
Naruto: Past Mistakes

Kushina goes back in time to make things right with her son naruto. Kushina will have a system, and slowly become op.

Maron_Jane · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Forgotten Son.

[Destroyed Konoha]

Kushina: "Urgh!" I screeched in pain, hitting the destroyed streets of Konoha. "Huff... He strong." I said, slowly picking myself back up. "Wow.. look at this magnificent masterpiece." Looking where the voice came from, i then saw a black silhouette behind the flames coming closer and closer. When the black silhouette walked through the flames, my face had change instantly, with regret and sorrow.

"Isn't it mother." The boy said, revealing himself to her. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy i'm back to this dump of a village?" Not responding to him, i just took a few steps forward with tears flowing down my cheeks and sobbed out. "Sorry naruto. I just.." But before i could finish my sentence, naruto then rush up to me, and punched me hard in the stomach. Coughing out blood from the powerful blow, i then back up hunching over in pain.

"Sorry!" He shouted in anger, and then said out loud. "Do you think one measly apology will change the suffering you and that family put me through." Then he raised his fist and started to brutally attack me, shouting. "Now you care for me! Cut the crap! Do you know how long i wanted you and that bastard of a father love and affection, or the times i stood in the doorway hoping that you will remember me and come back to take me with you."

Seeing him standing over my unrecognizable body, he then clinched both of his fist that had my blood leaking from his knuckles and said. "But y'all never came back. Y'all never do!" Breathing heavily, i forced myself to speak. "Huff... Naruto, i've always loved you. Huff... I haven't been a good mother to you. But if killing me will make you feel better, then..." "Shut up and die!" Naruto shouted, shoving a kunai in my chest before i could finish. "I hate hearing your voice. I'm done here." He said, pulling out the kunai from my chest, and left me lying in my own blood.

Feeling my warm blood flowing out of my stab wound, i then looked up at the smokey sky. 'If i could go back in time, i would of changed everything. 'I thought to myself, imagining what could have been. "Sorry my son. I wish that i had came back through those doors with open arms." I said in a whisper, while slowly closing my eyes for the last time with a single tear sliding down my cheek.

But unknown to me, a system status bar popped up from nowhere and words appeared saying. [System had finally activated. Host will now reset back in time in one, two, three.]