
Naruto: My Hunting System

I previously posted this fanfic and am currently rewriting it. Also, English is not my native language, so some parts might be confusing to read. ---- Waking up in the body of Nawaki Senju, a ninja student, I was only one year away from graduating and becoming a genin. The fact that it had been 3 years since the second ninja war started made the original Nawaki eager to graduate as soon as possible to pursue his big dream: to become Hokage! However, even though I retained Nawaki Senju's memories, I was no longer the same person. --- My Discord: https://discord.gg/wTzSM3mPD6 My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tozoku

Tozoku · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 65: The Brothers Against the Fury of the Mystical Creatures

As soon as the black tiger died, three more appeared.


A loud roar, seemingly mourning the death of their ally, the three black tigers ran towards them.

Nawaki moved very swiftly and then dived into the shadow.

When Nawaki reappeared, he was right below a black tiger, with his hands engulfed in white flames. Nawaki grabbed the throat of the black tiger which melted under Nawaki's grip, and soon the giant head of the black tiger was separated from its body as if Nawaki's hands had become scissors subjected to superheated fire.

The beautiful eyes of Tsunade were like glass, showing some surprise. However, she did not just watch, moving at great speed using the art of wind, she appeared in front of one of the black tigers.

With both hands enveloped in a green aura, Tsunade threw the first punch with her right hand on the left side of the black tiger, then from the left side with her other hand.

"Bang! Bang!"

Blood started to flow from the mouth of the black tiger as some teeth fell out.

Even so, it was not enough to kill the black tiger, which possessed divine body art. Its physical defense was surprisingly powerful, however, it could not be as strong against Nawaki's blue flames.

Tsunade then manifested wind around her hands. When she dodged the claws of the black tiger and attacked again, this time she struck the lumbar area of the black tiger, the penetration of the attack had a greater effect, tearing the skin and hitting hard against the bone.


The loud sound of Tsunade's fist colliding with the black tiger echoed.

The black tiger growled loudly in fury, while the other black tiger that was about to attack Nawaki turned towards Tsunade.

Forming a hand seal, roots emerged from the ground and began to wrap around the black tiger that was running at high speed towards her. Tsunade, who trapped the black tiger with the wood style, didn't give it a second glance and attacked the other black tiger again, but this time she struck the head of the black tiger that tried to bite her.


An even louder sound echoed the instant her fist collided with the skull of the black tiger. Tsunade, who jumped into the air and used the wind behind her to propel herself forward, struck right in the middle of the forehead of the black tiger with her small fist, but it caused damage greater than that of a missile launcher.

A bloody scene was created, with the skull opened, the brain of the black tiger was pierced by Tsunade's fist. She pulled her hand back, bringing with it blood that splattered on her.

Tsunade's eyes remained indifferent even in front of such a bloody scene. When the black tiger turned into dust, she reveled in pleasure upon seeing that a crystal orb had fallen.

She wanted to share her joy with Nawaki, but then the moment she looked away, she saw Nawaki's fist, enveloped in blue flames, collide with the head of the 7-meter black tiger she had previously trapped.


A sound even louder than hers caused the black tiger's head to melt.

Tsunade could not be more surprised, after all, she had tested for herself the dexterity that was the black tiger's defense, and the fact that with just one punch Nawaki managed to melt the entire head of the black tiger was something she could not help but be astonished by.

As Tsunade was thinking, lightning struck a spot 300 meters from her. The terrifying sound of the lightning made her blood boil. The powerful force behind the lightning made her heart beat faster.

A colossal being compared to the black tigers appeared; 30 meters tall and covered in black armor. The armor had purple lightning runes. It seemed to be of the same race as the lightning warhorse. However, it did not have just one horn. It had a pair of dragon horns, shining with destructive rays.

At this moment, this horse was fiercely looking at her and Nawaki.

Tsunade looked at this giant horse and her mouth twitched.

It wasn't that she had never encountered this horse before, but it was with shadow clones, and she avoided it knowing that it was even more powerful than the two tails themselves.

At least, it knew how to fight better. It was as if it was born to fight. The way this magical beast fought was simply too good, not giving much room to attack.

Light shone around the horse in lightning color. Then, five huge lightning balls fired in her and Nawaki's direction.

Tsunade only had time to act quickly and grabbed the orbs from the ground, then she kicked the black tiger with all her strength in the direction of one of the lightning balls.


The horse, which looked more like a dragon mutation, flew while attacking.

Nawaki, noticing the presence of the giant horse and seeing the attacks launching blue fireballs towards them.


Sounds of explosions echoed in the air.

Incredibly, Nawaki's power was already strong enough to neutralize the lightning balls of the lightning horse boss.

"Sis, let's try to kill this." Nawaki said. There was even a hint of excitement in his voice: "Good things must fall if we can kill this lightning horse."

"Yes, we can try." Tsunade agreed. She saw that Nawaki was already strong enough, even stronger than her now.

