
Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Alex grew up in a wealthy family with parents who were both successful businesspeople. From a young age, he was taught to view the world as a series of strategic moves and counter-moves, where success was measured by power and absolute dominance. get it absolute dominance oh and now I'm in naruto great

_Lunar_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A new player has appeared

Alex summoned his trusted advisors to discuss the situation. They sat around a large round table, deep in thought.

"Who do you think could have been behind this attack?" one advisor asked.

"Don't know but they have to be powerful in order to sneak into Konoha and released the ninetails," Alex replied, his voice laced with concern. "Their ultimate goal is to capture all the tailed beasts, and the Nine Tails is the most powerful of them all."

"But how could they have broken the seal?" another advisor asked.

"I'm not sure, but we need to find out. I want our ANBU to gather as much information as possible about the Akatsuki and their movements. We need to be prepared for any future attacks," Alex said firmly.

The advisors nodded in agreement, and the meeting was adjourned.

Alex convened a meeting with his trusted advisors to discuss the growing threat of rogue ninja in the mist village. After much discussion, they decided to create a special task force called the Hunter-nin.

The Hunter-nin were specially trained to track down and eliminate rogue ninjas who posed a threat to the village. They were a secretive and elite group of ninjas who operated outside the regular chain of command. Alex handpicked the members himself, choosing only the best and most loyal ninjas in the village.

The Hunter-nin were given a wide range of tools and techniques to aid them in their mission. They were experts in stealth and infiltration, able to move through the shadows undetected. They were also trained in a variety of combat techniques, both hand-to-hand and with weapons.

Alex sat in his office, surrounded by stacks of paperwork, his eyes bleary from hours of pouring over reports and documents. The Hunter-nin program had been a success, but it required a lot of resources to maintain.

He had tasked the ANBU with overseeing the program, making sure that the Hunter-nin were sent out on only the most critical of missions. Alex knew that there were a lot of defectors out there, still loyal to the old ways, willing to cause chaos and destruction in the name of their own twisted beliefs.

He knew that the Hunter-nin was the best way to track them down and eliminate them. But the cost was high, both in terms of resources and lives.

As he looked out the window, Alex could see the people of Kirigakure going about their daily lives, blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. He knew that he had to protect them, no matter the cost.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Alex looked up to see one of his ANBU standing in the doorway.

"Mizukage-sama," the ANBU said, bowing respectfully. "We have received reports of a rogue ninja operating in the outskirts of the village. The Hunter-nin have been dispatched

Alex stood up, his fatigue forgotten. "Good," he said,

Ao pov~

As he made his way through the village, he could feel the tension in the air. The people knew that there were dangers out there, but they trusted their Mizukage to protect them.

Finally, he arrived at the scene of the attack. the rest of his squad was already engaged in a fierce battle with the rogue ninja, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks.

Ao quickly assessed the situation and gave the order for the ANBU to surround the area. He knew that the rogue ninja would try to escape, but he was determined to bring them to justice.

Ao, the captain of the Hunter-nin squad, activated his Byakugan as he tracked down the rogue ninja. He had been on the hunt for several weeks, and finally, he had located his target.

The rogue ninja, a skilled fighter, charged at Ao with a flurry of punches and kicks. Ao dodged and weaved around the attacks effortlessly, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

As the rogue ninja went in for another punch, Ao saw his opening. With lightning-fast reflexes, he grabbed the ninja's wrist and twisted it with just enough force to dislocate it. The rogue ninja howled in pain and stumbled back, clutching his injured arm.

Ao didn't give him a moment to recover. He charged at the ninja and delivered a swift kick to his abdomen, sending him crashing to the ground. The rogue ninja struggled to get back up, but Ao was already upon him swiftly disabling the rogue ninja's chakra points and rendering him powerless.

The rogue ninja tried to make a run for it. But Ao was too quick for him, and with a swift move, he delivered a lethal blow, killing the rogue ninja instantly. Ao took a deep breath, relieved that the mission was finally over. He quickly retrieved the rogue ninja's head and burned the body and made his way back to the village to report to the Mizukage.

As he entered the Mizukage's office, "Good job, Ao," Alex said, "You've done well."

"Thank you, Mizukage," Ao replied, bowing his head.

Alex looked at Ao and said, "The Hunter-nin squad is a vital part of our village. Keep up the good work."

Ao nodded, knowing that his work was never done. As a captain of the Hunter-nin squad, he was always on the hunt for rogue ninjas or defectors, ensuring that they were killed while also protecting the safety of the village.

Alex Pov~

Alex received a report of Ao's success in taking down the rogue ninja. He nodded to himself, pleased with the effectiveness of the Hunter-nin. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something bigger at play.

