
Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Alex grew up in a wealthy family with parents who were both successful businesspeople. From a young age, he was taught to view the world as a series of strategic moves and counter-moves, where success was measured by power and absolute dominance. get it absolute dominance oh and now I'm in naruto great

_Lunar_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

stirring the pot

Alex sprinted through the corridors of the criminal organization's base, his senses on high alert as he searched for the real leader. He could feel the vibrations of the man's footsteps, and the chakra signature growing stronger as he drew nearer.

Finally, he burst into a large room, and there he saw the man he had been hunting for. The leader was standing with his back to Alex, surrounded by a group of his loyal followers. The man turned to face Alex, a wicked grin on his face.

"You're too late, Mizukage," the leader taunted. "My plan has already been set into motion."

Alex braced himself for a fight, knowing that he needed to stop this man before he could cause any more harm. The leader pulled out a puppet from behind his back,

The puppet charged at Alex, its arms extending out to attack. Alex dodged to the side and countered with a powerful water jutsu, sending a wave of water crashing into the puppet. The puppet stumbled back, but quickly regained its footing and charged at Alex once again.

Alex was forced to use all of his skill and power to keep the puppet at bay. He sent waves of water crashing into it, but the puppet was able to dodge most of them. The leader continued to control the puppet with his chakra strings, making it an even more formidable opponent.

Finally, Alex saw his chance. The puppet had overextended itself, leaving its back vulnerable. Alex took advantage of this, rushing forward and slamming his fist into the puppet's back. The puppet crumpled to the ground, its movements stilled.

But the fight was not over yet. The leader pulled out more puppets, and Alex was forced to continue fighting. He used his water jutsu to create walls of water, shielding himself from the puppet's attacks. He used his speed to dodge and weave between the puppets, looking for an opening.

Finally, after what felt like hours of fighting, Alex saw his chance. The leader had made a mistake, leaving one of his puppets exposed. Alex seized the opportunity and sent a powerful wave of water crashing into the puppet, destroying it.

The leader was now alone, with no puppets to protect him. Alex advanced, his chakra pulsing with power. The leader tried to attack, but Alex was too quick. He dodged and countered with a devastating punch, sending the leader reeling.

After the leader of the criminal organization was defeated, Alex and his ANBU team confiscated all of the organization's equipment and money. The team loaded up several trucks with the confiscated items and headed back to the village.

Once they reached the village, Alex immediately went to work organizing the confiscated equipment and money. He made sure that everything was properly documented and stored in secure locations. The money was used to fund various village projects, such as building schools and hospitals.

As for the confiscated equipment, Alex had the ANBU technicians dismantle and analyze everything. They were able to find some valuable information that helped them improve their own technology and tactics. Some of the equipment was also repurposed for village use, such as enhancing the village's defense system.

Alex worked tirelessly to ensure that the people of Kirigakure were taken care of. He used the money and resources acquired from the criminal organization to rebuild homes and buildings that were damaged during the war, as well as upgrade the village's defenses. He implemented new technologies, such as advanced sensors and traps, to help detect and defend against potential threats. The village was slowly becoming more prosperous and secure under Alex's leadership.

Alex also realized that the village's economy needed a boost. He wanted to attract more visitors and traders to Kirigakure, which would stimulate the local economy. He ordered the construction of a new marketplace, which would showcase the village's unique goods and crafts to the outside world. which will bring new trade and opportunities.

As Alex continued to strengthen Kirigakure's defenses and infrastructure, he also worked to improve the lives of its people. He also worked to repair relationships with neighboring villages and establish trade agreements to boost the economy.

In addition to his domestic efforts, Alex also kept a watchful eye on any potential threats to the village. He worked with the ANBU to monitor the movements of other ninja villages and criminal organizations, ensuring that Kirigakure remained safe and secure.

As Alex continued to strengthen and protect Kirigakure, he couldn't help but notice the movements of a group that had recently emerged in the shinobi world: the Akatsuki. Alex knew that such a group could be a serious threat to not only Kirigakure but to the entire world as well.

Determined to gather more information on the Akatsuki, Alex dispatched an Anbu to gather intel. It wasn't long before they began to report back with troubling information about the group's activities and goals.

The Akatsuki was made up of powerful and skilled shinobi, each with their own unique abilities and skills. Alex knew that he had to be prepared for any eventuality. He began to create a contingency plan to deal with the Akatsuki. he discussed various strategies and tactics, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy organization. As part of the plan, Alex decided to strengthen the security of Kirigakure and its borders.

He ordered increased patrols, tighter control over the movement of people and goods, and stricter scrutiny of anyone entering or leaving the village. He also tasked his ANBU with gathering intelligence on the Akatsuki, their members, and their activities.

Alex knew that this would not be an easy task, but he was determined to protect his village and its people at all costs. He spent countless hours strategizing, training his ninja, and preparing for the worst. He even went on a solo mission to gather information on the Akatsuki's activities and to assess their strength and capabilities.

5 hours later~

As Alex was alerted by one of his birds stationed in Konoha, his mind raced with thoughts of what could have caused the Nine-Tails to break free. Was it an enemy attack or something else entirely? He knew he needed to be prepared for any possibility.

As the reports came in, Alex learned that the Nine-Tails had been set free by an unknown enemy ninja who had infiltrated Konoha. The village was in chaos, with ninjas trying to contain the rampaging beast while also defending the village from other attacks.

Alex quickly sent out orders to all available Kiri ninjas to be on high alert and prepare for any possible attacks from enemy forces. Meanwhile, the situation in Konoha was slowly brought under control thanks to the combined efforts of the Hokage, his ninjas

Alex couldn't believe the news that reached him. The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, was dead? Interestingly even with Obito being alive and well in Konoha, the nine-tails was still released from its seal.

As soon as Alex received the news about the Nine-Tails attacking Konoha and the death of the Fourth Hokage, he knew that he had to act fast. The safety of his own village, as well as the rest of the shinobi world, was at stake. He immediately gathered his trusted advisors and discussed the situation at hand.

"It is imperative that we find out who was behind the release of the Nine-Tails," Alex said, his voice steady and calm despite the gravity of the situation. "We cannot allow this kind of chaos to spread any further we can't allow any tailed beast to escape."

His advisors nodded in agreement, and they began to formulate a plan. They decided to send out a team of ANBU Black Ops, led by one of their best operatives, to investigate the matter. The team would be given full autonomy and authority to act as necessary to uncover the truth.

Alex also sent a message to the other Kage, informing them of the situation and urging them to be on high alert whether they listen to him or not doesn't concern Alex. He knew that the Akatsuki, a dangerous organization that had been making its presence known in recent months, could be involved in this. He had a feeling that this was only the beginning of something much bigger.

Days went by, and the ANBU team sent out by Alex returned with some crucial information. They had discovered that the Nine-Tails had been released by a masked figure who had infiltrated Konoha undetected. The figure had used some method to unseal the Nine-Tails from its host.

As he sat in his office, poring over reports and analyzing data, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. A new player was now on the board, one with a hidden agenda and a dangerous power.


A/N: ill continue posting chap until chapters 10-15 then ill go into a schedule of posting 2 chapters every week

rn my goal is to finish this novel in 50 chapters then move on to another novel I just cannot comprehend people writing 300+ chapters like how i get original works but fanfic how?

I did not read nor watch Boruto so were not going into that fuckfest
