
Naruto: Otherworldly System!

Honestly, I just saw two novels with kyubi being the main character so I decided to write this. What if the original Naruto also somehow got a system from another world? Follow the adventures of a sarcastic system which only allows 3 functions and Naruto with a moody fox watching everything he does! AN: Also I do not own the cover because I just searched on google for a photo. The functions are Travel to different universes, (He travels to different anime and shows, depends.) Status, and Gacha. I will not try to make Naruto too op but lets see.

Gejahex · Others
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28 Chs

Slaughter/ Rip and Tear

We walked cautiously to a worn down village. Tazuna goes to a house and invites us in. There, we meet a woman and a little kid.

"This is my daughter Tsunami and my grandson Inari." He looked at the women and the kid. The kid looked at us.

"Hmph" The kid made a sound. Ok.

Somewhere else, you see Zabuza sitting near a wall with Haku tending his wounds.

"You might have died from that kid alone." Haku said.

"Ugh... That kid hits very hard. Couldn't you have thrown the needles a little softer?"

"Your still weak from the needles I shot. Normal people need a week to recover, but you require less then that."

"I don't need a week, I need to finish the job. Come with me" He said while walking, but sat down again due to the injuries.

"You need rest, I will get some herbs." She said and body flickered away.

[The Next Morning]

I went out to go take a walk and to get some quality time with Kurama and Ron. I see a girl in a pink kimono is picking herbs.

Haku, remembering the one to harm Zabuza was this boy, emitted killing intent but retracted it immediately. Kurama felt that though, because he emitted killing intent to the people he hates, he gained the ability to sense killing intent.

{Brat, this girl seems to want to kill you, be careful.}


... It is Haku, should I kill her or..

"Hey do you need help with picking the herbs?" I asked instinctively, why do I always have to help people.

"Yea, thank you. What is your name?" She has a beautiful voice.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I will be the strongest." I said while collecting herbs.

"My name is Haku Yuki and may I ask why you want to be the strongest?"

(AN: I originally planned for the system betraying Naruto in like 200 chapters because the system was just using him to gain more power, but I scrap that idea. But what I did keep was the system molding Naruto a little, making him having more battle-hungry tendecies and also makes references. You guys will know why.... I don't know when, but I have a reason so don't say "Oh you changed Naruto's personality for no reason!")

"I want to be the strongest, to travel places nobody have seen and to protect the people dear to me. Pretty cliche reason."

She smiled a geniune smile.

"It's cliche because that is most peoples motivation." She said as I was putting the herbs in here basket.

"Well, see ya!" I say.


That was something. She was really pretty though.

{Oh, Naruto is finally looking for girls.}


I walk back to the house and the damn banshee screams again.

"Why are you late!"

"Well, I went on a walk and found this white cat and played with it until a black cat came so I had to take a detour." Kakashi gave me a thumbs up.

"Yeah right!" She screamed.

"Ok guys, lets just go." We walked to the bridge and waited while Tazuna's crew built the bridge. I feel another disturbance and dodged, needles striking where I was. I see Zabuza and Haku coming at us.

"Wait! I could help you with the coup!" I scream.

"How? You are too weak to help us." He said.

I smirk and say something risky, but I need to because I don't feel like killing them, they have good morals. Also did he forget that I had Kurama with me?

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am the Kyubi Jinchuriki! I could defeat the three tails." For how I know, the system and Kurama told me.

Haku and Zabuza looked at me with wide-eyes.

"Wait Naruto! You cannot do that! You can not perfectly control the Nine Tails yet. And this is at-least an SS-rank mission if you do!" Kakashi said from his usual casual demeanor.

"I need to, millions of people in the future may die due to the corrupt Mizukage." I say

I still need to assess your abilities in order for you to help us." He said and then both of them

dashed towards me, Haku attacking me with needles.

I dodge the needles and side step the overhead swing Zabuza was doing, Recoilless Hwechook on Zabuza.

