
Naruto: Rebirth in the naruto verse (NOT DROPPED ON PAUSE)

This is an English translation of a novel with the same title Synopsis: A man gets reincarnated into the naruto verse due to the soul of his parents also being reincarnated their Again this is not mine this was previously in Spanish and to the main author or at least the person who posted it on webnovel @lesliPw if you feel as if im fucking up your story let me know CashApp if your feeling generouse cashapp/$genesiss2xx I DONT OWN ANYTHING AT ALL, but if the author wants me to take this down i will

Null_Void223 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 : Growing Up

This one year i spent as a baby was not easy. Most fanfic make it seem like being a baby was easy. Already being able to feel chakra in their mother's womb, and then able to control it one or two years after birth, it's not even that what aggravated me is the walking and talking perfectly at one. This was all a lie! My body has no motor or muscular coordination, even if I trained I would just end up harming myself, it was better to just let nature take its course, this was one of the worst phases of my life so far.

My first two years, I spent most of my time trying to learn how to walk and talk, this is the phase that children in the world of Naruto tend to do, learning a new language was a struggle but it wasn't too hard, children gain hold information better than adults.

Now I will explain one thing, even though we were born with chakra veins, it would only develop at the age of three, Think back to Hinata's birthday, the reason why it was considered a big event was because her chakra vein matured completely, but this was mostly celebrated in large clans like the Hyuga's. " (TN: i know it's usually four but that's what was written)

Now I will introduce myself to you: my name in this world is Akira Hideki (note: (Akira Means)" brilliant or talented "," luminous "," enlightened ", ... / (Hideki Means)" superb tree "," wonderful tree " , "tree...)"

"Now let's talk about my father, his name is kan Hideki (note :( kan means)" handsome ", or" born from fire "or" healthy "," strong ".) He is a Jonin of the village. wondering where he was on the day of the (nine-tailed fox) attack. He was leaving the village to do a mission, because of my mother who was pregnant with me, if he did the mission then he would be ablet to take a few days off, to be their after the pregnancy.

"And my mother's name is Mari Hideki (note: (Mari Means)" true reason "," perfection ".) She has a store that sells weapons, which she got from her grandfather. Despite being born ten days after the attack of the (nine-tailed fox). She was under observation. That was a good thing though , it could have been a risky pregnancy. Since she was under observation, she was kept at the konoha hospital, which was close to a shelter.

Now back to me, When I was almost a year and a half, I started walking. not walking more like crawling, so as not to harm me, 'damn little leg'. I would craw near a chair and then use that to support my self, Then i would plop back on the ground, this tired me out alot, my mother went crazy when she saw me.

She lifted her head and started laughing while calling my Father.

Mom- haha, look dear, our baby is trying to walk, soon he's going to start running.

Dad- What, He's walking ? Hahaha, my son is a genius!

I was in shock for a minute. "My god ... My parents are crazy." while thinking that i went back ti what they said "genius" where did that come from? isn't this the age were supposed to be walking and talking. If this gets you like this imagine what would happened if i said mom and dad

You have to understand one thing, my mother and father were civilians born in Konoha, sometimes I wonder if people in Konoha hit their head or something, especially ninjas, it's either that or their brainwashed thinking that its an honor to die in the name of the village, No wonder Konoha is full of weirdo's. (TN: Guy, Orichimaru im looking at you, you too itachi)

when I was already two. I was speaking in small phrases because my throat hadn't developed all the way, my mother also started to read to me, she would try and teach me by showing pictures and repeating what she said, and now and then when I went out with her, we would go to her friends' house, they were also civilian.

during this time I didn't want to be left behind by the clan children, so I started trying to read. I took children's picture books, and the things I didn't know, I asked my mother, who laughed like crazy while teaching me, my edict memory helped me a lot, I learned new things easily. I was satisfied with this gift, i wonder how much of a cheat it would be in the future.

(Author Note: I am new to this author story. I hope you like it. This is my first time. Thanks for helping me.)

(Transltor/Proof Reader Note: So to let you guys know when im translating something and it dont come out right i try my best to make it make sense that means i either add something or take something out but 99.99% of the time it's how its meant to be, i would really like it though if you guys left reviews or comments letting me know how im doing, For those who are reading the demensional restuarant in marvel it's not dropped im going to do a mass realease i dont know when tho)