
Naruto: No one knows that I can use Wood Release!

Araki unexpectedly crossed over to the world of Naruto and became an unknown child in Konoha Village. He had no prestigious clan background, no assistance system, but he had obtained a Bloodline Limit of Wood Release that he couldn't control. In order to survive in the cruel ninja world filled with slaughter and pain, he diligently trained his body, accumulated chakra, and quietly developed himself. Before he had enough strength, he would never expose his Wood Release talent, fearing being treated as an experimental subject for research, just the thought of Orochimaru's eyes sent chills down his spine. He thought he could practice peacefully and fully master Wood Release before revealing himself to the world. However, just before graduating from the ninja academy, he unexpectedly encountered a troublesome roommate... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 chapter per day For Advance 40 chapters:- patreon.com/Novel782

Translator_Lich · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 23: Art of Hiding in Mist

"I have to dispose of these clothes."

Araki threw Hyuga Sora's clothes onto the prepared ground and quickly formed a series of hand seals. Then he expelled a small flame from his mouth.

He wasn't particularly familiar with Fire Release ninjutsu, but producing a small flame posed no problem.

In reality, Araki excelled in Water Release ninjutsu, thanks to his affinity for Wood Release. In terms of chakra nature, Water Release and Earth Release were the most compatible.

This wasn't Araki's own speculation. He had purchased special chakra paper from a ninja tool shop, which was made from a unique type of tree that absorbed chakra to obtain nutrients. By inputting chakra into the chakra paper, one could determine their most suitable nature.


Chakra paper was more useful for detecting changes in affinity and deepening one's understanding of attributes, rather than detecting all attributes.

When Araki used to watch the Naruto anime, he had some basic concepts. Each person might possess multiple attributes, but they generally excelled in one or two specific ones.

If someone could master techniques of every attribute, it would be the contemporary Hokage known as the "Ninjutsu Professor," Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At that time, Araki infused his chakra into the Chakra paper. After a moment of delay, the paper immediately became visibly damp.

This indicated that his most suitable basic nature was Water Release.

From then on,

Araki incorporated Water Release into his daily training.

However, he often practiced Water Release during the late hours, after three in the morning.

By then, he could be reasonably sure that the Third Hokage had gone to sleep and wouldn't be observing him with Telescope Technique.

This approach allowed him to conceal some trump cards more securely.

Of course,

Araki didn't intend to keep his Water Release training overly secretive.

In the subsequent period, Water Release ninjutsu could serve as his regular method, presenting him as a Water Release ninja before the public.


Araki didn't want to reveal his Water Release abilities immediately.

The display of strength needed to be gradual.

He always had to preserve some flexibility.

Only in that way could he maintain a state of ease and control.

"Fortunately, I often carry this..."

After burning Hyuga Sora's clothes to ashes, Araki reached into his ninja tool pouch and took out an unopened bottle of pepper.

He had prepared it a long time ago.

In the ninja world, there were many secret techniques that could track one's scent, such as the Inuzuka clan's ninja dogs and the Sensing Technique used by Kakashi.

Araki wasn't particularly familiar with other methods and didn't know if the ANBU had better reconnaissance experts. That's why he always carried a bottle of pepper, which could cover many scents at the right time.

Araki opened the bottle of pepper and sprinkled it lightly on the ground, covering the area around it.

Scents tend to linger on objects for a longer time but dissipate quickly in the air. During his journey here, Araki took a roundabout route with Hyuga Sora, passing through many places where these scents would disperse with the wind.

As for the Telescope Technique...

The moment Araki decided to act against Hyuga Sora, he immediately sprinted towards the eastern direction of Konoha. Along the way, he quietly formed hand seals and performed the Mist Concealment Technique, a Water Release ninjutsu that created layers of thick fog in the forest under the cover of night.

These mists wouldn't last indefinitely, but maintaining them for half an hour posed no problem. As Araki continued forward, the fog engulfed the surrounding forests.

This served the purpose of concealment.

The Mist Concealment Technique was the first ninjutsu Araki trained in after realizing his affinity for Water Release. It was specifically used to counter the Telescope Technique's observation abilities.

Now everything was over.

Araki's figure vanished, swiftly traversing through the forest, heading towards the forest where he had been practicing all along.

Araki was well aware that disappearances were not particularly uncommon in Konoha. Orochimaru had conducted numerous human experiments, and even if the fact that he possessed the Wood Release kekkei genkai were to be discovered, his disappearance wouldn't raise too much attention.

Hyuga Sora belonged to the Hyuga clan, but he was from a branch family, with a forehead ribbon covering the caged bird symbolizing his destiny.

If it were a member of the main family, it would be more troublesome, but as a member of the branch family, there wasn't much to be concerned about.

Perhaps the Hyuga clan would come looking for him.

But it definitely wouldn't cause too much of a commotion.

Araki had analyzed all the pros and cons before taking action, and deep down, he understood the eventual consequences of his actions.

The organization responsible for investigating such matters within Konoha was the Security Department.

The majority of the members in the Security Department were from the Uchiha clan, to the extent that it could be called the Uchiha Security Department.

The Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan didn't have any overt conflicts or contradictions, but they were constantly at odds in the shadows.


Both the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan claimed to be the strongest in Konoha!

It was well known that there could be five Great Shinobi Nations, but there could only be one that was the strongest!

Regarding matters involving the Hyuga clan, the Security Department would investigate, but the extent of their efforts remained unknown.

Araki usually kept a low profile, to the point that even his classmates would hardly suspect him. Coupled with the fact that he had handled everything perfectly, leaving no evidence behind, it wouldn't have any impact on him.

Especially during the daytime sparring matches, he even voluntarily admitted defeat. People's impression of him would naturally be that he wasn't a match for Hyuga Sora, reducing the likelihood of suspicion.

As for the direct benefit of doing all this, it would prevent the possibility of Hyuga Sora spreading the word.

Hyuga Sora threatened to reveal Araki's training to others.

Although it wasn't necessarily a secret that had to be kept, if others were to find out, they would find out. However, Hyuga Sora's intention wasn't merely to expose the matter but to publicize it extensively.

Araki didn't want to draw attention to himself and let others realize he was deliberately hiding, ultimately attracting more attention.

Araki had been discreetly developing for over three years. If he were to be entangled with such a troublesome person, it was hard to imagine what the future would hold.


He had a strong feeling.

Hyuga Sora seemed to regard him as a soft target!

Not just a light pinch!

Not just a harsh pinch and be done with it!

But planning to keep pinching whenever he felt bored or in a bad mood, constantly pinching him!

Araki simply wanted to keep a low profile and avoid trouble. So when trouble came knocking at his door, he had to deal with it.