
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

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44 Chs

Chapter 16: Overcoming Limits

On May 4th, Sunday, I trained as if there were no tomorrow. The reason was simple; my endurance was nearing the maximum limit: 78/79.

"Just one more," I muttered in my mind as I closed the book.

Back to training, I kept at it until finally, the expected result happened.

As I sat on the floor, tired, panting, with the book open, I looked at my page.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coin: 114


Talent: Medium High

Strength: 42/100 -> 63/100

Agility: 56/99 -> 69/99

Speed: 56/98 -> 70/98

Endurance: 43/79 -> 79/79

Mental Strength: 63/100 -> 69/100

Skill: 43/80 -> 49/80

Aura: 46/82 -> 48/82

Chakra: 51/100 -> 60/100


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 27% -> 30%], [Yang Style: 27% -> 30%], [Lightning Style: 23% -> 35%], [Wind Style: 26% -> 36%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 13% -> 19%], [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai: 20% -> 33%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 16% -> 28%], [Transformation: 62% -> 73%], [Clone: 69% -> 89%], [Body Replacement: 64% -> 73%], [Chakra Release: 23% -> 32%], [Water Walking: 12% -> 13%], [Tree Climbing: 12% -> 21%], [Wind Cutting: 22%], [Lightning Ball: 19%].


"Thinking about it, I've had a lot of improvements in the past few days," I murmured in my mind as I looked at my current stats.

Now, I needed to make a decision. There are 4 days left to use the silver hammer I bought almost a month ago, but last week, I bought a gold hammer.

"Kumo's endurance is almost at its maximum, right?" To make sure, I went to the page.

[Endurance: 18/19]

Seeing this, I made a decision. I will use the gold hammer to improve my endurance attribute, and I will use the silver hammer, which is about to expire, with Kumo.

With that in mind, first, I rested enough to fully catch my breath, drank some water, then with my book open, I went to my page, clicked on endurance, and selected the option to use the gold hammer.

My vision darkened. When I realized it, I found myself once again in the strange attribute enhancement room.

However, unlike the other times, the room was a bit larger and brighter, but still a kind of square with no doors or windows.

In my right hand, I felt a weight, it was the gold hammer. The weight must be around 100 kilograms.

Next to my left hand was a porcelain statue with my green-colored appearance. Compared to Kumo's, it was a more vivid green. Additionally, it was at least 70 cm tall.

Taking a deep breath, trying to get a good amount of air, I sighed and breathed again. When I felt I was in my best condition, I prepared myself.

As if sensing my intention, the porcelain doll with my appearance floated and stood in front of me.

With full focus, I held the gold hammer and held my breath as I delivered the first strike, followed by a second, third, and so on.

As I increased my strikes, I saw some points on the porcelain body becoming a more vivid color, as if asking me to strike there, and that's what I did.

After 20 strikes, I began to feel an overwhelming sense of fatigue, even more draining than using the bronze and silver hammers. Not to mention, because my endurance attribute was higher, it must have influenced the difficulty of continuing.

Each strike demanded not only physical strength but also intense mental concentration to maintain the necessary rhythm and precision.

However, I persevered. There was no way I could stop now.

Swinging the hammer, I continued striking at the vulnerable points on the statue.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

The sounds of my strikes were constant, but after 39 times, I could barely feel strength in my arm, and when I tried to switch to my other hand, the porcelain statue began to shatter.

"I knew it wouldn't work out." I smirked ironically.

But it didn't matter; I was no longer able to continue striking with my right hand. Though somewhat regrettable, I was still happy to have achieved a total of 39 strikes.

Without waiting, I closed my eyes when I felt the weight of the hammer in my hand disappear.

Even with my eyes closed, I knew a flash of light had appeared, perhaps even larger than when I improved Kumo's attributes.

When I realized the flash of light was gone, I opened my eyes.

Before me stood my porcelain statue, now a little over 100 cm tall, in an even brighter green than before.

I tried to touch it, but I was pulled to the side, and when I opened my eyes again, I was once again in the Dojo.


Going to my page, I blinked my eyes to see that my talent had jumped directly to High Talent. And now my maximum endurance limit was 118.

"Just as I expected. Breaking my limits can influence my talent itself." I thought.

With such talent rivaling Hinata's, I felt more confident.

But I didn't become too confident. Talent was still, after all, the potential to improve faster. At the moment, I was still weak, just a little stronger than some Chuunin-ranked ninjas.

Take my father's attributes as an example; they were practically all above 100 points. He was classified as an elite ninja, which justified his attributes, but he was not the same as the elite ninjas who were active, going out on missions, training, etc.

Not to mention, a well-trained ninja has a comprehensive arsenal to deal with all kinds of situations. At the moment, I had only learned a few techniques, as I prioritized improving my attributes...

Furthermore, I was still young. At only 7 years old, although I can't say I'm a prodigy, I am already the strongest in my class.

But again, this is at the level of a child in this world. Although some Chuunin would lose if they fought me, overall, it would be either by underestimating me for being a child or due to lack of experience, despite being a Chuunin. A good example would be Professor Iruka; he is a Chuunin but with almost zero experience in real battle.

After reflecting on this, I got up and left the Dojo.


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