
Naruto: Medical Ninja

Kamiyo Tetsuya, a reincarnated soul from another world, finds himself in the aftermath of the Nine Tails Rebellion in Konoha Village. Orphaned by the chaos that took his parents, Tetsuya discovers he possesses a unique ability: the Doctor's Benevolence System. This extraordinary system allows him to heal others and extract their attributes, skills, and even bloodline limits, setting him on a path to mastering medical ninjutsu. Determined to grow stronger and protect his new home, Tetsuya adopts a disciplined routine of hospital visits, physical training, and Chakra refinement. Along the way, he befriends Hinata Hyuga, who silently supports him, and encounters Uzumaki Naruto, another ostracized child. Offering friendship and compassion, Tetsuya becomes a beacon of hope for Naruto, hinting at a powerful alliance between the two future heroes. Tetsuya's talents do not go unnoticed. Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen visits him personally, impressed by his healing prowess and granting him support. However, Danzo Shimura, head of Root, also recognizes Tetsuya's potential and seeks to recruit him. The resulting tension sets the stage for future conflicts, as Tetsuya becomes a target for various factions within Konoha. Working at Konoha Hospital, Tetsuya learns that his mother was a student of Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin. This connection boosts his reputation, but also draws more attention to his abilities. As Tetsuya navigates the politics of Konoha, he uses his system to heal and grow stronger, aiming to support his friends and uphold the Will of Fire. A critical moment occurs when Tetsuya heals Naruto and unlocks Pure Ashura Chakra, a powerful energy tied to the reincarnation of Ashura. This transformation significantly boosts Tetsuya’s abilities, setting him on a path to greatness and hinting at future confrontations with Indra's reincarnation, Sasuke Uchiha. Join Tetsuya as he navigates the challenges of his new life, builds powerful alliances, and strives to become a beacon of hope and strength in the world of Naruto.

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55 Chs

Chapter 13: Uchiha's Bloodline Talent and Tetsuya's Birthday

Shisui had just returned from a classified mission outside the village, nursing wounds inflicted by a desperate enemy. He wasn't surprised that Tetsuya noticed his injuries but was taken aback by the young boy's willingness to help.

The Uchiha clan's reputation in Konoha was marred by their arrogance and extremism, traits stemming from their long-held position as Konoha's law enforcers. Shisui, despite his high rank in the Anbu, found himself isolated, with few friends and distant teammates.

Yet, here was Tetsuya, offering assistance without hesitation.

"Tetsuya, what do you think of the Uchiha?" Shisui asked, curious about the boy's perspective.

Tetsuya paused. He only wanted to heal Shisui and perhaps gain some valuable attributes. But now he found himself having to address a delicate subject.

"I'm just a kid and haven't had much contact with the Uchiha," Tetsuya said honestly. "You're the first Uchiha I've met. So far, it feels pretty good."

Shisui sighed, slightly disappointed but understanding. Tetsuya was too young to have formed any substantial opinions.

"Let's get those wounds treated," Tetsuya urged, eager to gain his system rewards.

Shisui smiled and untied his bandages. "It's just a minor injury; it'll heal in a few days."

Tetsuya didn't care about Shisui's downplaying. He activated his healing technique, and soon, the wounds were gone.

[Cure Uchiha Shisui, get Uchiha blood talent, Yin attribute Chakra.]

A hint of surprise flashed in Tetsuya's eyes. He had gained Uchiha's bloodline talent and Yin attribute Chakra. The two major plug-ins in the ninja world, the Sage Body and the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, were now within his grasp.

Shisui was equally astonished by the speed and efficiency of Tetsuya's healing technique, rivaling even Tsunade's skills.

After parting ways with Shisui, Tetsuya headed home, his mind racing with the day's gains. Healing non-humans had proven to be a valuable strategy, allowing him to continuously boost his physical fitness.

Arriving home, Tetsuya was greeted by an unexpected sight: Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Naruto standing at his doorstep.

"Lord Third Hokage, Naruto?" Tetsuya exclaimed, confused by their presence.

Naruto's excited shout clarified everything. "Tetsuya, you're so mean! You didn't even tell me it was your birthday. If it wasn't for Grandpa Hokage, I wouldn't have known today is your birthday!"

Birthday? Tetsuya was stunned. He had crossed over on the day of the Nine Tails Rebellion and lost his parents, leaving no one to inform him of his birthdate. Was it really today?

Third Hokage smiled kindly. He admired Tetsuya's dedication to medical ninjutsu and his remarkable Chakra capacity. Over the past six months, Tetsuya had consistently shown up at Konoha Hospital, regardless of the weather. This dedication made Third Hokage consider Tetsuya as a future successor, even contemplating taking him on as an apprentice.

"I found out that today is your birthday, Tetsuya. So, Naruto and I decided to celebrate it with you," Third Hokage said.

Tetsuya, Naruto, and Third Hokage spent the afternoon together, marking Tetsuya's first birthday in this new world. Before leaving, Naruto handed Tetsuya a birthday present: a free coupon for Ichiraku Ramen, valid for five uses. Tetsuya accepted it with a smile.

Third Hokage's gift, however, was even more surprising. "Tetsuya, your contributions to Konoha Hospital are significant enough to make you a Chūnin. But you're still young, and I believe your goals are higher than being a mere medical ninja. I will seal your files and update them when you graduate from the ninja academy. For now, take this as a birthday gift: the Shadow Clone Technique scroll."

Tetsuya's eyes lit up. The Shadow Clone Technique was perfect for him. With it, he could continue his duties at the hospital even while attending the ninja academy.

After they left, Tetsuya eagerly began practicing the Shadow Clone Technique. Surprisingly, he mastered it after only two failures.

"Tomorrow, I'll send a Shadow Clone to the hospital. If it can earn points, I can finally be a bit lazier," Tetsuya thought, his mind already devising new strategies.

As he looked at the peaceful night sky, Tetsuya made a silent oath. He would continue to grow stronger, ensuring he could protect those he cared about and face the looming threats of the future.

Meanwhile, in the Uchiha clan compound, two men discussed Tetsuya's potential and the remarkable boy who had so quickly gained their interest and respect.