
Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

A genius scientist who knows his way around anime dies and meets The Author who gives him the choice of reincarnation and three wishes. He chooses Naruto as his world with the powers of Yuu Otasaka from Charlotte (Loot), Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index, and a Zanpakuto. Alignment: Chaotic Good I don't know how the story will go myself. If you have any suggestions that I like, I will try to implement them. The cover picture is not mine, if you want me to delete or replace it, please contact me through Discord: CalmNature #4167 or email: s.deluxe16@gmail.com Most of the characters are not mine, the credit goes to Kishimoto. Only the original characters are mine.

CalmNature · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Travel and Timeskip

Sorry, for not posting a chapter yesterday. Was a bit busy, and its getting a lot harder to think up a chapter since I am doing them on a whim and spontaneously!


When I woke up, I could see Konan clinging to me.

'Haa, this is probably because it is not long ago when her parents died and here I am being the knight in golden armor, saving her from poverty and what else what'

Slowly waking up Konan and getting ready for another fruitful day, we left the Capital to go to Sunagakure.

I always wanted to know how people settled themselves permanently in a desert.

So we went on our merry way again, now out to Sunagakure. The Kage in Sungakure now should be the Third Kazekage, the one who invented "Iron Sand". Combining his Iron Manipulation and Shukaku's, the One-Tails, he made this technique. He was feared as the strongest Kazekage.

Again I trained Konan and deepened our still friend-based relationship.

She was a real genius, in only one to two weeks she was already at the level of an academy student with her papers. I also taught her other skills like Shurikenjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. She had good talent in Shuriken and Ninjutsu.

Deciding to focus on that, I also showed her some tricks for combat which I stole from others.

You could say that my combat experience was terrifying now.

We were on the way for about 3 days and when we arrived at the gate, I noticed that the guards here were putting much more attention on everything.

I just used Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu) in the capital and some chakra hiding seals.

It should still work here, too. But for safety's sake, mainly for Konan, I will make some extra seals.

After some trouble, we entered Sunagakure. It was a bit different than I thought. It was a bit different than I imagined.

The village was surrounded by three sides of mountain area and there was only one way in.

Hmm..., it would be really hard to initiate an attack on Sunagakure. Not that I want to...

Konan and I watched all the sights that were to see in Sunagakure and we were finished in an hour...

Not that much to see actually. The houses were build by sand and in the form of a dome. Some were smaller and some bigger.

There was also a long building that I assume was the Hokage tower.

I didn't know what I wanted to do here and just walked around. Some loyal Ninjas would be nice here.

That's what I will do. Sleeping the night in a hotel, we went and waited outside the gate for some time.

A team of 3 Genin and 1 Jonin left the village and we followed them. Naturally, they didn't notice us, since my seals arent some weak shit, that could be easily noticed by some Jonin.

Oh, I also went up to Level 3 in the gravity seal, giving me bit of a hard time but after some hours, I could control my chakra flow again despite some difficulties and my body wasn't going to stick to the ground every second now.

In the next hours, we watched them just travel and intercepted them as soon as we were some distance from the village.

"Hello, my friends!"

The Suna-Nin went directly on guard after seeing some random people. (Still in transformation)

I made quick work of them not even giving them a chance by simply throwing some rocks at their legs, effectively disabling their combat ability.

Using Mind Hacking on the Jonin and one Genin whose future looked pretty promising, I used the two other Genin to show a real fight to Konan.

I changed their memories so that the other killed all of their family and now they despise each other.

Konan was a bit distressed from seeing the fight but was no stranger to things like that as living in poor conditions showed oneself the dark side of the world.

She said that she learned some things, to tell the truth, I actually don't even know what got from that as I just saw some boys fighting like a 3-year-old.

Well... Mission accomplished, I guess?

Let's go to the next destination: Land of Earth and Iwagakure

Okay, there was nothing interesting there too. We just entered the same way as in Sunagakure and waited for another team or two.

