
Naruto, nothing but the perfect body

What would change in Naruto and the entire world if Hiruzen never knew he existed, if he was whisked away by Orochimaru as soon as his parents died? This will be my first time writing a story so please do cut me some slack but please do not refrain from providing me some feedback. The fanfic may contain gore, blood and vivid details of situations you might not want. It also has self-harm and depression. You have been warned DISCLAIMER: Naruto in no way, shape or form belongs to me. Though I, from the bottom of my heart, wish it did. I also do not own the cover art.

DHsK · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: The mission of beginnings

"I believe I can trust you with this Naruto-Kun, I'm sure you will not disappoint your father on your first mission, will you know?" asks Orochimaru, directing the question towards Naruto.

"Of course father, I will never disappoint you." Replies the blonde, fully knowing that he would rather die than disappoint the man in front of him.

This scene, in most normal circumstances, would have been considered a cause for celebration. The rite of passage for every new shinobi, receiving their first mission directly from their leaders, but of course Orochimaru and his followers never really celebrate anything. Even on every one of Naruto's birthdays (the day he woke up from his test tube), he has to keep track of his birthday himself and sing the song to himself all alone while laying down on his bed in his empty room. But every time he holds out until midnight hoping his father would somehow one day join him and tell him that he is happy Naruto was born in this world. Of course, this is nothing but an unrealistic dream.

But, we digress. The scene shows a small kid, with a sound headband on his waist (the only part of his body big enough to fit it) kneeling in front of a pale man sitting on top of an elevated chair, with a teen by his side who looks like a handsome bookworm. He wears circular framed glasses with a sound headband on his forehead with silvery-white hair draping on top and from the sides of it. The kneeling kid shinobi stands barely at the height of half that of the average full-grown man, but after having trained under the snake Sannin for one and a half years, was just as deadly as any highly ranked Chunin adult out there.

"Good answer, Naruto-Kun. Good answer. Your mission will be as follows."


"Never thought I'd be bested by a kid barely out his diapers. But I recognise a good fighter when I see 'em." Says a shinobi inside a prior battleground with scorched sand all around him. He is bound in the middle of the desert using multiple black snakes stretching from his legs to his throat, forcing him into a position on both his knees while he looks at the blonde kid who just took him down.

"Now, jussssssssssst to finissssssssssssssssh the jobbbbbbbb" comes the sound of Miko, one jet black snake comfortably curled around the blonde's neck.

"I know, but I don't have to enjoy it." Comes the quick reply of Naruto. He then turns to the sand ninja in front of him, "don't worry, you'll only go to heaven after being killed by a demon like me. And I'll go to hell and repent for killing you, I'll make sure to remember your face."

The sand ninja looks to the blonde, choosing to remain quiet as required of the protocol for ninja captured by enemies. His eyes then imperceptibly widen and then lose their vitality as a razor-sharp katana moves to his neck, cleanly severing his neck with the head landing to the side with a quiet thump onto the soft sand. This causes blood to begin spurting out of the cut as the body goes completely limp, bones, muscles and all visible to the entire world as if testifying to the terrible acts being committed. The black snakes slither back into the arm of the blond ninja to avoid being caught by the vile crimson fluid as it begins coating the sand with some of it hitting the clothes of the blond ninja. He finishes his task by sealing the now inanimate head of the ninja into a specially prepared scroll given to him personally by his father.

"May you be able to rest in peace, at least after death." Prays Naruto as he begins to turn around and runs towards some other direction, leaving behind the body, slowly being covered in sand as all the evidence of this mission is immediately blown into the wind, never to be found nor pieced together for the rest of time.


"It has been done, father," says a childish yet rough voice bowing towards a hooded man.

"Good. You have yet again taken another step towards helping me and becoming a useful tool for me" replies the hooded man, not once allowing even the slightest bit of warmth enter his devoid-of-life voice while speaking to his 'son.' "We shall camp here, I assume you have assured the safety of this clearing, Naruto-Kun?"


From a distance, too far to be noticed.

"Captain, I sense a very high amount of chakra from our west, probably a leaf shinobi, along with one drastically smaller yet one belonging to a ninja next to it. Orders?"

"Keep moving towards Sunagakure, I shall go and check it out. After all, our mission was very quiet, I'd like a good fight on my last mission before I finally retire from this job." Comes the steady reply of an ages woman as she begins to diverge from her group.

"Roger, Captain"

The light-purple haired kunoichi, who seems to be well into her 50s calls out into the darkness of the surrounding forest, "Let's hope these leaf scum can show me at least a half-decent fight."

I'm slowly getting to the first proper fight scene. Stay tuned for it next chapter. This just shows us more about Naruto, his motivations methods and such along with the system of things in Orochimaru's hideout. If you want to support me, or just simply like the novel so far please do drop a power stone.

Any suggestions, thoughts, tips, feedback and even criticism are welcome... please do tell me through a comment. Thank you, readers!

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