
Naruto : Living A Fulfilling Life

Tags : #Evil_MC || #Villain || #Transmigration || #Dark || #SI || #Selfish_Mc || #Naruto --------------------------- TimeLine : Konoha Yr 48 (After Nine Tail Attack & 4th Hokage Died) --------------------------- Mc was a Peak Chunin Uchiha Guard and recalled his previous life when he passed out from exhaustion from the nine-tail attack and the frustration he felt when the Uchiha Family was driven to the outskirts of Konoha. Benjiro Uchiha (Mc) knows how dangerous Naruto World is. He also knows his own limits, so let's see how he creates his own little heaven. --------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 | Talent? What is that...

(Clone POV)

Failure to properly dispose of the bodies would risk the spread of plague-like diseases, evoking memories of the devastating toll witnessed during the warring states era, where four out of every ten individuals perished.



Well, not that I care. The objective of the mission was to strictly follow the mission without doing anything stupid. That meant no sparring against Yami, no casual chatting with Riku, avoiding unnecessary confrontation with rough ninja on the way, and saving as much chakra as possible, even if it meant that by the end of the mission, I would be the only one surviving.

Another sub-task for me is to receive the package meant for my original self, which he ordered a month ago. It contains valuable tools and resources that will aid me in my pursuit of power and dominance. The package, worth 50 million ryo, holds secrets and weapons capable of slaying even Kage-level ninjas.

(Benjiro POV)

I fucking hate sentinel clones. They possess immense power, but they are also too dangerous. They have the potential to expose my true intentions and disrupt my carefully laid plans. That's why I've imposed strict restrictions upon them, ensuring that while casting the clone technique, the clone itself never reveals my true purpose, even in the most unexpected situations. The last thing I need is for my secret agenda to be exposed and my carefully crafted schemes to crumble.

As I arrived in the abandoned cave, I unscrolled and retrieved the bodies of the deceased shinobi and bandits. I carefully handled each one, securing the unconscious chunin and genin, binding them to logs, and placing 2-3 explosion tags on each of them. It was essential to prevent any surprises or escapes while I continued with my training and preparations.

Now that I've established my temporary camp here for the next 3 days, I am fully prepared to put all my theoretical and practical knowledge to the test.

After taking a 2-hour nap to replenish my energy, I am determined to delve deep into my training regimen.

First, I evaluate the effectiveness of medical ninjutsu, utilizing my knowledge to heal and mend injuries efficiently. Then, I focus on honing my taijutsu skills, refining my techniques and increasing my speed and agility.

Next, I dive into exploring genjutsu techniques, experimenting with illusions that can deceive even the most skilled opponents. Utilizing my heightened senses against the weakened shinobi, I push the limits of my perception and strive for greater sensory acuity.

Assessing my fundamental Shinobi combat IQ allows me to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement. I analyze past battles and learn from the mistakes made by both myself and others, seeking to enhance my tactical and strategic thinking.

Finally, I embark on acquiring and crafting custom-made weapons using the machines and parts at my disposal. Each addition contributes to my relentless pursuit of power and dominance in the ninja world. By expanding my arsenal and utilizing the latest technologies, I ensure that I have every advantage at my disposal.

To be honest, I find it perplexing why Jounin ninjas from esteemed clans like Hyuga and Uchiha often find themselves outmatched when confronted by Kage-level shinobi who haven't surpassed human limitations. It's true that a well-executed headshot to Danzo or Hiruzen, caught off guard, would likely result in their demise.

However, when facing opponents like the Raikage, it becomes evident that their bodies possess a certain resilience and durability that defies normal human limits. Even if an absolute termination type attack were executed against Orochimaru, his ability to sense danger may allow him to avoid fatal blows. On the other hand, the Raikage, despite his immense physical strength, would unquestionably perish due to his arrogance.

Considering the lethal potential of a chakra kunai, capable of slaying an ordinary Kage-level shinobi, it begs the question: why haven't the Uchiha and Hyuga developed a standardized combat style that fully maximizes their bloodline's potential? It is clear that both clans possess unique and powerful ninjutsu, but the absence of a comprehensive and synergistic approach limits their ability to reach their true potential. Perhaps, in their pursuit of individual techniques and glory, they have overlooked the possibility of combining their skillsets to create an unstoppable force on the battlefield.