Of course, I even visited my old friend, the Earth Daimyo, and "told" him about my plan.

On the way, there was also Rock County but I didn't do anything there. I don't really remember if anything important happened there.

So we finished with Land of Wind and Land of Earth. Still Land of Fire, Land of Lightning and Land of Water are missing.

The nearest from here would be the Land of Fire, the Daimyo shouldn't be harder than the other in comparison. And there isn't any need to plant spies in Konoha since I am there.

So we made our merry way there.

Subsequently adding the Daimyo to our little club with no troubles, we made our way to Land of Lightning.

And like this 2 years went by...

[A/N: Completely no idea what to do, maybe I will build something in that we all don't know yet later on.]

Konan was now 8-years-old and was easily able to kill Genin and fight a Chunin with some chances, about low-level Chunin strength.

I didn't have any substantial power-ups, since my Ryajigan was still deactivated, but I could slowly start to feel it. This time it was not in the eyes but a feeling that encompassed my whole body.

It looks like it will have an evolution.

Konan looked now like a 10-year-old and we got a lot closer. Not dangerously close but close enough that we could guess our thoughts and reasoning.

It could also be possible because I didn't even try to hide it.

I was now 10-years-old and I already got the message that the war is on the horizon. I visited Konoha about every 3 months so I knew the rough situation.

Now we were on our way back to Konoha.

"Izumi, Hyoketsu is already on its own legs, do you want to use them in the war? It would be decided pretty fast if you did that."

"Nah, I have some things to do in the war. I also want to test my skills and maybe even make a wave in the world."

"Hmm... Your name will surely be something cool like White Shinigami."


Some hours later we were already in Konoha and I replaced my clone, getting 3 months worth of memories.

Looks like the missions were mostly about the war, information gathering, assassination and stuff like that.

Every Country already sent their men onto the battlefield and the Suna- and Iwa-Front was already fighting.

Kumogakure and Kirigakure looked like they were waiting for their moment.

The three Sannin were in Amegakure and would soon fight Hanzo it seems.

The clans were divided into every battlefield but I am sure once Kirigakure attacks, the Uchihas will be send there to weaken.

The Hyugas would probably go with them so they could somewhat help them in the Mist and against the Silent Killing Technique.

Sakumo Hatake will be on the Suna-Front and Tsunade will come to counter Chiyo's poison.

The Ino-Shika-Cho trio would probably at the Iwa-Front.

The Sannin will probably be deployed where it is urgently needed.

I dont know if there will be any differences but according to my informations at hand, there will such deployments.

Where do I want to go? I think the Suna-Front would be the best, I can surely steal some corpses and living people. The poison will surely make a huge dent in the forces of Konoha and stealing corpses wont be suspicious as the pupeteers of Sunagakure would probably take the blame.

Do they have puppets with a Dojutsu? Would the puppets be able to use it since the are controlled by the pupeteers? Actually a good question...

Well not that I care that much.

So after asking the Hokage if I could go there, he was a bit suprised since that is the front with the most casualties and injuries. No Shinobi would go there willingly to die.

I used the excuse that I could help with the fight against poison as well as on the battlefield.

Hiruzen believed me since I was Tsunade's student and she talked about how talented he was.

Hestitating a bit because Tsunade would kill him if the little boy died on his watch, in the end he still decided to sent him to the war.

Konan was transformed into some random girl and waited in my home, I also introduced her to my parents.

And I have to say, they were pretty happy about it. Heck, did you guys forget that she is 10 and I am 12?

Anyway, after that scene we were again on the road. Minato didnt went with us this time as he was already stationed in the Iwa-Front.

Haa... *sigh*, I still knew how I said that I wouldnt meddle in the war and yet here I am off to there.

I also should save Nawaki and Kato Dan... so much trouble.

Hello, leave some suggestions please. It is getting harder.

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