
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

angel_bastudas · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Laboratory Experiments

"I can't do anything about something like that right now," Tsunade replied, and it really didn't surprise Junrei's expectations.

Mekka Junrei without any Kekkei Genkai, it's difficult to break through the limits on his Chakra Reserves cause of his not yet developed body. At this time, Tsunade hasn't yet developed the [Yin Seal] Jutsu, and so it's really difficult to help Junrei in regards of accumulation of Chakra.

But he wasn't disappointed either. If Tsunade's side didn't work, maybe Orochimaru's side can help solve it.

If Orochimaru had a breakthrough in studying the First Kage cells, he could then transplant it on to his body. Firstly, he would be able to master Wood-Style Ninjutsu, and his Chakra Reserves would greatly improve.

For the present Junrei, Chakra has become the biggest issue limiting the growth of his strength.

On Taijutsu, he has mastered Tsunade's [Chakra Enhanced Strength Boxing] and methods to improve his cell viability. Even if he gets involved in hand to hand combat with an adult, he will not fall into a losing end. On terms of Ninjutsu, Junrei has learned a lot of Earth Style Jutsu and Medical Ninjutsu, which is good enough for him to develop different tactics. On Genjutsu, he's not very proficient, but with his strong spiritual energy, he has a lot of experience in solving Genjutsu.

Now what Junrei lacks the most is combat experience and accumulation of Chakra. These two things are the most urgent matters.

There is one more thing that he has to care about.

It had been several days since he returned to Konoha, but Orochimaru had still failed to contact him. He didn't know if Orochimaru had been delayed or maybe he didn't want him to participate in his Forbidden Jutsu research.

If it is the first option, then he has nothing to worry about, but if it is the second one, he will have to take one step further and show more of his own exploit value to attract Orochimaru.

Leaving Konoha Hospital, Junrei visited Ueno once again. He holds an special feeling for this former Jonin leader.

It was this Ueno that brought him, the kid who just graduated from the ninja Academy, to and fro in the Shinobi World, guided his training, and taught him his personal experience.

Unfortunately, Shortly following the death of Keita Hyuga, Shinohara joined the Medic Team, Mekka Junrei worshiped Tsunade as a Master, and with that the purpose of team Ueno no longer existed.

Just back from the battlefield, Ueno also had a couple of days off. Junrei stayed at his former team leader's house until night, and left just after dinner.

Walking on the street, he looked around, and caught Orochimaru walking with a little girl walking slowly from afar.

Junrei smiled at the corner of his mouth and stepped forward and said, "Lord Orochimaru, long time no see!"

Despite their relationship, he still acted his part and showed enough respect to showcase the difference in status.

"Hehe! Junrei walk with me!" Listening to his voice, Orochimaru should still be in a good mood.

Junrei noded, following Orochimaru from behind, his brain was moving fast. With Orochimaru's character, he would not do anything meaningless, and so he immediately set his sights on that little girl.

"Her name is Anko Mitarashi, my disciple. Her talent is not below that of Kakashi and you!" Seeing Junrei's eyes, Orochimaru licked his lips, and slowly said.

Anko was still accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, and so he should be still be nice to her at this point! At least right now, Orochimaru seem to still hold human feelings in his heart, he didn't seem as desperate as in the Anime.

"What's wrong? Junrei!" Orochimaru keenly caught a trace of his facial change, and asked while walking.

"Nothing!" Junrei shrugged, indifferently.

Following Orochimaru's fast walk, it didn't take long to reach his home.

Although it's a very bad thing to walk into Orochimaru's house like this, since it's very easy to expose the relationship between the two of them. But since Orochimaru didn't care, he didn't think much about it, and could only follow behind him.

Dismissing Anko, Orochimaru lead him into his secret laboratory.

The entrance to the laboratory is extremely secretive, and there are restrictions on the entrance. Even if Junrei saw Orochimaru's lifting the seals in person, he couldn't understand or even study the secrets behind the seals through Orochimaru's tactics.

Forbidden, Barrier, and Seal are the three most difficult types of Ninjutsu to learn. At his current level, such a marvelous Ninjutsu is not even accessible.

Walking in the corridor of the laboratory, Orochimaru grinned suddenly, staring at him like a poisonous snake, started to talk and asked, "If you follow me like this, aren't you afraid that Tsunade will suspect your your relationship with me?"

"Hehe! If that's the case, I won't be able to get any of the Jutsus from the Senju Clan." Junrei said with a smile, and a touch of taunt in his tone.

"That's your business." Orochimaru didn't care at all about his small rudeness, and even talked with a hint of appreciation in his husky voice.

Junrei laughed, he also didn't care.

If Orochimaru's matters were to be found so easily, he wouldn't be worthy of the title of "Sannin's Head". The Anbu of the village didn't dare to monitor him. As long as he didn't intentionally expose his whereabouts, Junrei's reunion with Orochimaru would not be discovered.

Orochimaru's laboratory was still so gloomy. There were corpse that have already been dead for a long time. There was still more than a dozen dying 'Experimental Materials' in the prison. All hoping for survival.

"Junrei, you go and check that person." Orochimaru pointed at a person on the test bench, with an slight irritability in his tone.

Junrei approached the test bench, and while glancing at the test bench he was pleased.

White skin, this should be the effect of being swallowed by the First Kage cells. It seems that Orochimaru has indeed already started to collaborate with Danzo on researching First Kage cells.

Concealing all of his emotions, he conducted a comprehensive examination of the people on the test bench.

Fusion of First Kage cells is what he wants the most right now, so Junrei took this very seriously and keeps all changes of the First Kage cells in his head.

This is a rare opportunity to access First-Kage cells, and Junrei doesn't want to miss it.

Soon, he came to a conclusion: "There is a very powerful cellular energy that is engulfing his cells. Although suppressed by medicine, the life force of that white cell is extremely tenacious, and it's still eating by little by little cells. Once the white cells have swallowed up all the cells of this person, this person will die."

Honestly, Junrei didn't dare play any tricks under Orochimaru's watch.

Orochimaru hearing this licked his lips in excitement, the corners of his mouth widened, and an unprecedented smile appeared on his face: "It seems that choosing you is indeed correct, Junrei! Is there any way you can make him live?"

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