Tsunade created 50 shadow clones while Nawaki created 20.

"The Lightning Horse seemed cautious, not expecting this, let alone being able to neutralize the attack.

Creating a blue flame ball, Nawaki fired it towards the Lightning Horse.

Other shadow clones did something similar by using the blue cloak and attacked the Lightning Horse.

The Lightning Horse roared and then a thunderous sound of lightning echoed as lightning balls began to form. Then, the lightning balls shot towards Nawaki's attack.


Blue fireballs and lightning collided.

However, the blue fireballs might be powerful, but they lost a bit against the lightning.

Nawaki and his shadow clones dodged the splashes from the collision of the attacks, Tsunade did the same, only a few of her shadow clones were hit.

After the explosion, the Lightning Horse seemed slightly weakened, and Tsunade saw the opportunity to attack. She ran towards the horse, concentrating chakra in her fists, preparing for a powerful blow.

Nawaki and his clones followed Tsunade, also ready to attack the Lightning Horse. They knew they had to take advantage of the animal's weakness before it recovered.

The Lightning Horse tried to dodge the blows, but Tsunade and her clones were quick and managed to hit it. Nawaki also managed to land some hits with the blue flames, causing considerable damage.

However, the Lightning Horse was not an easy opponent to defeat. It began to move faster, using its speed and agility to evade the ninjas' attacks.

Tsunade, Nawaki, and their clones continued to fight, launching several attacks against the Lightning Horse. But even with the damage they caused, the animal didn't seem close to being defeated.

Suddenly, the Lightning Horse reared up on its hind legs and let out a loud neigh. A shockwave of energy was released, knocking down all the shadow clones around.

Tsunade quickly got up and realized that the Lightning Horse was charging a huge amount of energy in its mane. She shouted for Nawaki and his clones to retreat.

The Lightning Horse released a massive energy beam from its mane, spreading across the battlefield. Tsunade managed to protect herself using her regeneration technique, but the shadow clones were destroyed by the attack.

When the energy beam finally dissipated, Tsunade saw that the Lightning Horse was visibly tired. She cautiously approached it, concentrating chakra in her hands.

But, it wasn't the end, the Lightning Horse's regeneration was high, and even after taking a lot of damage, it seemed it would take more time.

Nawaki said, 'Sis, I'll help you.'

Tsunade agreed with Nawaki, and together they prepared to launch their final attack against the Lightning Horse. They knew they had to use all their power to defeat the animal once and for all."

Concentrating chakra in their fists, Tsunade and Nawaki advanced towards the Lightning Horse. They struck a powerful combined blow, hitting the animal squarely.

The Lightning Horse let out a loud roar of pain and fell to the ground, finally defeated. Tsunade and Nawaki breathed emotionally as they saw the Lightning Horse transform into dust and drop orbs and a rune.

Tsunade and Nawaki approached the body of the Lightning Horse, examining the orbs and runes that fell from it. After picking them up, they continued to explore the second map.



"Sis, let's meditate, I feel that I am close to having a breakthrough in my strength." Nawaki said as they opened their eyes after leaving the Hunting Dimension.

Tsunade looked at him and nodded: "Yes, nothing important is happening at the moment. The missions our special team is doing are simple and we can do them with our shadow clones for now."

Aware of this, Nawaki smiled at her.

The two soon began to meditate.

Nawaki began to use the large red orb he got from the Lightning Horse boss and the purple orb that clarifies his mind and increases his mental power in the process.

Tsunade also closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, letting her body relax. She knew that meditation was an important part of her training, helping to increase her strength and focus.

Nawaki felt the power of the red and purple orbs flowing through him as he meditated. He focused on channeling this energy to strengthen his body and mind.

Meanwhile, Tsunade used her own meditation technique, using the red and purple orbs, she begins to feel the energy of the orbs enter her body.

As the meditation continued, the two siblings felt a sense of calm and inner peace. They knew that meditation was one of the keys to unlocking their full potential as ninjas using the orbs.

While meditating, Nawaki began to feel a strange and powerful energy pulsing within him. He focused on this sensation and gradually began to feel a change happening in his body.

His muscles became firmer and stronger, and his senses sharpened. He felt he had more control over his chakra and could use it more efficiently.

Tsunade also felt a change in herself. She felt her mind was clearer and more focused, and that her healing ability was stronger than ever. She knew this would be a huge advantage in battle.

After meditating for a few hours, Nawaki and Tsunade opened their eyes, feeling refreshed and ready to face any challenge that came their way.

"This was incredible," said Nawaki, smiling at his sister.

Tsunade agreed, feeling grateful to have such a dedicated and powerful brother like Nawaki by her side. Together, they knew they could face any adversity that came their way.

"Let's take a bath now, I really need it~!" Tsunade stretched and gave Nawaki a dirty look.

Nawaki smiled back insinuating something.

The two then entered the bathroom together.