
Naruto: Reborn as a specialist

This is a work in progress book that I'm writing in my freetime. This book is not my original Idea, and is actually based on a dnd I'm doing with a couple of my friends. I don't know all the clans, lore, special names, or anything like that off the top of my head, but I will try to use the ones I know when I can. A friend of mine is doing a similar type of story based on the exact same dnd so please check him out here: http://wbnv.in/a/85hxWRD He got me into using this app to finally start writing, so it's only fair to include him. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the book! Feedback, good or bad is always appreciated as I'm trying to learn.

D243 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

How did I get here

I woke up to find myself in a strange room that I've never seen before. I could hear bird's chirping away outside an open window with golden sunshine cast across the wooden floor that creaked as I stood up. 

The last thing I remembered was watching the first 20 episodes of Boruto in one night, bored out of my mind hoping it would eventually get interesting. I noticed it was 3:00 am, and I had to get up for school at 6, so I figured 3 hours of sleep was plenty. As I stood up and started walking towards my bed, I stepped on my soccer ball I forgot to put away. I then lost my balance, fell, and hit my head on the wooden bed frame. 

"Am I dead?!" I said out loud in shock

"You did die, but I brought you back to life" said an extremely tall shadowed figure standing in a corner

"So... Where am I" I asked

The figure replied with a chuckle "You're in the hidden leaf village of course."

"So I got Isekaie'd into the world of Naruto? There's gotta be a catch. Is there a reason I need to be here?"

"You'll find all that out in due time, all you need to know for now is... Well, do you remember that custom chakra control technique you and your friend came up with at lunch over the course of a couple weeks and never talked about again?"

"Don't tell me... "

"I gave it to you, although I added some drawbacks. The only thing I ask of you is you make this interesting for me. The only reason I brought you here was to... Spice things up in this world. Things were getting a bit bland."

"Why don't you spice things up yourself? Why do I have to be here? I'd rather be part of something more interesting like Rising Of The Shield Hero or something...


"Rising of The Shield Hero was and still is interesting, naruto was starting to get bland. Would you rather be dead, or in naruto? Don't be so ungrateful! Also I would spice things up myself, but let me ask you this.

Does a playwright play in their own plays? Does a conductor play an instrument? No, they add the details and watch the magic unfold"

"Good point. I'll stay in naruto, it's better than being dead"

"Good, I'll take my leave now. Put on a good show!" Says the figure, as they melt into the corner leaving as if they were never there

It was only now that I realized, the figure wasn't actually super tall, I'm just really short. Apparently I got reincarnated as a kid. 

"Welp, let's see what I'm getting myself into." I say as I walk outside to explore this new world that I'm a part of.