
Naruto: Overhaul

Chisaki was reincarnated to the Naruto world. But instead of Konoha, Chisaki was reincarnated in Suna, where the land was infertile and one of the poorest among the five great countries. To make it worse, Chisaki was reincarnated before the second Shinobi world war, where all the odds are against Suna. Fortunately for Chisaki, he soon discovered that he had the same ability as one of BNHA characters: Overhaul as a trump card to defend his life in this dog-eat-dog world. Follow the journey of Chisaki and watch how he messed up with the whole plot of Naruto. check my pat.reon Pátreon.com/Rafaelcarmelo for up to ten chapters ahead and support me ^_^

Rafael_Carmelo · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Ch 24 : Chisaki's strategy

A few minutes later, The puppet wyvern was now flying above the Konoha camp.

Chisaki used a telescope that he had created before and began to search for the location of Dan Kato.

A few minutes later.

" Find it. He is in the open space in the northwest of Konoha camp. However, there was a lot of guard on his side!"

" A lot of guards... that made things a lot complicated..."

Sasori frowned as he heard Chisaki's words.

They were going to attack from above, but it would be bad if they were to be discovered before they attacked. After all, the enemies might have some techniques or jutsu that still could pose harm to them even at this high altitude.

" No need to worry. We have this all planned!"

Said Chisaki before he took out three things:

A small number of irons sands, a ball that looked suspicious with some explosion tags on top of it, and lastly, a jar that looked ver suspicious with the warning of poison, do not touch.

Sasori saw that Chisaki was finally ready to take out those three items, and his eyes filled with horror.

Even though they were enemies, Sasori still pitied the enemy who was standing in the opposite direction of Chisaki.

" Now, let's drop the first thing!"

Chisaki dropped the jar from the high altitude that fell directly into the Konoha camp.

It was all okay until now, but when the jar touched the ground and was broken to pieces, a lot of purple gas came out from it.

" Poison!!?? Damn, it's poison. Cover your eyes and nose!"

Yup, it was a gaseous poison. If it was placed in any other place, then the Konoha ninja would surely escape, but this was their base, and there were a lot of important items here, so they could not just leave this place open to their enemies.

They closed their nose and mouth and were ready for the enemy ambush.

However, they made one mistake. This was not only normal poison, but also poison that was mixed with chili flakes which would be very painful in the eyes.

" Ouch, my eyes!"

" Damn, what kind of poison is this? How could it be very painful!!"

The Konoha ninjas were panicked, and from above, Sasori and Chisaki were watching it full of laughter.

" Then, next is this!"

Chisaki took the second item, which is the iron sands.

He enveloped the iron sands with chakra and made them into a very thin but strong iron string.

When everything was ready, Chisaki waited for the guard around Dan Kato to show a gap from the poison before manipulating the iron string in such a way that it was able to capture Dan Kato's body.

The movement was very swift and without noise that it even made the Konoha ninja a bit late to react.

The moment they knew it, Dan Kato's body was already in the air, not far from the puppet wyvern.

" Damn it, release Dan!!"

Screamed a lot of Konoha ninjas. Some even tried to attack the puppet wyvern or the string, but all of it was easily repelled or avoided by Chisaki and Sasori.

With Dan Kato's body being captured and put on a lock like what was used in Konoha's prison, their mission here should be done.

However, Chisaki still had one last gift to Konoha ninja at this time.

" Heh, you Konoha ninjas always scream about being just, protector of the ninja world or whatever. But now, you guys are just ants in my mercy."

At this moment, Chisaki no longer had that childish or kind vibes anymore. His eyes were full of vengeance and hatred when he dropped the last item to the camp of Konoha ninja.

Just before the item hit the ground, Chisaki made a seal and decided to explode it.

" Katsu!"


A huge explosion that decimated the whole camp appeared.

Scream and shouted full of pain filled the area, but it was all too late.

The last item was filled with gunpowder which was created by Chisaki using his ability, and when it eventually exploded by the explosion tags, you could guess what happened next.

If the Konoha ninjas were to run from the start, then they might be able to avoid these huge casualties, but because they were trying to protect the base, a lot of Ninjas here were killed during the explosions.

For Chisaki, this was only his first step of revenge, but for now, it was already enough. He already got what he wanted, and it was time to leave.

Chisaki's eyes returned back to the normal Chisaki, but at this time, Sasori, who was watching Chisaki doing all of this from the side, shivered.

' That eyes.. that was not eyes that seven years old kids like us should have.. He is indeed a psychopath..'

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Read up to ten chapters in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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