
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 15: A Delicate Moment with Family

"Big Brother, Big Brother, wake up, wake up..." In the midst of my sleep, I heard Kumo's voice. Though it came as a whisper, she was shaking me so much that it became somewhat easier to wake up, but her urgency was evident, and I ended up waking up groggily.

"What's up, Kumo?" I sat up in bed, placing a hand on her head as she crawled over me.

I stretched with my other hand, still groggy from just waking up.

"Big Brother, what do we do?" She seemed anxious, holding my hand firmly on her head, her eyes revealing urgency.

"Calm down and explain to me what has you so worked up." I asked calmly. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"It's not that this time." She shook her head and whispered, "Big Brother, just now, when I woke up to pee, I passed by mommy and daddy's room... I heard."

Hearing that much, I placed my hand on my forehead, already anticipating what she must have heard.

"Daddy was saying, 'Take this, take it, take it...' And sounds of slaps echoed from their room, and then I heard mommy's screams, but I got confused because she was saying, 'Yes, hit me hard, that's it, that's it...'"

"Little one, there's no need to continue talking about this right now," I interrupted gently, placing a finger on my lips to indicate silence. "Let's save this conversation for later, okay?" Kumo nodded, seeming relieved not to have to continue.

Inside, I was agonizing. I didn't even want to have this mental image of my parents in their intimate moments. Worse yet, described by my cute little sister who didn't understand anything that was happening.

Now the problem was... How to explain to her what was happening between my parents?

Trying to be as gentle as possible, I said slowly, calmly, and patiently, "Kumo, sweetheart, what you heard is something that adults do sometimes, but it's something private and we don't need to worry about it. It's like a game they play together. Sometimes adults can do things that seem strange to us, but it's normal for them. The important thing is that they are okay and love us very much. Don't worry about it, everything is fine."

"Ohhh." She seemed to understand, yet not understand at the same time. "So, everything is okay?"

"Yes, sweetheart, everything is okay." I said with a gentle smile.

"Mm... Big Brother." She asked slowly. "Can I sleep here with you tonight?"

Thinking for a moment, seeing her anxiety, I said, "Okay, but just this once."

"Yey!" She cheered as she jumped on my stomach.

"Urgh..." She was light, so it almost didn't hurt, but since it came as a surprise, it still had some impact on me.

Crawling out of bed, she said hastily before leaving, "I'll go get my pillow and teddy bear and be right back, wait for me, Big Brother!"

She was like a whirlwind, coming and going so quickly and, not long after, returning and jumping into bed beside me.

Crawling onto the bed, moving to my right side, first she adjusted her pillow with a few pats, then she pulled her brown tiger plushie with green eyes. Turning towards me, she showed a big smile with a long row of teeth visible even in the dark.

"Hehe, I'm going to sleep with Big Brother, I'm so happy~" She chirped.

"Mm, don't get too used to it." I said softly.

"Hehe~" She laughed, then playfully stuck out her tongue.

It was clear she wouldn't promise such a thing...


"Big Brother, wake up." Early in the morning, I felt someone shaking me, and when I heard Kumo's voice, memories of the night before came to mind.

Waking up, I rubbed my eyes a bit, then opened them to see her sitting on her knees, her little hands shaking me.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." I said.

"Ohh~" She chirped and stopped shaking me, then she said excitedly, "Good morning, Big Brother~!"

"Uh-toh." She muttered something as she crawled backward, getting out of bed, then she went to the window of my room and opened the curtains by pulling the cord beside it.

Turning to me, she said, "Don't go back to sleep, I'll go to the bathroom first~!"

Then, she ran out, leaving her pillow and plushie behind on my bed.

Getting out of bed, I first placed her plushie and pillow on the bedside table, which only had my alarm clock, so it didn't take up much space, then I started making my bed.

After finishing, I went to Kumo's room with her plushie and pillow.

On the way, I saw the book open before me, then I saw that 23 weekly coins had been credited.

'61 weekly coins... Enough to buy a medium-grade fusion talisman.' I smiled a bit at the thought.

Later, when I arrived in the living room, my mother and father, as well as Kumo, were sitting around the table in silence.

I could see the embarrassment on their faces and the wrong atmosphere that lingered in the room.

'I forgot to tell her not to mention what she heard last night...' I thought.

It was clear that Kumo must have said something about last night, hence this atmosphere.

"Yakumo, about last night..." My father tried to explain but was interrupted by Kumo.

"I know, daddy. Big Brother explained it to me." Kumo said proudly, as if she wanted to be praised for learning something new.

I placed my hand on my forehead. I even wanted to go back to my room, but I was noticed by my mother.

"Aizen, come here." Her voice sounded a bit stern.

Of course, she would be. Kumo said that without explaining. Obviously, she would want to know what I knew and what I said to Kumo.

"Yes." I resigned to my fate as I approached. Although I wasn't worried, I just wanted to be spared from such embarrassment.

Anyway, it was better to explain this as soon as possible.

"Sit down." My mother said as I came close to the table.

Pulling out a chair, I sat to the right of my father, who was sitting at the head of the table.

"What did you say to your sister?" She asked, slightly flushed.

Sighing, I repeated the same words I said last night to Kumo.

"That's right, I heard that from Big Brother yesterday." Kumo confirmed.

I heard my father's sigh of relief, and even my mother's slightly stern expression with a touch of embarrassment softened.

However, she seemed curious when she asked me, "How do you know about these things, Aizen?"

'Of course, she would ask...' I thought.

I said, "A classmate was talking about something similar at school, and the teacher explained it that way. So, I simply repeated my teacher's words."

Listening to my explanation, my mother nodded. She seemed to imagine that happening.

The same went for my father. After all, children digest everything they see and hear, they hardly forget, and if they experience something similar to Kumo, there is a good chance they will talk about it with friends at school, and the teacher is there to hear what they say...

My mother turned to Kumo and said, "Sweetheart, this is basically how your brother explained it..." She seemed embarrassed again as she spoke slowly with her soft voice, "When a couple is alone in a room, they play adult games, but remember, this is something that only when you're an adult you can do too, okay?"

Kumo was originally very obedient, and seeing her mother explain this way, she nodded, "I understand, mommy."

"That's good." My mother finally smiled, then she added, "And, don't say anything about this to people outside, it's a promise, okay?"

"Mm, a promise." Kumo obediently nodded.

Feeling my mother's gaze on me, I said: "I promise."

After that, my mother got up and went to prepare breakfast.

Today was my father's day off, so he stayed in the living room talking to me and Kumo until my mother finished the preparations, and we helped set the table.


Chapter 22 is already released on Pa treon!

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