
Naruto: Rebirth in the naruto verse (NOT DROPPED ON PAUSE)

This is an English translation of a novel with the same title Synopsis: A man gets reincarnated into the naruto verse due to the soul of his parents also being reincarnated their Again this is not mine this was previously in Spanish and to the main author or at least the person who posted it on webnovel @lesliPw if you feel as if im fucking up your story let me know CashApp if your feeling generouse cashapp/$genesiss2xx I DONT OWN ANYTHING AT ALL, but if the author wants me to take this down i will

Null_Void223 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Walking through Konoha

"I woke up in the morning, and remembered what day it was today, it was my birthday ... I turned three today. The way my parents are, they are probably going to have a surprise party for me, but I didn't care much, in my other life I was not a big birthday fan, because I lived with my other relatives who didn't give a damn about me. Maybe in this new life, it would be a good one.

When I got up from the bed, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I washed my face, and got ready for breakfast. Going to the kitchen the first person i saw was my mother,: "good morning! Mom ..."

-"Oh ... good morning baby". taking her attention from the cooking she looked at me and smiled(mother)

I sat in the chair, then i fell in thought: 'It's been two years since I came to this world. so far iv'e been living a very happy life. Because I am with my parents again. But this world wasn't a bed of roses, so i would have to start preparing myself, so that I don't get caught in the upcoming cross-fire." While I was still thinking my Father came to the table.

-"ah ... Hiroki, why do you look so worried?"(Father)

- "it's nothing, father". (Hiroki)

- "that's good Son. It'll be time for your birthday party later, and you don't have to worry about a thing. (father)

-"Dad ... when will I start my training?" (Hiroki)

- "hahaha ... so that's what you're worried about, don't worry child, tomorrow will be your first training, in the meantime, you have to focus on the birthday party tonight. , okay?" (Dad)

When my mom brought the food to the table, we started eating. After that my father took me for a walk in the village. Showing me several places where I he bought materials for ninjas, food market, stalls, clothing stores. when he got close to the center of konoha you could see the Hokage Rock. Showing the faces of the first to the fourth Hokage, sculpted perfectly, Each detail showed the magnitude of the monument that sculpted on the mountain, as if there were their watching and protecting everybody, it was beautiful, it could be one of the seven wonders in our world, I was very shocked with the work that was put in to make the statues, it should have taken a lot of effort to do all this, I dont think it was justsu, because it was very detailed. (TN: Legendary Moonlight sculptor is that you)

When my father saw this, he couldn't help but laugh ... "it's beautiful 'isn't it?" he said while he looked at me. Still in a state of shock I nodded my head.

Then he said, "son: each of those hero helped and are still helping konoha with their lives. This is the job of us ninja to protect the people who live here. To bring happiness and hope to new the new generations ... like you my son".

I didn't answer, I just kept thinking, 'I live a happy life with my parents, and without worrying about anything, cant help but wondering is it because of the will of fire'. I turned to my father nodding my head to show that i understood

And so the day went by quickly, I had already returned home while celebrating my birthday with my mother and father's friends, who came to congratulate me. When it was time to sleep I started to think: 'Tomorrow will be a new beginning where I will step on a ninja path, I want to see how far I will go', and so I immediately went to sleep, to make the night go by faster.