
Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Alex grew up in a wealthy family with parents who were both successful businesspeople. From a young age, he was taught to view the world as a series of strategic moves and counter-moves, where success was measured by power and absolute dominance. get it absolute dominance oh and now I'm in naruto great

_Lunar_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The plot thickens

The night was quiet, with only the sound of crickets chirping in the background. Suddenly, a group of assassins appeared out of nowhere, shooting fireball after fireball at Alex and his team dwindling their ranks. The sound of explosions and birds fleeing the area filled the night sky as the assassins launched their surprise attack on Alex. The trained Anbu reacted quickly, dodging the second barrage of kunai and jutsus that flew toward him.

Alex drew his sword, which glinted in the moonlight, and charged toward the attackers, cutting through the air with powerful slashes. His anbu followed suit, leaping into the fray with impressive speed and agility.

The assassins were well-trained, moving quickly and silently through the darkness. They struck with deadly accuracy, aiming for Alex's vitals with their weapons. But the new Mizukage was equally skilled, blocking and evading their attacks with ease.

As the battle continued, Alex's anbu quickly began to thin the ranks of the attackers, taking out one after the other with swift and deadly precision. Meanwhile, Alex engaged in a fierce one-on-one battle with the leader of the assassins, a skilled ninja with years of experience in combat.

The assassin was fast, moving like a shadow in the darkness. He attacked with a flurry of punches and kicks, each one aimed at Alex's weak spots. But the new Mizukage was no slouch in hand-to-hand combat either, countering each strike with a blow of his own.

The assassin then changed tactics and used his chakra to enhance his physical abilities, making him even faster and stronger. Alex responded by activating his Tailed Beast cloak, which enhanced him even more.

With his cloak active, Alex was able to completely steamroll the assassin's movements, blocking and dodging his attacks with ease. He then launched a powerful counter-attack, striking the assassin with a series of lightning-fast blows that left him reeling.

Finally, Alex landed a decisive blow, as coral started to cover the assassin until he was no longer able to move, as the remaining assassins were cut down from the Anbu.

Alex and his anbu gathered themselves, taking stock of their injuries and assessing the situation. They had emerged victorious, but the fact that the assassins had been able to mount such a large-scale attack meant that they got a lot of work to do.

The assassin was restrained and unable to move due to the coral cascading down his entire body leaving only the head visible. Alex approached the prisoner, observing the coral.

Alex began the interrogation. "Who sent you to kill me?" he demanded.

The assassin remained silent, glaring at Alex with hate-filled eyes.

Alex's patience was wearing thin. He asked again this time activating his [𝐆𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬] eyes glowing red "I'll ask you again. Who sent you to kill me?"

The assassin remained silent for a few more moments, but then finally spoke. "It was Typhus ," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alex nodded, satisfied with the answer. "And why did they want me dead?"

The assassin hesitated for a moment but then spoke again. "They saw you as a threat to their plans for the region. They wanted to eliminate you before you gain more influence as Mizukage."

Alex nodded again, taking in the information. He knew that this wasn't the end of it, but at least he had a starting point.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Alex said, cutting the assassin's head clean off

After the interrogation, Alex gathered all the information he needed to take down the criminal organization. He learned that the organization was led by a group of wealthy businessmen who used their influence and resources to smuggle illegal goods and conduct other criminal activities.

Alex immediately ordered his ANBU unit to launch a full-scale assault on the organization's headquarters. The ANBU unit was led by Kazu, who was Alex's most trusted lieutenant. The ANBU unit stormed the building and engaged in a fierce battle with the organization's guards.

The battle was intense, with both sides trading blows and using all their skills and techniques to gain the upper hand. However, Alex and his ANBU proved to be too much for the organization's guards, and they were quickly overwhelmed.

As the ANBU unit made their way deeper into the building, they encountered the leaders of the criminal organization. These were the same wealthy businessmen that Alex had learned about during the interrogation.

The leaders of the organization were well-prepared for the ANBU's attack and had hired a group of highly skilled mercenaries to protect them. The mercenaries were armed with a variety of deadly weapons, and they put up a fierce resistance against the ANBU.

The battle between the ANBU and the mercenaries was intense, with both sides suffering heavy losses. However, Alex and his ANBU were able to overcome the mercenaries and finally reach the leaders of the criminal organization.

Alex and his ANBU team entered the building where the leaders of the criminal organization were believed to be. As they made their way through the dark corridors, they heard whispers and shuffling of feet. The team knew they were walking into a trap, but they had to take the risk.

Suddenly, the lights went out, leaving them in complete darkness. The team immediately took defensive positions, ready for the inevitable attack. They heard footsteps approaching, and the ANBU prepared for the attack.

As the attackers lunged towards them, Alex and his team engaged them in close combat. The fight was brutal, with punches and kicks flying in all directions. Alex used his Geass to anticipate his opponent's moves and strike back with deadly precision.

The mercenaries were well-trained, and their fighting skills were impressive. However, the ANBU team was more skilled, and their training and experience helped them take down the mercenaries one by one.

Alex fought his way through the crowd of mercenaries, taking down each one with his incredible strength and lightning-fast reflexes. He had fought many battles before, but this was different. The stakes were high, and he knew he had to be at his best to succeed.

As he made his way toward the main room, he encountered the final group of mercenaries. This group was more skilled than the others, and their leader was a formidable opponent. He wore a mask that covered his face and wielded two swords.

The leader charged at Alex, slashing his swords in all directions. Alex dodged the attacks and countered with his own strikes, but the leader was quick to block every move. The ANBU team joined the fight, and the room was filled with the sound of metal clashing against metal.

