
Naruto: Past Mistakes

Kushina goes back in time to make things right with her son naruto. Kushina will have a system, and slowly become op.

Maron_Jane · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Back To The Past.

[Namikaze Compound Dreamworld]

Kushina: "Yikes!" Looking at my daughters unsuccessful attempt to do tree walking, i then stretched out my hand and help her up off the ground. "Damn it! I failed again." She said in frustration. Crouching down to her level, i then place the palm of my hand on the side of her cheek, to get her attention. "It's okay not to get it the first couple of times mito. " I said to her, but she just complain some more. "It's to hard."

sighing to myself i then looked in to my daughters eye's and said. "Well since you think it's to hard, you can take a break and play with your brother." "Really!" She said happily. Nodding my head to confirm my words, she then ran to her brother that was already done training with minato.

Seeing her run off, i then stood up off the ground. "She's a handful, isn't she." Turning my head to the familiar voice that came from beside me, i then responded. "You know it minato." "Haha!" He laughed at my response, and then patted my back. "Don't worry about it kushina, she will grow out of it sooner or later." He said to me.

"I hope you're right minato." I said to him while shaking my head. " When was i ever wrong." He responded while walking backwards with both of his arms stretch out, and proceeded to turn around and shouted. "Let dad have some fun to." Seeing my two children playing with minato now, had put a smile on my face. But when i was focusing on them, i then felt a tug on my leg.

Looking down at the disturbance, my face had then instantly change to regret. "Can i train with you now." Looking at him for a while, i then crouch down and put my hands on both of his shoulders and looked in his pleading eyes. "Not right now. But after your birthday i promise you will start your training." Seeing his down casted expression, made me feel ashamed of saying that.

"But you and father always say that. I new it you never loved me at all. The only ones you both really care about are mito and Boruto." Hearing what he had said to me, i immediately hugged him and said. "that's not true. We love you as much the same." But when i tried to comfort him some more, i then heard a voice that came out of nowhere.

"That's right naruto. They will never love you." Immediately pushing my son behind me, i frankly looked around. Seeing my surroundings turn pitch black, my ears can't pick up the laughter of my two children and minato in the background anymore. Looking forward i saw a figure came out of the darkness saying. "You know i am right. I am the one who protected you from these horrible people."

Seeing who had come from the darkness, had made me form a scowl on my face. "That's why i came to take you to your real family." "Stay away!" I shouted to him threateningly, holding a kunai in a protective stance. "Look how she plays, like she really cares about you. But don't worry naruto, i am always here for you." Seeing him still walking towards us, i then got up and rush at him with the kunai gripped in my hands.

"I said! Stay away!" But before i could harm him, a sharp pain came from my back to the front. Seeing the man smile at me with a wicked grin, i then looked down to see a half of a cortana sticking out of my stomach. "You are right orochimaru." Turning my head slowly behind me, i then saw naruto was not a kid anymore but had grown in to a teenager. "N-Naruto?" I said coughing out blood from my mouth.

"You are always right." He said pulling out the cortana slowly so i could feel every bit of it. Falling down to the ground face first, blood started to flow out of my wound. Struggling to lift my head up, i saw naruto walking alongside orochimaru as the snake sannin glared at me with that creepy smile. Stretching my hand towards naruto's retreating back, i then had tears flowing from my eyes. "I'm so sorry." I said in a whisper and then passed out.

[Outside of Dream in Hospital Room]

Opening my eyes, i then saw a persons hand about to touch me. Immediately grabbing the guys wrist, i then forced him against the hospital rooms wall. "Where am i?!" I shouted at him. "In konoha hospital," He responded. "Lies! Konoha is supposed to be in ruins!" I shouted pulling his arm even further behind him. "Argh! I'm telling the truth." He cried out loud.

Gritting my teeth, i then proceeded to knock him out and ran out of the hospital room. Running through the hallways i then pass by doctors and patience, hitting some out of my way. But when i ran upstairs and open the door, the bright sun made me clench my eyes. Shaking my head, i then started to walk towards the edge of the roof. Rubbing my eyes to see if my mind is playing tricks on me, i then pinched the side of my cheek to see if i could feel pain.

When i felt the stinging sensation, i knew i was not dreaming and konoha was not in ruins anymore. "What in the fuck is going on?!" I shouted from the top of my lungs scaring the birds away.