He decided to call a meeting with Kuwasa and Kazu to discuss the recent events and gather information. It became clear that there was indeed a new player in the game. who was were responsible for the recent attacks on the Jinchuriki

Alex arrived at the meeting with Kuwasa who was the Jonin Commander and the recently promoted Anbu Commander Kazu. He wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Kuwasa, Kazu, we have a new player in the game. Someone released the Nine-Tails and destroyed Konoha. I need to know who it was and what their motives are."

Kuwasa nodded. "Understood, Mizukage. I'll have my best scouts gather intel and see what we can find."

Kazu spoke up next. "And what about security for our own village? Should we increase our defenses?"

Alex nodded. "Yes, we need to be prepared for any possible threats. I'll make sure our ANBU are on high alert and ready for anything."

Kuwasa added, "We should also increase our intelligence-gathering efforts. We can't afford to be caught off guard again."

Alex agreed. "I'll authorize additional resources for our intel division. We need to know what's happening outside and inside our village."

Kazu spoke up, "Mizukage-sama, we should gather more information on this unknown player and their motives. We cannot afford to be caught off guard."

Alex nodded in agreement, "I agree, Kazu. We need to gather intelligence on this player and their organization. Kuwasa, I want you to increase patrols and surveillance around the village. We cannot afford to let anything slip past us."

Kuwasa nodded, "Understood, Mizukage-sama. I will make sure we are on high alert."

As the meeting ended, Alex remained deep in thought. He knew that they needed to act quickly to uncover the identity of the unknown player and stop any further threats to the village. He decided to reach out to his allies in other villages for support and gather as much information as possible.

The three of them discussed their plan further, strategizing and sharing ideas. They all knew the importance of being prepared and staying vigilant, especially with a new threat on the horizon.

After the meeting, Alex went to his office to review reports and gather his thoughts. He knew the road ahead would be difficult and dangerous, but he was determined to protect his village and his people.

As he worked, his mind drifted to the possibility of another war. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but he knew they needed to be ready for anything. He made a mental note to speak to the other Kage . Alex knew that the future was uncertain, but he was confident that with his team and allies by his side, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

night came and Alex going through some last-minute paperwork a report caught his eye. He frowned as he read the details of a possible coup that was brewing in Kirigakure. According to the report, a corrupted noble was behind the scheme, and he had managed to sway several high-ranking officials to his side.

Alex knew that he had to act fast to prevent the situation from escalating. He summoned Kuwasa and Kazu, to his office and informed them of the situation.

"Kuwasa, I want you to gather as much information as you can about this noble and his supporters," Alex said, his voice low and serious. "Kazu, I want you to mobilize the ANBU and have them on standby in case we need them."

Both of his advisors nodded in understanding and quickly went to work. Alex sat back in his chair and tried to come up with a plan to deal with the situation.

He knew that he couldn't act too quickly, as that could alert the noble and his supporters. He needed to gather more information about their plans and movements before he could make a move.

Over the next few days, Alex and his advisors worked tirelessly to gather intelligence on the situation. They managed to infiltrate the noble's inner circle and gather valuable information about their plans.

As Alex, Kuwasa, and Kazu approached the corrupted noble's estate, they were met with heavy resistance from his personal guards. The noble had clearly been prepared for their arrival and had enlisted a group of skilled fighters to protect him.

Alex charged forward, his chakra pulsing through his body as he weaved hand signs for a jutsu. His Anbu team flanked him on either side, their weapons at the ready. Kuwasa hung back slightly, using pulsing his chakra into the air to scan the area for any additional threats.

The noble's guards were fierce opponents, wielding a variety of weapons and jutsu techniques. They worked together in small groups to take down the approaching ninja, but Alex and his team were more than a match for them.

One guard charged Alex with a spear, but the Mizukage expertly dodged the attack and landed a swift punch to the man's jaw. Another guard tried to attack Kuwasa from behind, but the Jonin quickly spun around and delivered a powerful kick to the man's chest.

Kazu, meanwhile, was using his Anbu training to take down multiple opponents at once. He expertly threw shurikens at one guard while simultaneously dodging a sword strike from another.

The fight was intense, with both sides sustaining injuries. However, Alex and his team were slowly gaining the upper hand. The noble drew a small knife from his waistband and took a step forward, his guards following closely behind him.

Without warning, the noble used [𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧: 𝐆ō𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐲ū 𝐧𝐨 𝐉𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮] and shot a fireball at Alex, who quickly dodged to the side. The fireball struck the ground behind him, exploding in a shower of sparks and debris. Kazu leaped forward, drawing two kunai from his belt crackling with lightning, and threw them at the guards.

The guards were quick, however, and managed to deflect the kunai with their swords. Kuwasa followed up by sending a stream of water at the guards, causing them to slip and lose their footing.

The noble, meanwhile, continued to attack Alex, sending a barrage of fireballs in his direction. Alex responded by weaving a series of hand signs, calling forth water dragons that swallowed the fireballs.