The battle raged on for several minutes, with both sides evenly matched. The mercenaries were putting up a good fight, Finally,

Alex stepped forward to confront the masked leader, as he got closer he could feel the energy emanating from the swords in the leader's hands. He knew he had to be careful.

The leader suddenly lunged forward with both swords, unleashing a flurry of jutsu-enhanced slashes. Alex quickly sidestepped and blocked the attacks with his own sword, Activating his [𝐆𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬] but the leader was unaffected.

As the fight continued, Alex realized that the leader was not only skilled in swordsmanship but also competent in chakra control. He was able to create powerful waves of energy with his blades, sending Alex flying backward.

Alex was not deterred. As he landed on his feet he charged towards the masked leader, channeling his chakra into his sword. He swung his blade with all his might, unleashing a powerful wind blade that sliced through the air.

The leader deftly dodged the attack and countered with a barrage of lightning-quick strikes, each one accompanied by a surge of chakra. Alex barely managed to block them all, his arms aching from the impact.

The two continued their dance of death, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Alex knew he had to end this quickly, Alex charged forward once again, his sword glowing with a bright blue light. The leader responded in kind, his swords glowing with a bright red aura.

Their blades clashed, sending sparks flying in all directions. The air crackled with the intensity of their clash as they pushed against each other with all their might.

Finally, with a sudden burst of energy, Alex managed to overpower the leader and send him flying back, The leader hit the wall and slumped to the ground as the masked figure lay motionless on the ground.

But as he approached to inspect the body, he realized that it was just a puppet controlled by an unseen force. realizing that was the reason his geass was unable to affect him

Alex quickly relayed this information to his ANBU and they began to investigate further, tracking down the true leader of the organization. It was a long and arduous process,

Alex then ordered his ANBU to search the building for any evidence that could be used against the leaders. They found documents that detailed the organization's illegal activities, including smuggling, money laundering, and human trafficking.

With the evidence in hand, Alex confirmed his suspicions that the real leader was still out there. He knew that he needed to act fast before they could regroup and cause more harm to their economy.

"Apha-1 take the evidence and track down the real leader. once you locate him send me a message if possible, but don't hesitate to use force if necessary," Alex ordered.

The ANBU quickly dispersed, each with a sense of urgency in their steps. Alex watched as they left, knowing that they were the best of the best and could handle anything that came their way.

As he waited for the ANBU to return, Alex started to plan his next move. He knew that the criminal organization was still a threat, and he needed to take them down once and for all.

Days passed as the ANBU worked tirelessly to track down the real leader. Finally, they returned with the news that they had found him in a hidden hideout deep in the mountains.

Alex quickly gathered his team and set out to confront the leader. As they arrived at the hideout, Alex's eyes scanned the area, searching for any hidden enemies that may still be lurking. He had already taken down the leader of the criminal organization, but he knew that there were likely still some loyal followers who were willing to fight to the death.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the corner of the room. He quickly spun around, ready to face whatever threat may be lurking. As he turned, he saw three ninjas charging toward him, each one with a different elemental jutsu at the ready.

The first ninja attacked with a burst of flames, sending a wave of heat toward Alex. He quickly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack, and retaliated with a blast of water. The two jutsu clashed in the air, creating a loud explosion that sent debris flying in all directions.

The second ninja launched a barrage of lightning bolts, each one crackling with deadly electricity. Alex quickly countered with a burst of wind, using the gusts to deflect the lightning bolts and send them back to the aggressor.

The third ninja spat a flurry of rocks at Alex, each one infused with earth chakra to make them stronger and sharper. Alex quickly responded with a wave of water, causing the rocks to become slick and slide harmlessly to the side.

The ninjas were relentless, attacking Alex from all sides with a dizzying array of jutsu. But Alex was a seasoned fighter, and he was able to hold his own against them, using a combination of his own jutsu and his incredible physical strength to keep them at bay.

As the fight continued, Alex unleashed [𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞: 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧] a powerful Water dragon that sent the remaining ninjas flying across the room. As the dust settled, the remaining ninjas were nothing but broken bodies due to the sheer amount of pressure.

the remaining ninja our motionless on the ground dead as Alex maneuvers himself through the compound he places his palms on the ground and pulses his chakra through the pinging a large chakra source, guessing that's the leader's Chakra he runs to the source of the chakra.

as he got to the source Alex stared down the criminal organization's leader, who was controlling multiple puppets with his chakra strings. The leader smiled wickedly as he made the puppets attack Alex from all directions.

Alex swiftly dodged the incoming attacks, his eyes flickering rapidly tracking the movements of each puppet. He then activated his own jutsu, sending a flurry of wind blades towards the puppet master

The leader responded by sending his puppets to take the brunt of the attack, this time with greater ferocity. One puppet lunged towards Alex with a sharp blade, while another fired off a kunai at him from a distance. Alex managed to dodge and parry the attacks, using his own jutsu to create water shields and deflect the incoming projectiles.

The leader continued to manipulate the puppets, making them attack Alex in a coordinated manner. However, Alex was able to anticipate their movements and take them down one by one with his lightning-fast reflexes and precise strikes. He used his water jutsu to create a powerful current that swept the puppets away, leaving the leader vulnerable.

With the puppets taken care of, Alex charged toward the leader, intent on ending the battle once and for all. However, the leader had one final trick up his sleeve. He revealed a hidden compartment in his puppet, which contained a powerful explosive tag. The tag detonated, sending Alex flying backward and causing a large explosion that engulfed the area.

Alex emerged from the rubble, battered, and bruised standing up the wounds healed. He scanned the area, but the leader was nowhere to be found. It was then that he noticed something odd about the puppets – they were all made to look exactly like the leader. It was then that Alex realized that tire fight had been a diversion, meant to distract him while the real leader escaped.