(2 days later...)

During my training, I have already decapitated over 50 living beings, just to make progress in Soul Sensing Ninjutsu. All I have to do is spread my chakra perception and remain fully focused on any disturbance after killing. However, deep down, I am still skeptical. Who knows if someone from a league far beyond my own planted those memories in me for their own selfish reasons?

Now, I can confidently say that something lingers after the life force leaves a living being. However, my proficiency in this technique is still limited, as I can only roughly sense the shape of the

departing soul after it leaves the physical body.

Not only have I improved my genjutsu techniques, allowing me to cast illusions from a range of 600 meters, but I have also dedicated my efforts to crafting realistic illusions that can deceive even the sharpest minds. By utilizing precise control over my chakra and carefully manipulating the environment, I can create illusions that are indistinguishable from reality. These illusions serve as powerful distractions and diversions, providing me with the opportunity to strike at my opponents with strategic precision.

Furthermore, I have developed my Fireball Ninjutsu into a sealless type. Currently, I possess the ability to unleash fireballs the size of pinballs, with a casting time of 0.7 seconds and a range of 30 meters.

Additionally, my training in fuinjutsu is progressing well. I have mastered the art of creating modified explosion tags with a blast range and intensity three times greater than their previous counterparts.

As I continue to hone my skills, I notice a rat, roughly the size of a human head, emerging from its burrow. It carries a scroll in its mouth and leaps onto my outstretched hand. After sniffing my scent and confirming my authenticity, it delivers the scroll to me. In return, I toss a piece of cheese to the rat, which it happily devours before returning to its burrow.

This rat has become my newest contract beast, joining the ranks of the clan ninja cats and the ninja crow in my possession. However, unlike the clan pets that are accessible to most members, these rats are exclusively mine. They maintain their own hidden sanctuary, an elusive refuge nestled somewhere within the vast expanse of the Elemental Nations. The hideout's location undoubtedly harbors a high concentration of Nature Chakra.


As I meticulously assemble my new combat suit, a thin soft leather jacket becomes my choice, offering optimal flexibility and protection without hindering my movements.

I've also incorporated an ingenious chakra enhancement technology into the composite Slingshot parts. Once fully assembled, this advanced modification grants me the extraordinary ability to target objects up to an astounding range of 2-3 kilometers. With such immense accuracy and force at my disposal, I load the slingshot with 500 custom-made chakra balls, meticulously infused with my own potent chakra. The infusion amplifies their impact and potency, making them formidable projectiles in battle.

Additionally, I attach a set of Wolverine claws infused with chakra to enhance my close combat capabilities. These retractable claws provide me with razor-sharp blades and heightened striking power, allowing me to engage in lethal hand-to-hand combat.

As I meticulously put together each component of my combat suit, ensuring their functionality and durability, I feel a sense of satisfaction. These creations will not only enhance my combat capabilities but also serve as a testament to my resourcefulness and determination.

I don't seek to show off my strength. Instead, I understand the importance of utilizing every available tool and piece of knowledge to overcome any obstacle. Each item I craft and each skill I develop is a step closer to achieving my ultimate goal of power and dominance.

Talent? What is that? I am a transmigrator with unparalleled soul strength and an Uchiha with the Sharingan. These abilities grant me the power to copy techniques, perceive the flow of chakra, and possess an unmatched memory. Every mistake I make becomes an opportunity for improvement, a chance to adapt to any situation and utilize the tools and knowledge at my disposal.

In addition to my unique abilities, I have formed contracts with rats, using them as my pets and sources of intelligence. These creatures are driven by their insatiable greed for cheese, and I manipulate them entirely to serve my purposes. They provide me with valuable information and are an invaluable asset in my journey.

Talent may be a fleeting concept, but my relentless pursuit of strength and my unwavering determination set me apart. I will become the strongest shinobi I can possibly be, utilizing all available resources to ensure my ascendancy.