
Naruto: Reborn as a specialist

This is a work in progress book that I'm writing in my freetime. This book is not my original Idea, and is actually based on a dnd I'm doing with a couple of my friends. I don't know all the clans, lore, special names, or anything like that off the top of my head, but I will try to use the ones I know when I can. A friend of mine is doing a similar type of story based on the exact same dnd so please check him out here: http://wbnv.in/a/85hxWRD He got me into using this app to finally start writing, so it's only fair to include him. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the book! Feedback, good or bad is always appreciated as I'm trying to learn.

D243 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Learning about the world

Before I walked out the door I took tabs on my apearance. I was a white male with pale skin, and white hair. My eyes were red, but not because of a sharengan, they were just... Red. My clothes consisted of a grey shirt, a black jacket, with red accents. My pants were also black, with thin red accents running down the sides. 

"Love the attire, not the face. I hate sticking out, I'd rather keep a low profile for now. I've never been one for attention."

I stepped out the door into the hallway, and descended the stairs to go outside. The exit was covered by cloth banners to block out the sun a bit. They did a really good job, because as soon as I pushed past them I was nearly blinded by the morining sunrise searing my retenas. 

I then looked around to see what was local to me. I was in the middle of a stretch of a market where they were selling cooked foods, fruit, drinks, anything I could think of. They were even selling things like kunai, shurikens, blank scrolls, the whole nine yards. 

I walked over to get a better look at the weapons, and as soon as I walked up the shopkeeper said "Ah, you must be ryu! You interested in becoming a ninja?"

"Yeah! " I responded exitedly

"Oh, right! I'm just a kid, I can't buy weapons.. Wait, I don't even have any money!" I thought to myself in a panic. 

"I'll tell you what," the man responded with a chuckle "I have some rental kunai for training. They aren't sharp so don't worry, and I've got them in all different weights. I'll start you off with 3 of my lightest ones, once you get the hang if them, come back and trade them in for the next step up for weight." He then handed me 3 kunai that were pretty big, and actually felt quite heavy. Oh... Right, I'm a kid... Of course things are bigger and heavier! 

"Thank you!" I said before running off exitedly

I explored the village a little more, got my bearings, and then went into the woods to train. 

I used the kunai to carve a rough outline of a target into a fairly big tree, and began learning how to throw the kunai. 

My first throw I did, I was fairly confident in. I stood 10 feet away from the target, wound back to make my throw, and just went for it. I threw my arm forwards releasing the kunai from between my fingers, and the kunai's hilt stuck right into the dirt between my feet. 

I went for it again, but this time it slipped from my fingers and flew straight up into the air. Losing sight of it I took a couple of steps back just in case. It landed about a foot from the tree's trunk where the target is. 

The third and final kunai was now in my hands. 

"Third times the charm" I told myself

I flung my arm forwards

The kunai was released in a straight forward line

I thought I had done it

But then I watched as the kunai flew right past the tree and off to yonder

"Great" I thought to myself "now I gotta find that"

I picked up the first two kunai, and went off to find the other one. It took me 20 minutes to find it. It ended up going into a bush and hitting a bunny accidentally. 

"Poor little guy, didn't even know what hit him. I only hope it was quick"

I took the bunny out of the bush, snapped it's neck to make absolute sure it wasn't suffering, skinned it, and started a fire using the kunai and a rock to make sparks. 

I cooked up the bunny to eat since it was essentially free food, and I have no money. I then burried the bones and took the pelt with me back home. Not after training until my arms hurt of course! 

I hung up the pelt in my window to let it dry so I could try and sell it tomorrow, and finally turned in for the night. 

"I'll have all day tomorrow to train, right now I just need some rest"