
Naruto: Rebirth in Konoha - A New Beginning

Im_shy · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

**Chapter 1: Awakening in Konoha**

"Where am I?"

Liang Jie woke up in a daze, sensing something had struck his head. He instinctively reached out to touch it, only to hear the giggles of children nearby.

As he opened his eyes, he found himself in a classroom surrounded by a group of youngsters who were all pointing and laughing at him. At the front of the class stood an irate teacher, scolding him sternly.

"Ryosuke, you're nodding off during class again! Leave the room and stand outside!"

Liang Jie was bewildered, his mind foggy with a jumble of images and memories. He slowly made his way toward the classroom door. In doing so, he noticed a child with a puppy perched on his head sneakily sticking out his leg, attempting to trip him.

Liang Jie cast a glance at the mischievous child and continued on without a word. From inside the classroom, the teacher's exasperated voice berated him once more.

Shortly afterward, a child with pineapple-like hair and a peculiarly deadpan expression emerged from the classroom and joined Liang Jie outside. He sighed, addressing Liang Jie, "Ryosuke, looks like it's the two of us again, stuck standing outside."

Liang Jie's response was almost instinctual. His thoughts were in disarray, and familiar yet puzzling memories continued to flash before his eyes.

Nara Shikamaru, the child with pineapple hair, glanced at him with curiosity, seemingly pondering why Ryosuke appeared a bit down today. Shikamaru wasn't known for being chatty, especially considering his keen intelligence.

"So, I'm Ryosuke now? Is this the Hokage world?" Ryosuke finally accepted the memories of the past ten years at this moment. "So, am I already dead?" He managed a wry smile.

A decade ago, he had found himself transported to this Hokage world. Strangely, the memories of his previous life had remained dormant until today, when the system's awakening had triggered their return. It was only now that he regained control over his body.

"Are you the system?" Ryosuke inquired.


"It has been detected that the host's previous life memories have been awakened, and the system is officially binding…"

"But wasn't the binding already done before?" Ryosuke questioned.

After a brief pause.


"The binding is complete! Welcome to the [Talent Entry System]!"

"Finally, it's complete!" Ryosuke exclaimed impatiently. "System, what functions do you have? This is the world of Hokage, and the risk factor is incredibly high! I don't want to experience the feeling of death again."

The system responded, "This system's goal is to obtain high-quality talent entries for the host, improving your survival ability in this world. You can transform talent entries by obtaining other people's biological pheromones."

Ryosuke asked, "Can I also convert talent entries? And how powerful are these talent entries?"

"The host can convert talent entries once a day, and the number of times per day cannot be superimposed," the system explained. "Talent entries can be equipped or disassembled, and dismantling them grants experience points, which can be used to increase their level."

Ryosuke contemplated his lackluster abilities and remarked, "My current abilities are weak, and the Chūnin exam is coming up. I need to get stronger to survive."

The system then revealed, "The host still has a novice gift package to claim. Do you want to claim it?"

Ryosuke eagerly agreed.


"Congratulations to the Host for opening the [Newbie Gift Pack] and obtaining the talent entry [Son of Destiny]!"

A golden light enveloped Ryosuke, and he felt a surge of excitement.

"Son of Destiny? Sounds impressive!"

Ryosuke examined his new talent entry:

**[Son of Destiny (Gold)]**: You are the darling of Destiny in the legend, able to turn bad luck into good fortune in the face of danger. Your strength is increased by +500% in all aspects when encountering fatal danger, and your enemies have a +1000% chance of being unlucky. You have one conversion opportunity per day.

Ryosuke couldn't help but be amazed. "This attribute is incredible! I hope it's as powerful as it sounds."

He then remembered he had more to claim.


"Congratulations to Host for opening the [Newbie Gift Pack] and getting the talent entry [Strategist of Shadows (Gold)]!"

This time, the golden light made Ryosuke's heart race even faster.