
Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

A genius scientist who knows his way around anime dies and meets The Author who gives him the choice of reincarnation and three wishes. He chooses Naruto as his world with the powers of Yuu Otasaka from Charlotte (Loot), Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index, and a Zanpakuto. Alignment: Chaotic Good I don't know how the story will go myself. If you have any suggestions that I like, I will try to implement them. The cover picture is not mine, if you want me to delete or replace it, please contact me through Discord: CalmNature #4167 or email: s.deluxe16@gmail.com Most of the characters are not mine, the credit goes to Kishimoto. Only the original characters are mine.

CalmNature · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Suna-Front and Slaughter

The travel time was not that long so we arrived soon after.

Konan was in our space dimension, which I build using seals.

I "tattooed" used both some seals on the body, where we could leave and enter the space dimension how we liked.

It wasn't quite at the level of Kamui, but I think with some improvements here and there, it would outshine Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do it, maybe after stealing some more Sealing Arts knowledge, I would be able to.

It is also filled with chakra and natural energy, it wasn't really that hard just using the surrounding area. For the chakra, this is a secret...

"Stop! State your name and reason for entering Konohs's military base."

"Izumi Mora send by the Third Hokage to assist the Suna-Front."

'What will this little brat do on the battlefield? I don't think we got this far to send little children here.'

He checked some of the documents that the Hokage gave with me and then send me to the headquarters tent.

Waiting in front of it, I said "Izumi Mora, asking for entrance!"

"Come in!"

I heard the answer and entered the tent. I could see Sakumo Hatake and some other Jonin sitting there and looking at me.

"Are you the one, the Hokage talked about?"

"I think so?"

"Your area of activity will be in the medical tents. It would be tremendously helpful if you could help us somehow with the poison. As a student of Tsunade, you should surely have some skills."

"I will try and see if I can do anything about it."

After leaving the tents and searching for a bit, I found the medical area.

Just smelling, the surroundings reeked of blood and death. It looks like it already started...

Registering and getting some samples of the poison, I wanted to see, what gives them so much trouble.

Of course, I won't fix it so fast. I have yet to take my test subjects. I even created seals that could be used on other people and corpses to teleport to a different area in my space dimension.

The laboratory was also transported there as I thought there could be some differences between a mind space and a somewhat "real" dimension.

Hmm... interesting. I didn't think that Chiyo would be able to produce such a poison with the backward medical knowledge they have here.

It was basically a poison that was breathed in and like this entered the lungs. It binds itself to the Oxygen and infects the blood. The heart receives and pumps out the blood which in turn infects it. The body will be completely paralyzed after some time and what follows will be a heart attack.

Never was this made purposefully, pretty sure this is some accident that resulted in something potent like this. The body doesn't even get a chance to build antibodies before he dies.

This actually isn't that hard to heal. I just have to make some antibodies or use a small amount that wouldn't damage the body and inject everyone. Similar to the vaccinations.

Hell, they could even just wear a mask. Are all ninja stupid? Sometimes they do give me a feeling.

[A/N: Is this believable? Just made some shit up, maybe there is a poison like that.]

Maybe I will do it later or just help them a bit so I get some credit, but that will also wait after I got my rewards for waiting that long. hehe~

And even if I wanted to help, it would still take some time. It isn't like I can accelerate time...

Wait? Can I do that? Time is an abstract thing that isn't touchable and the name was actually created by humans, so maybe it is impossible.

There are no vectors that are connected to time. Huh, wasn't there a theory in my old world that said that black holes stop time or you could travel so fast that you could travel back in time?

Maybe a research worthy project in the future. It will take a long time until I can create a black hole or be fast enough to go 300.000 kilometers per second.

I went out of the temporary office that I got and went around to heal some injured ninjas. If there was anyone from a clan that was poisoned, I discreetly helped them hold out a bit longer.

Naturally, I want a selection of my test subjects. I will take some of the best.

There were some Uchihas, Hyugas, Senjus [A/N: They shouldn't have all died already, did they?] and some other interesting clan men.

I already have some Uzumaki's in there, hehe~

Waiting for some weeks and periodically taking one or two that were critically in danger, nobody noticed as everyone was in a rush and had no time to note all injured and dead people.

*sigh*, now that was done. I even think I have overdone it, well nobody got time for some dying people, so hopefully, no one will notice.

I also focused on people with no family that would ask questions or loners. They were literally crying on their death bed that there was no one that would even cry after their death.

Pretty sad, so I let them live...

in my prison which I specifically build for some clansmen in my dimension. *innocent smile*

It would have taken me much longer if I didn't go sometimes out on the battlefield and getting some people secretly from there. Actually, most of them are from there.

Today was again a day, where I had to go to the battlefield.

Looks like there is a big battle today since I didn't even ask if I can go to the battlefield.

Everyone was called to the place where the battle will happen and after some, well half-assed motivational speech, the Shinobis of different villages went at each other.

Haa... I think these ninjas are really stupid. Didn't they hear of formations, strategies, or anything like that?

Maybe someone from the Nara-Clan could think of that...

I also rushed in like a stupid idiot, not that I needed any of these schemes to win against these cannon fodders.

Seeing two ninjas in front of me, I used Body Acceleration and slit their throat with my Kunai from behind.

Shuriken was thrown by me at five other ninjas that were near me, all pointing at their heads.

Only one survived and he looked at me like I was some demon. Killing 6 Shinobis in the blink of an eye.

The Ninjas who were killed by my Shurikens didn't even have time to register the death of their comrades.

Well, that guy was also dead now. I think if I play around a bit, I will become famous.

I literally walked into the enemy ninjas and you could only see a blur after I was back at my previous position still walking into the enemies.

The difference before and after the blur? Dead bodies surrounding a boy with white hair and red eyes, looking like the devil himself.

Why is no one here anymore? Did they run away? I start to lose my little bit of respect I had towards Shinobis...

Oh, maybe not.

I could sense 5 Jonin-level chakra signatures running towards me.

[Third POV]

The five Jonins arrived and only saw countless dead bodies and in the middle of it all, an innocent smiling boy.

They thought for a second that the child was the only survivor of some Konoha-Jonin, but after seeing the headband on his head, they dispelled this thought.

Now they could see, that the seemingly innocent expression wasn't that innocent. It was filled with madness and happiness.

'This kid is a demon' Everyone had the same thought, well if they could have that...

The five Jonin fell down all with a peanut size hole in their head.

There was still some audience that was watching this spectacle, it was a battlefield, especially in the middle of the enemy forces.

'Death's Door', the only thing that remained in their head as they also breathed their last.

At this time, a demon was born. A demon dubbed 'Death's Door', 'White Shinigami', 'Accelerator', and many more.

If you ever see Death's Door, you will know that your time has come for the Death's Door is visiting you leading you personally to Death.

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