
Naruto, nothing but the perfect body

What would change in Naruto and the entire world if Hiruzen never knew he existed, if he was whisked away by Orochimaru as soon as his parents died? This will be my first time writing a story so please do cut me some slack but please do not refrain from providing me some feedback. The fanfic may contain gore, blood and vivid details of situations you might not want. It also has self-harm and depression. You have been warned DISCLAIMER: Naruto in no way, shape or form belongs to me. Though I, from the bottom of my heart, wish it did. I also do not own the cover art.

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Chapter 4: The willing sacrifice

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"

Comes out the voice of Naruto as he creates a modest-sized hurricane covering the entire front of the battlefield. His opponent gently flicks her fingers, commanding her puppet to dodge.

"Is this all Konoha has to offer?" Comes the taunting voice of the old lady on the other side of the battlefield. "One Konoha ninja cannot beat even a measly old retiring lady?"

"Be careful Naruto-Kun, she is Lady Chiyo a legendary puppet master of Sunagakure." Comes the snaky voice of the bas-, comes the snaky voice of Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru of the Sannin. I heard you give quite the fight. But I'm pretty sure I can still outdo your summons with my puppets" comes the voice of the puppetmaster.

"Father, please leave. I shall hold her off for as long as I can" comes the steadfast and dedicated voice of the younger blond shinobi. He believes his father is invincible but realises the situation is dire, using the database of information from his head he can ascertain the capabilities of the opponent in front of him. He knows Orochimaru will fight at a disadvantage since his capabilities lie in endurance, poisons and swarming the enemy using snake summons. Puppets cannot be poisoned and Chiyo's poisons have only ever been cured by Tsunade, leaving two of his three abilities useless, she can also summon more puppets to fight by her side, meaning swarming the enemy would also not work.

"I see Naruto-Kun, I shall make sure your sacrifice is not in vain" replies the snake without a moment of hesitation. He believes his life is worth much more than that of one of his experiments, even if it is Naruto's life on the balance.

"So the leaf Sannin has sunk low enough to use his son as a shield? Truly disgusting, I would never have done the same with my grandson. Too bad for you, young one." Comes the disgusted voice of Chiyo as the Sannin begins to escape towards his hideout at full speed.

"You won't get away with insulting my father." Comes the irked voice of Naruto, he realises he has to fight at his fullest from the start as he begins t prepare his ace technique. "I realise you are much stronger than me, thus I must do my best to keep you here as long as possible."

"Eight Gates: Gate of Opening, open"

"Eight Gates: Gate of Healing, open"

"Eight Gates: Gate of Life, open"

"Eight Gates: Gate of Pain, open"

"Eight Gates: Gate of Limit, open"

"Eight Gates: Gate of View, open"

"Eight Gates: Gate of Wonder, open"

"no Naruto, you know what will happen if you go higher. Come on, it's not worth your life." Comes the panicky voice of Naruto's personal summon from his neck right before it returns to its dimension from the huge amount of chakra cloaking the boy.

"Eight Gates: Gate of Death, open"

Comes the commanding voice of the YOUTH, a huge contrast to the submissive tone he takes with Orochimaru. "With this Jutsu, I have sealed my fate here. I will die, but at least I will allow my father to live."

(AN: During his experiments, while Orochimaru was trying to make Naruto's chakra system better, he realised the gates can be opened to allow better chakra flow in the body. He made some changes that allowed Naruto to open the gates any time he wishes. It is still a last resort and Naruto has not been trained, the reason he can't do the morning peacock Jutsu (Asakujaku) and skip opening the gates having to do it one by one, slowly)

After saying his piece, he immediately begins to blitz around the battlefield. He immediately moves towards the puppet with an axe kick bearing down with the full power of his gates and weights bearing in the kick. Unable to keep up with the godly speed of the YOUTH, Chiyo immediately summons the dad and mom puppets. She then moves in the middle, with the chakra shields of the puppets in full effect, covering all angles of entry possible.

"That won't work, my chakra in this state is too heavy to be blocked" comes the voice of the blond covered in the dark black chakra as he commands his body to move, causing a huge blast visible for miles around the area as he begins to expel his chakra through his fists while punching the chakra shield, destroying the dad puppet, sending Chiyo reeling on the ground. As the old lady stands up, she has a maniacal grin on her face due to the sheer excitement of this battle.

"You are the first to experience this legendary puppet Jutsu of Sunagakure, rejoice in your strength young boy. No, young man" comes the voice of the puppet master as a cloud of smoke covers her position.

"White Secret Technique: The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets Jutsu"

She announces the name of her Jutsu, "These are the esteemed puppets created by the esteemed Monzaemon Chikamatsu, you are truly strong for me to have to use my prized technique."

"Fuinjutsu: Three Jewels Suction Crushing Jutsu"

Says the elated Chiyo, excited to test her puppet mastery against a truly strong opponent as three of her puppets move into a triangular formation around Naruto and begin the deadly technique. Naruto, taken by surprise due to the sheer amount of puppets Chiyo is controlling in front of him gets trapped by the technique as a huge tornado appears in his place, sucking him in. As his body is subjected to terrifying amounts of crushing force, he begins releasing deadly amounts of chakra in an attempt to break the technique.

As the tornado begins to falter and Naruto's domineering chakra shoots out an incredibly dangerous pulse of chakra around him. The technique completely breaks as the three puppets around him are blasted out of formation in extremely bad conditions(the drawback of the technique being the increased vulnerability of the puppets performing the Jutsu). Chiyo blocks the chakra from harming her using her puppets to guard in front of her. Naruto then drops to the ground, his technique dispelled and his body broken from opening the last gate.

"You did quite well, young man. Much better than any kid your age could even ever have dreamed of doing. Putting three of my legendary puppets out of commission after forcing me to use the greatest puppetry ace of Sunagakure. There is no doubt in my mind you would have changed the entire world had you been allowed to mature. I shall respect you by retreating, for now. I shall forever remember this fight against one of the strongest foes I have ever faced in my career."

With the fight completed, Chiyo leaves the boy in the crater. His body laying smoking and unmoving.

This was my first fight scene, I hope it was at least acceptable. I also tried to make Naruto OP but not to the point it becomes purely wish-fulfilment. I also make Chiyo a bit bloodthirsty due to the death of her son and daughter-in-law and her occupation as a ninja (I assume they all have to be at least a little bit crazy to cope with the inhumane scenes they see every day).

Any suggestions, thoughts, tips, feedback and even criticism are welcome... please do tell me through a comment. Thank you, readers!

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