
Naruto: Rebirth in the Ninja World

This is the story about a person who used to live in modern world rebirthed in the ninja world. Having watched a lot of anime in his previous life on earth, he knew a lot about the ninja world but, what if everything he knew wasn't correct? What if there were entirely different outcomes for a small change he made? ------------------------ This is a rewrite of my previous work, "Swordsman System in Naruto". I have this time tried to correct all my previous wrongs and make the story a lot better. Try reading it once before you make a review or something. Also, just ask me if there is something you don't understand, just ask me. Hit me up on Discord for anything related to the story or me : overlord#0103

Mathematical_Pi · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


"S-She's so tiny and so cute. My little baby." Yukan said in a sweet voice as he held his daughter. His just-born daughter stopped crying and kept her eyes closed while being carried by Yukan.

"I'll show my daughter to those two. And, before you say so, don't worry, I won't take them out of this hut. I know she is very small and sensitive right now so, I'll just show her from the far." Yukan said as he was walking towards the door of the hut. His back faced the door since he was walking backwards, talking to Kushina while carrying his daughter.

"Hey, kids, meet you younger–" As Yukan turned his face to talk to his students, who were diligently protecting the hut from the outside according to him, he was stabbed in his back.

"Gotcha," Kozuki said as he stabbed Yukan's back with a kunai. The kunai did not penetrate very deep into Yukan's body so, Kozuki stabbed Yukan's left shoulder using the remaining kunai in his other hand.

Kozuki took a few steps back after he realized that even his second attack did not deal a lot of damage.

Yukan slowly turned around. He was smiling while rocking his crying daughter in his arms and singing a lullaby.

Blood gushed out of the places where Kozuki had just stabbed but, Yukan continued smiling for his daughter.

"Thank god that she wasn't hurt cuz if she were, I'd fucking annihilate you right here, regardless of you being my student," Yukan said. He looked into Kozuki's eyes while talking, making Kozuki scared and unable to move.

Yukan tightened his arms a little to make sure his daughter doesn't fall from him and then used his skill [Steel Strength].

This skill, coupled with his physique would be able to kill jonins easily but, that was if he were fighting freely. At this moment, Yukan was carrying his daughter, who was very fragile and Yukan also had two kunai stabbed in his body.

Yukan kicked Kozuki's ribs. The kick sent Kozuki flying into a nearby tree, breaking at least a few bones in his body.

'I should get them to safety first.' Yukan thought as he looked behind, into the hut.

He had to right now protect the fainted Kakashi, his wife, his children, Biwako and pregnant Tsunade.

'This will take a toll for sure.' Yukan said in his heart as he rushed back into the hut while picking up Kakashi with a single hand and his daughter carried carefully in the other.

"Come here, we're getting out right now," Yukan told everyone in the room.

Everyone in the hut had already seen what happened and so, they came to Yukan without any questions.

"Everyone, we are going to teleport away right now. Just have some physical contact with me right now." Yukan said.

Yukan handed Kakashi to Tsunade and picked up his son. He then stood in the middle and used one of the teleportation seals he had made and placed it in his house. (A/N: It's basically the same as what Yukan gifted to Kushina on their anniversary.)

As soon as Yukan reached his house, he put his children in the crib he had brought for them some time ago and made Kushina lie on a bed.

Without any talking or waiting, Yukan left the house again, going to the forest once again.



-Back in the forest, a few minutes later-

"Damn, that was a hard kick..." Kozuki said as he held his ribs and spat some blood.

"Why did you do it?" Yukan who just came back, asked Kozuki as he stood right behind him.

Kozuki suddenly dived to get away from Yukan and get some distance between them.

Kozuki said nothing. He just took out two more kunai and charged at Yukan, intending to stab him again.

As Kozuki was about to get to Yukan, a three-bladed kunai with markings on the handle flew in front of Kozuki and got stuck in the ground.

Kozuki stopped and fell back again.

Minato appeared right where the kunai was. As soon as Minato appeared, he rushed in Yukan's direction.



-A few minutes earlier, at the hospital-

"NOOOO, injections are bad. They hurt. Red blood comes out. Red is scary." Ryu screamed as he covered himself with the bedsheet.

"Hey, just take this. It is really impo- Oh, good evening, commander." The senior doctor who was just giving Ryu the medications he needed said.

"Yes, doctor. Any improvements in his condition?" Minato asked leisurely while drinking water and walking slowly.

"No, commander. He has just been too scared to even get injections. He is mentally affected. It is the same as all those years ago." The doctor said. He remembers back when Ryu had been admitted into the hospital after their team failed the mission all those years ago.

"Please try your best doctor," Minato said and turned around, about to leave. He looked at Uchiha Shin's bed and seeing it empty, Minato asked, "Where is Shin by the way?"

"Oh, he was taken home by his family. Miraculously, his condition was completely alright to go back." The doctor said.

Minato listened to him and after some thinking, Minato nodded and was about to leave.

As his feet were about to leave the room, he heard Ryu say, "They betrayed us. The one with red eyes and the strongest one's student."

"...What? What do you mean, Ryu? What do you mean betrayed?" Minato quickly turned around and shook Ryu by his shoulders vigorously.

"Commander, he's a pati–"

"Shut up. Ryu, what do you mean by the 'strongest one's student'? Who is the one with red eyes?" Minato asked.

Ryu, who had a bandage covering his eyes due to what Minato had heard from the doctors and the ANBU officers, pointed towards the empty bed.

"The strongest one, the one who killed an army. His student. He betrayed us. I cannot remember his name..." Ryu said as he rubbed his head. His voice was shaking with fear.

"Thank you and, I'm sorry for that," Minato said.

It did not take Minato even seconds to realize that Kozuki was the one referred to as "the strongest one's student and the one with red eyes was, of course, Uchiha Shin".

Minato took out some of his special kunai and disappeared from the hospital room in the blink of an eye.



-Back to the present, in the forest-

"He betrayed," Yukan told Minato while looking at Kozuki.

"I know. The thing is, there are two–"

As Minato was speaking, he was interrupted by the shaking of the ground and a very loud roar.

"Hey, that's...."

"The nine-tailed beast. If it is here, then Kushina..." Yukan completed Minato's sentence. It took a moment for Yukan to realize what just happened but, when he did, his face lost every bit of emotion.