
Naruto: Rebirth in Konoha - A New Beginning

Im_shy · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter :2

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Teacher Iruka at the front of the classroom tidied his lesson plans and declared the class dismissed.

"Ryosuke, Shikamaru, no more sleeping in class, understood?"

As the two students who were still being punished made their way to the door, Teacher Iruka offered them a sincere piece of advice. However, it was clear that his words were primarily directed at Ryosuke.

Ryosuke was different from Shikamaru. While Shikamaru hailed from the prestigious Nara clan and was naturally talented, Ryosuke was a commoner, much like Iruka himself. Iruka understood the challenges of rising through the ranks as a commoner in the ninja world.

In the early days, Iruka had also struggled at the bottom of the class. But through unwavering determination, he eventually became a Chūnin. He believed that talent was not the most critical factor; hard work and dedication were paramount.

Talent might not matter much, but putting in the effort certainly did. Ryosuke had a reputation for laziness, often deserting or dozing off during class. Although his academic performance was slightly better than Uzumaki Naruto's, being second to last was hardly a source of pride.

In physical combat classes, Ryosuke's performance was worse than Naruto's, who at least displayed physical aptitude. Ryosuke, on the other hand, seemed lackluster in nearly every aspect.

"I won't sleep in class anymore, Iruka-sensei," Ryosuke assured.

"I hope you mean it," Iruka replied with a sigh, shaking his head before leaving. He had heard such promises countless times before, and they rarely amounted to much.

"Ryosuke, are you serious this time?" Shikamaru asked from the corner of the room.

Ryosuke replied confidently, "When have I not been serious?"

"Last time, and the time before that, and the time before that," Shikamaru deadpanned.

Night God Ryosuke couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, I get it. But I'm serious this time."

"I hope so," Shikamaru conceded. "After all, we're about to graduate. Slacking off now might jeopardize our chances."

"Exactly," Ryosuke agreed. "If I don't shape up, I might not graduate at all."

Shikamaru nodded in agreement, contemplating the nagging he'd endure from his mother if he failed to graduate. But he knew that graduation would come easily for him.

"Shikamaru, let's have lunch on the rooftop," Chōji suggested, holding a massive lunchbox.

"Sure," Shikamaru agreed, bidding farewell to Ryosuke before following Chōji.

Ryosuke hesitated for a moment but decided not to rush to gather biological pheromones from his classmates. He knew that the future held numerous opportunities for transformation, and he had only one chance per day.

When he thought about potential sources of biological pheromones, Ryosuke immediately considered Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. These two individuals possessed exceptional genetic traits suitable for his purposes.

Uchiha Sasuke was an orphan of the Uchiha clan with unique Uchiha blood. He was also known as the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra. On the other hand, Uzumaki Naruto carried the blood of the Uzumaki clan, boasting an immense Chakra reserve and remarkable vitality. He was considered the reincarnation of Ashura's Chakra.

These two individuals were undoubtedly Ryosuke's ideal transformation targets.

With this in mind, Ryosuke noticed Uchiha Sasuke sitting alone in the classroom, and he saw his chance to obtain the biological pheromones he needed.

"Is there something wrong?" Uchiha Sasuke inquired coldly as Ryosuke approached.

Ever since the tragic events that led to his family's demise, Sasuke had worn a consistently cold expression, offering the same demeanor to everyone.

"You dropped your pen," Ryosuke stated calmly as he bent to pick up a pen from the floor. In the process, he discreetly collected a tiny strand of hair from Uchiha Sasuke's chair.

Uchiha Sasuke regarded him with suspicion. "That's not mine."

Ryosuke feigned realization, saying, "Oh, my mistake. This is mine."

He left the pen with Sasuke and returned to his seat. Sasuke's cold gaze followed him before eventually turning away.

Ryosuke breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that Sasuke's eyes held an unsettling intensity.

Next, he retrieved the hair strand he had collected.

"There shouldn't be any mistakes, right?" Ryosuke whispered to himself as he contemplated his actions. He had no qualms about using the collected hair as a biological pheromone for transformation.

"Do you wish to convert.

"Confirm!" Night God Ryosuke said silently.


"Transformation succeeded!"

"Congratulations to Host for obtaining the talent entry: [Spirit of Vengeance] [Eye of Cursing] [Indra's Resentment]!"

In front of his eyes, a piece of golden light shone, radiating a newfound strength.

Night Ryosuke subconsciously narrowed his eyes, astonished by the power he now possessed.

"System, isn't there a fixed result for converting this talent entry?" Night God Ryosuke inquired.

"The system never mentioned any fixed result," the system responded.

Ryosuke couldn't contain his excitement at the prospect.

"In that case, even with just one conversion per day, I might obtain multiple talent entries!"

He looked at Uchiha Sasuke, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Good heavens, Sasuke truly lives up to his reputation! Three golden legend entries!" Yagami Ryosuke marveled, regarding Uchiha Sasuke as if he were a rare treasure.