The noble tried to dodge, but one of the water dragons grazed his arm, causing him to cry out in pain. Alex seized the opportunity and charged forward, unsheathing his sword and slashing at the noble.

The noble managed to block the attack with his own knife, but Alex's strength was too much for him. The noble stumbled backward, allowing Alex to press the attack.

Meanwhile, Kuwasa and Kazu were fighting the guards, their movements quick and precise. Kuwasa was using a water jutsu to control the battlefield, while Kazu darted in and out, striking with his kunai.

In the end, it was Alex who managed to strike the final blow, bringing his sword down on the noble's left arm and chopping it clean off. With his left arm amputated, the noble screamed in pain before falling to the floor clutching his left arm

The fight was over, and the noble and his guards were taken into questioning. Alex, Kuwasa, and Kazu shared a relieved glance, knowing that they had prevented a potential coup and saved the village from chaos.

"Tell me everything," Alex demanded, his eyes glowing red

The noble without hesitation began to spill everything he knew about the coup. Alex listened carefully, taking mental notes of the key players involved and their plans.

Once the noble had given all the information he could, Alex ordered his Anbu to take him into custody. He turned to Kuwasa and Kazu, a determined look in his eyes.

"We need to stop this coup before it begins," Alex said. "We can't let our village fall into the hands of traitors."

the group returned to the Mizukage's office to discuss the situation. Kazu, as Anbu Commander, had his team investigate the noble's ties to any other corrupt officials in the village, while Kuwasa began gathering intelligence on any possible coup attempts.

As they discussed their next steps, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The fact that there were corrupt officials in Kirigakure was not new information to him, but the idea that they were planning a coup was troubling.

Alex had worked hard to create a new age, but he knew that there were still those who longed for the days of the Bloody Mist. He couldn't let them destroy all that he had accomplished.

As the days went by, the Anbu were able to uncover several other corrupt officials who were involved in the coup d'état plot. They also discovered that the coup was being led by a group of rogue ninjas who had been kicked out of Kirigakure for their extremist beliefs.

Alex knew that they needed to act quickly. He called for a meeting with his advisors, including Kuwasa, Kazu, and several other high-ranking officials. They discussed their options and came up with a plan to prevent the coup.

Their plan involved several simultaneous strikes against the rogue ninja's hideouts, as well as a show of force in the streets to demonstrate the strength of the Mizukage rule. Alex knew that it was a risky move, but he was confident in his abilities.

On the day of the operation, Alex donned his gear and joined Kuwasa and Kazu in leading the charge. They split their forces into several groups and attacked the rogue ninja's hideouts from multiple angles.

The fighting was intense, with both sides using jutsus to gain the upper hand. Alex found himself face to face with one of the rogue ninja leaders, a woman with long black hair and piercing red eyes.

She was a skilled fighter, but Alex was able to hold his own. He used his water-style jutsu to keep her at bay while he analyzed her moves. Finally, he saw an opening and struck, hitting her with a powerful punch that sent her flying across the room.

As the fight continued, Alex noticed that the woman was starting to get tired. He knew he had to strike soon before she could regain her strength. He quickly formulated a plan, using his water-style jutsu to create a large wave that rushed toward her.

The woman caught off guard, was thrown back by the force of the wave. Alex quickly followed up, running towards her and delivering a powerful punch that sent her flying across the room. She hit the ground hard, but quickly got back up, her eyes filled with anger.

She charged at Alex again, her fists clenched and ready to strike. Alex dodged her attacks, using his speed and agility to avoid her blows. He knew he had to end this quickly before she could recover and attack again.

With a quick flick of his wrist, Alex summoned a powerful jet of water that slammed into the woman, knocking her off her feet. She hit the ground hard, but still managed to get up, her eyes blazing with fury. He charged towards the woman, his fists raised and ready to strike. She met him head-on, throwing punches and kicks with incredible speed and agility. Alex dodged and weaved, looking for an opening.

Finally, he saw it. The woman threw a high kick, leaving herself open for just a moment. Alex took advantage of the opening, delivering a powerful punch that connected with the side of her head. She stumbled back, dazed and disoriented.

With a final burst of energy, Alex delivered a devastating kick that sent the woman flying across the room. She hit the ground hard and didn't move. Alex stood over her and motioned for someone to tie her up

As the fighting continued, Alex received a report that one of the rogue ninjas had managed to escape and was making his way to the center of the village. Alex knew that he had to act quickly to prevent him from causing any damage.

He ordered Kuwasa and Kazu to handle the rest while he made his way to the center of the village. When he arrived, he found the rogue ninja standing in the middle of the street, surrounded by a group of terrified civilians.

Alex stepped forward, pointing his fingers at the ninja a precise stream of water shot out of his finger piercing his skull as the ninja dropped to the floor dead

Over the coming weeks, Alex and his advisors worked to root out the remaining corrupt officials and restore order to the village.