
Naruto: Omnipotent Deity

What would happen if someone from Earth was reincarnated into the world of Naruto... But is already at the top of the world? What if... They were the strongest being to exist? What if... They were Omnipotent? This is one of my first novels... please leave any comments on what I can improve on and any ideas you may have... enjoy!

SYNAX · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Word Count: 1097

[A:N]: Sorry for no chapters last few days, I have been focusing on my college course as well as dealing with some personal issues, but I will try to do at least 1 chapter a day Monday-Thursday (This is when I have classes), and 2-3 chapters a day Friday and Saturday, Sunday will be a break day for me. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and sorry if this chapter is a little weird, i have a lot on my mind at the moment.


-In the Mizukage Office-

"...and this is how your organize the files for the business related documents." Said Yagura, as he is explaining the process to Mei.

"Ugg... Being the Mizukage seems like so much work..." Mutters Mei, as she looks at the documents with an exhausted expression.

"It is, but it is required of us." Says Yagura, as he looks at her with a similar exhausted expression.

As they were about to continue, Yasu teleports into the room, startling both of them.

"So how are things going?" Asks Yasu, as he sits in a random chair in the room.

"I think its going good, Mei seems to understand most of what I have taught her so far." Says Yagura, as he looks at Yasu then asks. "So what are you up to? Anything you need help with?"

"Yes actually, I need to know who you are going to transfer into my division, I would like to get started with training them." Says Yasu, then he continues. "I would also like to know if there is any spot you would recommend I put the base for my division."

"Yes we have a list of people that will be transferring to your division, and if you would like you could put the base in the mountains behind the village, its very well hidden and could also give you privacy." Says Yagura, after thinking for a few moments.

"Sweet, call all of the ninja who will be in my division, I will take them to the base myself and get things started." Says Yasu, as he teleports away.

"I dont like that he is telling us what to do... do we have to listen to him? After all, you are the Mizukage." Says Mei, as she looks at Yagura annoyed.

Yagura look at Mei and thinks for a second, then says. "It is best for everyone involved if we just give him what he wants, we should be thankful enough he decided to help our village instead of completely destroying it."

"I understand he is strong, but wouldn't we have a chance if everyone in the village went against him?" Asks Mei, expressing her doubts.

"He is more power than you think, Mei." Says Yagura, as he gives her a serious look. "He was able to destroy a Tailed Beast Bomb with just one hand, do you really want to offend someone that strong? Besides, do you think, without including me, anyone in this village could defend a Tailed Beast Bomb?"

"..." Mei thinks about it, and see's that he his right, but she still doesn't like it.

"Besides, having him as an Elder will have more benefits than having him as an enemy, although he is doing this because he is bored, it will ultimately benefit our village, so just let him do what he wants until he decides he is bored of this." Says Yagura, as he somewhat grasps Yasu's personality.

"Alright..." Says Mei, with a downcast look.


- 1 hour later -

"Everyone is here, Elder Yasu." Says Mei, as she hands him some documents with all the ninja's details.

"Thank you, Mei." Says Yasu, as he gives her a smile.

As Yasu is looking through the documents, he does not see any ninja he recognizes and sighs.

'Well, even without anyone majorly talented, I can just bless them or something.' Thinks Yasu.

"Alright everyone, follow me to our base." Says Yasu, as he starts running behind the village to the mountains, with everyone assigned to his division following him.

As they reach the mountains, Yasu finds a good spot and thinks. 'This should do.'

"Alright everyone, this is where the base will be, give me a moment and we will have a fully functional base." Says Yasu, as he looks at this division.

'[Authority • Sub-Space Creation] [Authority • Spatial Door] [Authority • Conceal] [Authority • Immunity] [Authority • Security] [Authority • Keycard]'

[SUCCESS! Created Sub-Space 'Delta'!]

[SUCCESS! Created Spatial Door, Linked to Sub-Space 'Delta'!]

[SUCCESS! Concealed Spatial Door!]

[SUCCESS! Created Security System!]

[SUCCESS! Granted Authority Level: 'Member' To ... x10!]

All of a sudden, in the eyes of all the ninja there, they saw a random Door appear out of thin air in front of Yasu.

'What is that...?' All the ninja's think.

"This is the entrance to our base!" Says Yasu, as he opens the door and continues. "Everyone get inside!"

After all the ninjas go inside, they all look around shocked about how the inside looks, after looking around Yasu says. "Alright, we will begin training, but first we need to teach you the procedures we will be using." Says Yasu, as he creates a artificial human who will serve as their trainer. '[Authority • Create Entity]'

All of a sudden, a random man appears out of thin air next to Yasu, he was wearing an all black outfit with a black undershirt, black vest, black pants, and black shoes.

As the ninjas saw this, they all raised their weapons and yell. "Get away from Elder Yasu!"

"It is alright everyone, stand down." Says Yasu, as he looks at the man. "This will be your trainer, his name is Kai."

The ninja's look at Kai suspiciously, as they lower their weapons and acknowledge their new trainer. "Hai, Kai-Sensei!"

"Make sure to teach them the proper knowledge, Kai." Says Yasu, as be begins walking away.

"Yes Sir!" Says Kai, as he faces towards the ninjas and starts their training.


-In another area in Delta-

"So this is the training room, lets get it setup so they can grow faster.." Mutters Yasu, as he begins setting up the training room.

'[Authority • Creation]' Thinks Yasu, as he sees all kinds of training equipment pop out of thin air. 'Alright, now instead of increasing their talent directly, lets make it where their training has more of an effect only in this base.'

As Yasu starts thinking about what do to, he gets an idea.

'[Authority • Domain Creation] [Authority • Create Law]' Yasu thinks.

[SUCCESS! Created Domain 'Delta Training']

[SUCCESS! Creating new laws for Domain 'Delta Training']

After Yasu uses his Authority to create a new domain, he makes it only cover the training room, and then he creates new laws for this training room.

'Talent Buff set to x5' Thinks Yasu, as he continues. 'Gravity Set: x2'

[SUCCESS! Set Talent Buff in Domain 'Delta Training' to x5!]

[SUCCESS! Set Gravity in Domain 'Delta Training' to x2!]

After everything is set, Yasu looks at what he has made and thinks. 'This should help them push their limits and grow rapidly.'

"Now next..."