
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

angel_bastudas · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Anbu Comes Knocking

"It's hard, unless the cells are removed immediately, this person is almost certainly dead," Junrei frowned and said.

Glancing at Orochimaru, he continued: "The energy that engulfed this person's cells is very powerful, and unless someone can suppress them, he will die sooner or later. I'm now studying with Teacher Tsunade to understand more about medicines. Maybe if she looks at these cells, maybe she can find a way."

"There may be one thing that can suppress these cells, but it's a bit troublesome." Orochimaru said solemnly.

Seeing that Orochimaru rejected his offer,Junrei was very intereste and decided to not mention it again. If the First Kage cells were so easy to get, he would doubt the authenticity of the sample.

As for the thing that Orochimaru mentioned that can suppress the First Kage cells, it should be the Sharingan!

It's a pity that the most recent opportunity to get a Sharingan was cut off by Junrei. Orochimaru at this time may still hold a little grudges against him! He still feel weird about Orochimaru just bringing him like this to his home.

"What is it?" Junrei asked in confusion: "The energy of this cell is already very powerful. I don't expect that we currently have the power to supress this cell."

"Nothing in this world is devoid of flaws, and it is because of such defects that we can have fun in making up for them." Orochimaru said with interest.

"This student understand, Lord Orochimaru." Junrei arched slightly, while saying respectfully.

"From your Medical-nin perspective, what do you think of this cell?" Orochimaru asked.

He ponderedfor a moment, and said: "This cell contains a very powerful life force. It's with this support of that life energy that these cells can continuously devour the person's own cells. The opposite of life is death. The development of a medicine that can control these cells may start with poison, but with my current ability, it's too difficult to be sure about it! Maybe Tsunade can do it, but... "

Although he didn't continue with the following words, the meaning was already obvious. However, Tsunade will never help Orochimaru do such an experiment.

"Poison?" Orochimaru hearing this frowned, froze, and started to talk. "The Village will negotiate with the Sand Hidden Village in 7 days. I'll get some books about poison from Sunagakure's side, i'll allow you to take it back and study it. "

"Ok!" Junrei said.

Although poison is not the most powerful tactic in a ninja battle, for the current Mekka Junrei, if poison is attached on his hidden weapons, the destructive power will definitely be greatly improved.

"Alright! It's getting late, you go back first!" Orochimaru said.

"Yes!" On the way home, Junrei has been thinking about today's conversation with Orochimaru, whether he has left any weak spot open or did he overdid his act.

After talking to these great people, Junrei still thinks about whether there is anything wrong with his act or words everytime. Overtime, this has almost become a habit.

Although this study didn't help Orochimaru on his investigation of First Kage cells, it shouldn't disappoint Orochimaru either.

After all, even Orochimaru himself can't get the First Kage cells to do his bidding. If he came up with a way to control the First Kage cells instead, that would make Orochimaru suspicious.

But this time is an opportunity, a great opportunity to get in touch with First Kage cells.

Junrei can feel that Orochimaru doesn't trust him so much, he just wants to make use of his Medical-Ninjutsu.

After all, Junrei is different from Little Anko. Anko worships Orochimaru, but Junrei is someone who only follows him for strength. There is an essential difference between the two of them.

Orochimaru should understand this, as long as he can always give Junrei strength, he will not betray him. But once this pact is broken, or someone can give Junrei more power, he'll betray him without the slightest hesitation.

However, at that time, Orochimaru will definitely solve him personally. He has enough confidence in his strength because of absolute confidence.

Orochimaru believes that even if Junrei betrays him, he can still just silently kill him.

Junrei also understands this, so he secretly contacted Tsuru Uchiha, and wanted to enhance his strength from other places. This is the current relationship between him and Orochimaru, using each other and guarding against each other, but Junrei has always been on his guard after all.

But, there's one thing, Mekka Junrei has an advantage over Orochimaru.

Junrei has seen the original work. Orochimaru's best Ninjutsu was developed through snakes.

The training route set by Junrei for himself is based on Senjutsu. In conjunction with other Ninjutsu, it's generally Jiraiya's style, which includes some Forbidden Jutsu from Orochimaru and Ninjutsu from Tsunade.

The non-Kekkei Genkai experts in the Anime that he set as reference targets for improvement were figures such as Jiraiya, Minato, the Third Hokage, etc.

Junrei is eager to contribute to Konoha in order to get a chance to see the Scroll of Seals. [Flying Thunder God Technique] is a Ninjutsu that he must get. Whether he can learn it or not, he must at least try to train it first.

As long as he can learn [Flying Thunder God Technique], Junrei has the confidence to face Orochimaru directly.

After returning home, Junrei decided to relax his mind and started training the changes of Earth Attribute Chakra.

Since getting Orochimaru's experience with Earth Attribute Chakra, Junrei had developed a considerable degree of mastery in Earth Attribute Chakra. He believed it won't be long before he can fully grasp this method.

Knock! Kuc! Knock!

A special knock sounded, and Junrei knew it was a way for Anbu to communicate. He immediately dropped training and ran over to the door.

"Hello! What's the matter?" Junrei asked.

"Konoha Chunin Mekka Junrei!" Anbu ninja first confirmed his identity, and then started to talk, "Go to the 8th training stadium at 8 tomorrow morning."

"When did Anbu started doing this kind of work?" He asked in confusion.

"Do you have any questions? Chunin Mekka Junrei ?" Anbu ninja asked coldly.

"Of course!" Junrei looked mockingly at the Anbu ninja, and said indifferently: "A mere Transformation Jutsu, who are you?"

As soon as his voice fell, Anbu ninja's throat got pressed by a sharp kunai, and Junrei's Shadow Clone appeared silently behind his opponent.

"With this strength, Anbu wouldn't even bother to look at you." Junrei said with a smile plastered on his young face.

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