
Naruto: Overhaul

Chisaki was reincarnated to the Naruto world. But instead of Konoha, Chisaki was reincarnated in Suna, where the land was infertile and one of the poorest among the five great countries. To make it worse, Chisaki was reincarnated before the second Shinobi world war, where all the odds are against Suna. Fortunately for Chisaki, he soon discovered that he had the same ability as one of BNHA characters: Overhaul as a trump card to defend his life in this dog-eat-dog world. Follow the journey of Chisaki and watch how he messed up with the whole plot of Naruto. check my pat.reon Pátreon.com/Rafaelcarmelo for up to ten chapters ahead and support me ^_^

Rafael_Carmelo · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Ch 39: Bandit Mission

" Rasa-san, I have seen the enemy, what are we going to do now?"

On the border of Land of wind, the group of four were communicating with each other.

After the team was made since most of them had known each other Rasa decided to skip the formality and just took the test to do the baptism for Konan and Shiro.

Yup, it was finally their first time killing someone.

They took the mission to exterminate the bandit on the border of the land of wind with the land of Rain, and here they are.

Rasa looked at the bandit hideout with a solemn expression and nodded toward Chisaki.

" Good, then now it is the turn for the two of you. Shiro, Konan, for this mission only the two of you will raid the bandit hideout!"

" !!!! "

The two little Genin was a little bit shocked as they looked at each other, trying to digest what Rasa had just said.

" Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to play anything here. It's just... If Chisaki was to join you guys, I know he would obliterate the Bandit hideout in one move. Konan, do you still remember the last trick that this guy developed?" Rasa pointed at Chisaki, shaking his head helplessly.

Well, in the last year, Chisaki didn't sit still doing nothing. Other than training his medical ninjutsu with Tsunade and living Overhaul, he also experimented with his usual Overhaul, and the result was he found a big killing move that could immediately turn the tide of a battle.

Chisaki heard this and scratch his help while blushing, with made the other three really speechless.

If they didn't know, Chisaki really looked like an innocent boy who would never hurt a fly. But the more you know it, the more you realize the horror of this guy.

It was from the moment when his father died. Somehow, there seemed to be another personality inside Chisaki, and it was something that would do anything to do his goal.

Rasa and Konan knew this but they could only hope the best for Chisaki as it seemed that even Chisaki himself didn't notice the seriousness of this matter.

Back to the mission, since rasa wanted to test Konan and Shiro, he didn't give them any strategies and just let them lunge in the direction of the bandit.

" Now, with my countdown, you guys are gonna go there and kill them all."

" One.. Two.. Three!!"

On the count of three, Konan and Shiro immediately left their current location and rushed toward the Bandit.

From a bit further, Shiro could see about three Bandits were guarding the perimeter while more than ten bandits were staying inside the hideout.

" Konan, please do the pre-emptive attack, I'll ambush them from the sides."

" Sure!!"

Along with that words, the two went in separate directions, Konan who was going to continuously harass the enemy using her paper ninjutsu, and Shiro who would play as an assassin.

Observing them from afar, Chisaki and Rasa gave their comments.

" Not bad, but still on Genin level.."

" Bah, don't expect everyone the same as you kid. You are a monster okay?"

Watching the display of Konan and Shiro, Rasa silently gave his approval.

At least, this team of Genin was pretty good, he thought secretly.

Let's not say about Konan who he had already known, Shiro was in fact giving him a big surprise.

Even though most of the casualties resulted from Konan's paper shuriken, Shiro was able to see the weakness in the enemy and with one swift move decapitate the enemy before hiding again.

Not a frontal type ninja but an assassin, in the team with Chisaki as a moving fortress, Shiro clearly compensates Chisaki's lacking flexibility.

Only about ten minutes, Konan and Shiro had killed almost everyone on the bandit hideout, leaving only the Bandit Boss alive.

" Damn, that bastard Iwa, they said they would take care of us!"

Roared the Bandit Boss out of nowhere that made both Chisaki and Rasa frown.

Here they noticed there might be some blackhand behind this.

The two looked at each other and reached a consensus. They should try to catch this bandit boss and interrogate him alive.

But before even the two could move, the Bandit Boss's head had already flown out of nowhere.

" *Sigh* What a useless fellow. At least try to keep our deal a secret, that way you could at least be able to keep your life..."

A figure appeared out of nowhere much to Konan and Shiro's shock.

Well, it was not out of nowhere, it was clear that the man had been hiding in the earth for some time, and it was because of Chisaki's neglect to check the surrounding that he was able to escape Chisaki's sight.

Looking at the man, a frown appeared on Rasa and Chisaki's face.

Not, good he was just way too close to Konan and Shiro.

At their current speed, there's no way the two could reach Konan and Shiro before the man does.

Therefore, Chisaki scraped the idea of moving forward and just focused on the chakra on his feet.

"Reshape: Coal fortress!!"

Using his overhaul ability, Chisaki created a cylindrical barrier around Konan and Shiro almost at the same time when the man move.


And fortunately, Chisaki was fast enough. The man's kunai clashed with the coal fortress and it was bounced back as it was not able to break the hardness of the coal fortress.

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