
Naruto: My Hunting System

I previously posted this fanfic and am currently rewriting it. Also, English is not my native language, so some parts might be confusing to read. ---- Waking up in the body of Nawaki Senju, a ninja student, I was only one year away from graduating and becoming a genin. The fact that it had been 3 years since the second ninja war started made the original Nawaki eager to graduate as soon as possible to pursue his big dream: to become Hokage! However, even though I retained Nawaki Senju's memories, I was no longer the same person. --- My Discord: https://discord.gg/wTzSM3mPD6 My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tozoku

Tozoku · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 66: Strength and Love: The Union of Nawaki and Mikoto

Nawaki and Mikoto were training together on the training field, dedicated to improving their taijutsu skills. The conversation flowed naturally between them, ranging from personal matters to combat strategies, and they exchanged laughs and jokes while focusing on their movements.

As they moved across the training field, they practiced dodges, blocks, punches, and kicks, seeking to refine their hand-to-hand combat techniques. Nawaki could feel the connection between them strengthening as they learned to work better as a team and communicate more effectively.

As fiancés, they took the opportunity to connect on a deeper level, and Nawaki knew Mikoto was giving her all. She was dripping with sweat and breathing heavily, struggling to keep up with his pace.

"You are strong too, Mikoto," Nawaki said, smiling. "We're in this together, and I know that together we can become even stronger."

Mikoto smiled but soon had to stop to rest. She was exhausted, but Nawaki knew she had given her all. He approached her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"You did a great job," Nawaki said. "Rest a bit, and then we'll train together again. Let's continue to improve and strengthen ourselves, together."

Mikoto looked at him, her eyes shining with admiration and gratitude. "You are amazing, Nawaki. I feel so lucky to have you as my fiancé and training partner."

Nawaki smiled, feeling his heart fill with joy. He knew they were just at the beginning of their journey together, but he was determined to make it worthwhile. "I am very lucky too, Mikoto. And we will continue to support and grow with each other, no matter what happens."

Nawaki smiled at Mikoto, feeling a bit tired but still full of energy. He thanked her for her help during the training, recognizing that he wouldn't have come this far without her partnership. "You are an excellent training partner," he said, feeling grateful.

Mikoto returned the smile, appreciating Nawaki's kind words. "It's always fun training with you," she said. "You motivate me to push harder and improve my skills."

As they rest, Nawaki and Mikoto take the opportunity to share tips and tricks about their taijutsu techniques. They also discuss their future plans, both for their relationship and their careers as ninjas.

At the end of the training, they are sweaty and exhausted, but also feel more connected as training partners and fiancés. "It was a great training session," Nawaki says, hugging Mikoto. "I can't wait for the next one."

Mikoto agrees, promising to meet again for more training and lively conversations.

While Mikoto rests, she and Nawaki continue to chat and joke, enjoying their time together. As time passes, Mikoto begins to regain her breath and energy. She leans on Nawaki and looks directly into his eyes. "Nawaki, you know I love you, right?" she says, with a smile on her face.

Nawaki feels his heart swell with joy and emotion. "Of course, I do," he replies, gently touching Mikoto's face with his hand. "I love you too, Mikoto. More than anything in this world."

Mikoto laughs softly, savoring the intimate moment with her fiancé. She moves closer to him and wraps her arms around Nawaki's neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

As they kiss, Nawaki feels the intensity of emotion grow. He surrenders to the moment and the love he feels for Mikoto, setting everything else aside.

After the kiss ends, they look at each other, smiling and holding hands.



Nawaki sat at the table and observed the presence of everyone there. Mikoto was also present, and he felt a bit more at ease with her company. Additionally, Hana, his cousin, Yugito Nii, and Hikari had joined them.

Nawaki couldn't help but notice Mito's radiant smile, which seemed to make her look younger with each passing day. He knew this was due to the consumption of the special meats they were enjoying. 'If this continues, grandma Mito will soon look like a woman in her early thirties...', he thought, savoring each piece of meat.

As they ate, everyone praised the flavor of the food. "This is the best meat I've ever eaten," Hikari commented, smiling. "Truly delicious," agreed Kushina.

Then Tsunade spoke about the mission they had received. Nawaki listened attentively, knowing it was an important task. "We'll need to follow Danzo's trails and report any information we find," she said.

Nawaki couldn't help but wonder what Danzo's reaction would be when he found out that he was being used as a scapegoat for everything he and Tsunade were doing. Now they even received a mission to follow his trails...

Nawaki felt like laughing but restrained himself.

While chewing another piece of meat, he looked at Mikoto and saw that she also seemed thoughtful. "What do you think about this, Mikoto?" he asked, curious.

She shrugged. "It's an important mission, so I'm a bit anxious."

Nawaki nodded: "I guess it's normal to feel that way, so far the missions we've done were simple ones."

He was referring to the days when he and Tsunade were meditating to strengthen themselves and shadow clones replaced them. The missions were actually simple and close by, just to test them. This would be the first mission they would have above a C difficulty.

They continued to eat, but the atmosphere had changed a bit. There was a sense of tension in the air.

Nawaki noticed that the conversation had dwindled and that everyone was focused on their own thoughts. He decided to break the silence: "I know this mission is a bit risky, but we're all in this together. We're a strong and united team, and I'm sure we can face any challenge that comes our way."

Hikari smiled at him, while Kushina agreed: "You're right, Nawaki. We're strong together, and we'll protect each other."

Mikoto nodded silently, but Nawaki could see that she was determined to successfully complete the mission. He felt a wave of admiration for her, knowing she was a skilled kunoichi and a brave person.

The meal continued, but now there was a sense of purpose in the air. Nawaki knew they wouldn't have any difficulty, after all, it was all fake, but that didn't stop them from training more and becoming stronger. He felt grateful to be surrounded by such strong and reliable people.

When the meal ended, they rose from the table and prepared to depart on their mission. They were ready to face any challenge that fate had in store for them.