

walking in the body of a stone village boy, not remembering the past except the plot. our MC tries to survive in the world and tries to change the surrounding situation to see if he was able to survive the world.

Kevin_Kevin_7608 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Ren woke up feeling exhilarated as he remembered his blue flame power. He couldn't contain his excitement and began shouting and singing about it at the top of his lungs. The other orphans in the home looked at him strangely, wondering if he had lost his mind. Even Haru, his partner, asked if he was okay, but Ren was too hyped to answer calmly.

"Of course, I'm okay, Haru! Can't you see? I have the power of the blue flames! It's a historic moment! I'm the chosen one!" Ren exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air.

Haru just rolled his eyes and shook his head, muttering to himself about Ren being a weirdo.

Undeterred, Ren continued with his training routine, starting with 1000 sit-ups and 2000 push-ups. Despite trying to tire himself out, he couldn't seem to diminish his energy or excitement. He even made funny faces and sang silly songs about blue flames, much to the amusement of the other orphans.

"Hey Ren, are you sure you're not high on something?" asked one of the orphans, trying to stifle a laugh.

"No way! This is just the power of the blue flames, my friend!" Ren replied with a big grin.

Everyone in the orphanage couldn't help but chuckle at Ren's antics, but deep down, they were happy to see him so elated. After all, it was rare for anyone in the orphanage to have something that made them truly happy.

Ren's excitement continued throughout the day

Ren was doing his sit-ups and push-ups as usual, but he was still talking about the blue flame. One of the other orphans, a girl named Akiko, asked him what he was talking about.

"Blue flame?" she said incredulously. "What are you talking about, Ren? You're just making things up!"

Ren was taken aback. "I'm not making it up!" he protested. "I really saw a blue flame!"

Akiko and the other kids just laughed at him. "Sure you did, Ren," she said, patting him on the head. "Now finish your exercise and stop talking nonsense!"

Ren is convinced that the blue flame is real and not just a dream. However, the people at the orphanage do not believe him, and they dismiss his claims as childish ramblings. Ren's excitement only grows as he tries to convince them that the blue flame is real, but the more he talks about it, the more they think he's just making it up. Ren can't help but find the situation amusing as the orphanage people keep teasing him about his supposed "dream" of having blue flames. He doesn't clarify to them, knowing that they won't believe him anyway, but it doesn't stop him from being thrilled about his newfound power.

Ren woke up early in the morning, on the second day unable to contain his excitement about his blue flames. He ran around the orphanage, shouting and jumping around, telling everyone about his newfound power. His friends at the orphanage thought he was just being silly and teased him about it.

"Hey Ren, did you dream about having blue flames again?" one of them joked.

Another chimed in, "I think Ren has been reading too many novels. Blue flames aren't real, silly!"

Ren's face fell at their disbelief, but he couldn't help but giggle at their jokes. "You guys just wait and see, I'll show you my blue flames one day!" he said.

His friends just laughed it off and went back to their daily routine, but Ren continued to practice and train.

Suddenly, Anbu appeared out of nowhere and delivered a mysterious message to Ren. The message said that the village head wanted to meet with him at the training ground. Ren's excitement levels went off the charts - this was the moment he had been waiting for!

But as much as he wanted to dive right into training with his blue flames, Ren knew that he had to be patient and play his cards right with the village head. So he decided to wait for the meeting and impress the village head with his skills. He had promised Onoki that he would practice in front of the village head, so he wanted to make sure he was in the good books of the highest authority in the village.

As he thought about the meeting, Ren couldn't help but wonder how he could use his blue flames to their fullest potential. He was determined to find out, and he was eager to see what the village head had to say about it. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough!

After a long day of training, Ren returned to the orphanage in the evening, feeling exhausted but still exhilarated by the prospect of using his blue flames. After dinner, he retired to his bed, hoping to get a good night's sleep. However, as he lay there, he suddenly became aware of an unusual sensation. It was a strange feeling, almost like a clampdown, that he had never experienced before. He realized that it was because he had just performed ninjutsu for the first time, and that too, a powerful one like the blue flames. The excitement of being one of the few to experience such a feeling overwhelmed him. He wondered how many others would be fortunate enough to taste their first-time experience, and it made him all the more eager to master his newfound abilities.

The next day, Onoki made his way to the training ground where he found Ren already waiting for him. On seeing Ren's eager expression, Onoki felt hesitant about revealing the information regarding the blue flames. He knew that this was a unique ability and that it had never been seen before in the shinobi world. However, he also understood that Ren was eager to learn about his powers and that it was important to let him know.

After calmly waiting for some time, Onoki finally decided to reveal the information to Ren. He wanted to explain the history behind the blue flames and how it had been passed down through generations. He also wanted to warn Ren about the dangers of this power and how he needed to be careful while using it.