Sasuke tried to rush with me but Kakashi stopped him. Sakura being the little bitch she was is paralyzed with fear.

I create 30 clones with half of them pulling out their swords and 6 of them getting in a fire-bending stance. I rush towards Zabuza and stop his swords with Nichirin and Halla him. He went into the air and I used fist strike on his head to knock him out.

Recoilless: Fist Strike!

It knocks him out and Haku already put up the crystal mirrors. The clones use their blades against the mirrors and I see Haku attacking me. I turn my head and used Hwechook on her, knocking her out. I sit and wait for something, something that will be bloody.

At that moment, I see a mob of thugs carrying weapons.

"Useless, I paid you to kill, not to talk. I'll just have these men kill you all, there is nothing you can all do against 500 men!" (AN: I inflated the number of people Gato has in order to showcase Naruto's aMaZiNg powers.)

He then tries to kick Haku in the face but I punched him in the face, but that didn't kill him.

He gets up and starts blabbering about how who ever kills me gets 50000000 Ryo. The thugs charge at me and I dodge it all by jumping up. The clones then wreck everybody with Kakashi and Sasuke joined in. I use my many skills to defeat them.

Recoilless: Lowest Hwechook!

Recoilless: Dragon Catcher!

I made a crater with a thugs head exploded remains on my sandals. Granted it was a small crater, only 1 foot wide but still. The thugs started to back away until 5 started to at me in all directions, I slide under one and imagined applying Recoilless kick to True Origins Crushing Kick.

Recoilless: True Origins Crushing Kick!

<Congratulations! You created new skill Recoilless: True Origins Crushing Kick! Here are the stats!

Male: Instant kill/defeat/cripple in the penis. You choose.

Added Effect: Every attempt of sex will fail and result in pain. Best attempt at describing it is the original T.O.C.K/ True Origins Crushing Kick and multiply it by 5. Even touching anywhere near the penis will make the victim feel like them have been split open and poored mercery inside the brain. Then dumped in lava. The area where it has been hit is especially effected. The pain is not counteracted by the trait Masochism. Can never be cured.

(AN: Still has the original effects)

Female: 100 x Strength + 100 x Dexterity + 100 x Damage + 10000

Added Effect: Basically the same as the male but the pain is different. The crouch will feel like some thing is growing inside (Not in a good way) then the pain will grow and grow and spread and spread until every part hurts also feels like barbed needles entering every pore in the body. Also touching it will also cause this pain. The pain is also not counteracted by the trait Masochism

. Can never be cured.

Cooldown: None>

It's time for a blood bath! The guy that was unfortunatly hit by stopped and proceeded to howl in pain, he couldn't even form coherent words. He started to rip his clothes away and run sit while screaming. The other thugs were scared shitless of me and ran away.

I approached Gato who peed his pants.

"D-D-D-Don't kill me! I'll give you everything I have! Just don't kill me!" He pleaded.

"Alright! Make a contract."I said.

He made the contract, then I took it. I used Recoilless: T.O.C.K.

"You said you wouldn't kill me!" He said while feeling the pain, which he screamed a moment later.

"I didn't, I only made you feel pain, oldest trick in the book." I say nonchalantly.

I pick up Haku and Zabuza and go to my team, they are all looking at me with big eyes.

"Naruto, where did you learn that?" Kakashi.

"I learned it from the Nine-Tails, that is where I learn all my moves." I say, a fox that has lived for one thousand years as a cover is really convincing. I disperse my clones that finished wrecking havoc and Renewal leveled up 3 times.

"Naruto! Why are you so brutal!" The banshee screeches as she looks in disgust and horror at the bloody scene.

"I did that because I just felt like it, though I will never hurt innocent people intentionally."

Guys, remember the FBI Open Up card? That is going into play soon, meaning in another, meaning 1000000 chapters. JK

Also, brutal Naruto. I don't know how Naruto didn't turn out more fucked up then he did in the original.

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