemplation and debate with himself, he finally came to a decision to let Ren choose his own path. He knew that the power of the blue flames was both a blessing and a curse, and it was not an easy decision to make.

The next day, Onoki went back to his office and searched through the historical records once again. He finally found what he was looking for - two files on the previous blue flame wielders. He carefully read through each file, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each wielder, and trying to understand the consequences of wielding such a powerful ability.

After gaining a deeper understanding of the history of the blue flames, Onoki knew that he had to speak with Ren about his abilities. He made his way to Ren's training spot, taking the two files with him. As he approached Ren, he could see the determination and focus in the young ninja's eyes.

Onoki knew that he had to tread carefully, as the decision he was about to make could change Ren's life forever. He handed over the files to Ren and told him to read them carefully, explaining the potential risks and rewards of wielding the blue flames. Onoki gave Ren the choice to make his own decision about how to use his abilities, knowing that it was ultimately up to Ren to decide what was best for him and his future.

Ren's pov

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the blue flames appear from his chakra paper. It was a moment of pure excitement, but also confusion. Onoki's reaction only added to the mystery of it all. As he walked away to his office, Ren was left alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and anticipation, knowing that he was the only one in Naruto history to wield the power of the blue flame.

He felt as though this power was meant for him and him alone. As he contemplated the implications of his abilities, his mind wandered to the reactions of the Stone Village people and the other shinobi. The fact that they had never seen the blue flame before made it even more special to Ren. He couldn't wait to see what he was capable of and how he could use this power to make a difference in the world.

With a smirk on his face, he thought about how his transmigration ability had allowed him to acquire such a unique power. He was grateful for his ability and for the opportunity to use it for good. As he imagined the possibilities of his blue flames, he let out a hearty laugh. The thought of his enemies quaking in fear at the sight of his power filled him with excitement and adrenaline.

Ren couldn't sleep at all that night as he kept thinking about his newly discovered power of the blue flame. He was so hyped up that even during dinner, Haru kept asking him if he was okay and if he had hit his head during training. Ren got irritated and ended up beating Haru, but even that didn't calm him down.

The next morning, Ren woke up feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, excited to use his blue flame powers. He couldn't stop giggling to himself and doing little victory dances all around the house. Haru couldn't understand what was going on with Ren and kept giving him strange looks.

During training, Ren could barely contain his excitement and kept shouting out, "Blue flames, baby!" while throwing his punches and kicks. Haru was left bewildered, thinking that Ren had finally lost it.

But Ren didn't care, he was having too much fun with his new power. He even started imagining himself as a superhero with a blue flame cape and mask, saving the world from evil ninjas.

As the day went on, Haru became more and more concerned about Ren's mental state. But Ren was just having the time of his life, and he couldn't wait to see what other cool things he could do with his blue flames.