
Naruto: Omnipotent Deity

What would happen if someone from Earth was reincarnated into the world of Naruto... But is already at the top of the world? What if... They were the strongest being to exist? What if... They were Omnipotent? This is one of my first novels... please leave any comments on what I can improve on and any ideas you may have... enjoy!

SYNAX · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Word Count: 822

[A:N]: Sorry for no chapters lately, I have a lot going on in my life right now, but I will publish new chapters whenever I can, I should have 1 more chapter today after this one... if not tomorrow morning. Thanks for reading and leave ideas in the comments!


-4 Years Later, Kenji POV-

As Kenji was leaving the academy, he ran into a boy wearing a training outfit, as Kenji was about to pass, the boy finally speaks.

"Kenji-san, I request a rematch!" Says the boy, as he stands in front of Kenji with a smile.

"Not right now, Lee." Kenji says to the boy, now named Lee.

"Why not? I need to improve myself and your the strongest student I get along with, I need to show my YOUTH!" Says Lee, with his signature smile.

"I have something I need you do, Lee." Says Kenji, as he pats Lee on the shoulder, "I graduate tomorrow you know."

"That is exactly why I want to fight!" Says Lee, as he looks Kenji in the eyes. "We won't be able to see each other for awhile!"

"Sigh, alright, follow me." Says Kenji, as he starts walking towards Training Ground 33.

-15 Minutes Later-

"Alright, are you ready Lee?" Asks Kenji, as he sets his stuff down and gets ready.

"Yes!" Says Lee, as he looks at Kenji with a serious expression and gets into a battle stance.

"I will just do Taijutsu with you like usual." Says Kenji, as he looks Lee in the eyes. "Go!"

After Kenji yells go, Lee instantly launches himself towards Kenji and launches a kick at him, but right when it was about to hit Kenji, he caught his foot and spun Lee around and launched him away.

"You need to do better than that Lee." Says Kenji, as he gives Lee a little smile.

"Gate Of Opening!" Yells Lee, as he follows up using Front Lotus on Kenji.

When Kenji sees what Lee is doing, he instantly dodges and appears behind Lee and kicks Lee from behind, which send's him flying and hitting a tree.

"Jeez Lee, not bad." Says Kenji, as he helps Lee up.

"Still not enough to beat you though... But I will catch up to you one day!" Yells Lee, as he turns around and runs away to train more.

As Kenji watches Lee run away, he thinks to himself. 'Lee is growing quickly but... that is not enough if he wants to catch up to me, just to fight him evenly i had to hold back so much... although that is expected, I am graduating academy and he is just about to go into his final year... i cant wait to see how strong he is when he also graduates.'

After Kenji ends his thoughts, he starts walking home.

-Next Day-

"Ugg..." Groans Kenji, as he wakes up and starts to get up.

'Finally time to graduate, I cant wait to become a ninja... i am doing it Yasu...' Thinks Kenji, as he remembers the kind man who helped him when he was younger.

After that, Kenji gets ready for the Academy and starts walking there.

As Kenji arrives at the Academy, he sees all the parents waiting for their kids, waiting to celebrate their child's success.

'If only my parents were still alive...' Thinks Kenji, as his mood drops for a moment then goes back to normal. 'Lets get to class.'

As Kenji gets to class, he can see all the other students with nervous or excited expressions, as soon he walked in, all the students look at Kenji and one of them mutters. "We already know one person who will be graduating..."

As Kenji hears the student, he says nothing but sits at his desk waiting for the teacher to arrive.

After a few minutes, their teacher comes in and says "Alright, I will call you one at a time to take the test, first Zuko Trando."

As the teacher calls his name, the kid named Zuko goes to take his test, as Kenji thinks to himself. 'I want to get this over worth so I can do some missions...'

After a few more students go and take their test's, the teacher finally calls Kenji.

"Kenji Atsuko" Says their teacher, as Kenji gets up and follows him out of the room into the testing room.

"Alright, please do the clone jutsu, Kenji-san." Says the teacher.

"Hai." Says Kenji, as he does the hand seals and a perfect clone appears beside him.

"Pass, here is your headband Kenji." Says the teacher, as he hands Kenji the headband with a smile.

"Thank you, sensei." Says Kenji, as he bows slightly to the teacher and heads back to class.

'Such a good kid...' Thinks the teacher, with a smile.

-1 hour later, after everyone finished their tests-

"Alright, that is everyone." Starts the teacher. "Everyone is dismissed, come back tomorrow to meet your new Sensei."

'Ugg, I have to wait another day?' Thinks Kenji, as he leaves the academy with a sour expression. 'I wanted to start doing missions...'

"Well I guess I can go eat some food and rest until tomorrow." Mutters Kenji, as he smiles and starts heading to Ichiraku.

Short chapter but its within the word count i said i wanted so eh

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