
Naruto : Living A Fulfilling Life

Tags : #Evil_MC || #Villain || #Transmigration || #Dark || #SI || #Selfish_Mc || #Naruto --------------------------- TimeLine : Konoha Yr 48 (After Nine Tail Attack & 4th Hokage Died) --------------------------- Mc was a Peak Chunin Uchiha Guard and recalled his previous life when he passed out from exhaustion from the nine-tail attack and the frustration he felt when the Uchiha Family was driven to the outskirts of Konoha. Benjiro Uchiha (Mc) knows how dangerous Naruto World is. He also knows his own limits, so let's see how he creates his own little heaven. --------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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04 | C-Rank Escort Mission

It had been approximately two weeks since my last visit to the library, delving into the depths of knowledge to expand my understanding of various shinobi techniques.

Today, I found myself on the way to meet my employer, Kazuko-san, a man I had come to know quite well. He was not only a trusted wine supplier and importer in Ōujisama City but also an instrumental figure in circulating my premium quality wines among the city's esteemed nobles, enhancing the reputation of my shop.

Whenever he visited Konoha on a business trip, he would bring back different wines and news from Ōujisama City, ensuring a steady flow of unique products and information.

In normal circumstances, this mission would have been classified as a B-rank assignment. However, due to Kazuko-san's financial difficulties, which he confided in me, I decided to lend him a helping hand. It wasn't purely out of pity or sympathy for his losses, but rather a pragmatic decision to safeguard my business interests. Finding a capable replacement for him, someone who possessed the necessary connections and finesse to maintain the reputation of my shop, was proving to be a daunting task.

The recent attacks on merchant routes by bandits, intensified after the Nine-Tails incident, weighed heavily on Kazuko-san's mind. He had already lost three merchant teams, each costing him a staggering 10 million ryo. Suspecting the presence of hostile shinobi among the bandits, his concerns were not unfounded. Many hidden villages were testing Konoha's vulnerabilities, assessing the extent of our losses during the Nine-Tails attack. Blocking merchant routes, instilling fear in businessmen, and crippling Konoha's economy were tactics well-known to Konoha as part of the ongoing cold war.

As I arrived at the Konoha gate, I spotted Kazuko-san accompanied by two unfamiliar genin. They were Riku Yamanaka, a novice sensor with a knack for family techniques, and Yami Inazuka, whose 'koinu' possessed exceptional sensory and olfactory skills, making him a valuable asset. Kazuko-san had already made arrangements with them to join us on this mission.

"Hello, Kazuko-san. Ah, I see you've enlisted the help of your shinobi friends. Would you be so kind as to introduce them? I am Uchiha Benjiro, skilled in fire escape techniques and Uchiha throwing ninjutsu," I introduced myself, deliberately keeping my words brief and leaving an air of mystery around me. The Uchiha name had a way of establishing dominance and asserting leadership, even without explicitly stating it.

"Hello, Benjiro-san. My name is Riku Yamanaka. I specialize in sensory abilities and family techniques. It's a pleasure to meet you. I trust we'll work well together," Riku greeted me formally, her sweet smile unable to sway me. Her melodious voice hinted at her experience in dealing with customers at the flower shop, a skill that might prove useful in our mission.

"Yo, I'm Yami Inazuka. My 'koinu' is a sensing and smelling prodigy, and I've already mastered our clan techniques. Just follow my lead, and we'll breeze through this C-rank mission in no time," Yami stated confidently, exuding the Inazuka clan's trademark energy. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between Yami and Kiba Inazuka from the canon, as if their clan's traits were imprinted on their personalities. Nevertheless, it mattered little to me. (A/n: 'koinu' - puppy)

The classification of this mission as a C-rank assignment was a private agreement between Kazuko-san and me. In return for my assistance, he offered a 20% additional discount on future purchases and vowed to actively promote my shop's name and reputation. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement that allowed both of us to achieve our objectives.

With our team assembled, we embarked on our journey. The mission was expected to span four days, giving us ample time to accomplish our task without rushing. Little did we know what challenges awaited us in the dense jungles and treacherous paths that lay ahead. The mission had taken a turn from a mere escort assignment to a test of our skills and survival instincts.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows amidst the foliage, we found ourselves in the heart of the jungle. It was a realm teeming with unseen dangers, where nature itself seemed to conspire against us. We decided to set up camp near the tranquil riverbank, a strategic location that allowed us to be vigilant against bandit attacks while remaining wary of chakra beasts lurking in the depths of the wilderness. These creatures, known for their heightened aggression and territorial nature, posed a formidable threat when their domains were trespassed.

As I focused my chakra and expanded my sensory perception, I detected a group of 19 individuals approaching our position. A sense of anticipation filled the air, for they were not mere bandits. Among them were four individuals with distinct chakra signatures, indicating the presence of hostile shinobi lurking in the shadows. It seemed our mission would not be as straightforward as anticipated.

"Alert, everyone! We are being ambushed by a group of 15," Riku's voice cut through the tranquility, her sensor abilities enabling her to detect the approaching threat within a 200-meter radius. The element of surprise was no longer on our side.

As Riku alerted the team, a brief moment of doubt crossed my mind. "Or so my team thinks," I thought to myself. Riku, despite her sensor abilities, seemed to have missed the presence of two chunin and two genin among the bandits. It could be that stress was affecting her perception, or perhaps she knew but chose not to share that information. Regardless, I knew I had to stay alert and keep my guard up.

I quickly formulated a plan in my mind, utilizing the skills and strengths of our team to turn the tide in our favor. "I will assume a hidden position and thin out their numbers. Yami, prepare for a sneak attack. Riku, ensure Kazuko-san's safety," I commanded, my voice calm and composed as I assessed the situation. In one fluid motion, I disappeared into the dense foliage, blending seamlessly with the shadows.

Creating a clone as a decoy, I stealthily closed in on the positions of the two chunin among the attackers. Yami, his senses honed by years of training with the Inazuka clan, had already completed his clan fusion technique, ready to unleash his formidable combat skills. Meanwhile, Riku stood guard, her keen sensory abilities poised to detect any sudden movement or surprise attack.

With precision timing, my clone unleashed a barrage of four kunai, each affixed with explosive tags. The projectiles found their targets with deadly accuracy, eliminating four bandits and sending shockwaves through the enemy ranks. Chaos ensued as the remaining bandits scrambled to regain their footing, while six more sustained injuries in the aftermath of the explosions. Seizing the opportunity created by the smokescreen, Yami sprang into action, his speed and agility unmatched as he swiftly dispatched three bandits with lethal strikes.

Meanwhile, I closed in on the chunin-level sensor from behind, silently incapacitating him with a swift blow to the pressure point. The remaining enemies, disoriented and bewildered, found themselves ensnared within the confines of my genjutsu illusion. Their movements became sluggish and disorganized, their minds trapped in a world of illusions and false perceptions. Seizing this advantage, I employed fuinjutsu techniques to seal their chakra, rendering them powerless and unable to mount a counterattack.

With the immediate threat neutralized, I swiftly moved to execute the next phase of my plan. Taking advantage of my improved clone technique, I left my clone to handle the

aftermath and put the sensor's skills to the test. I stealthily dragged the unconscious bodies of the incapacitated bandits toward an abandoned underground passage that I had learned about during my extensive research in the library. It served as both a hidden pathway and a means to further confuse the enemy.

Meanwhile, the remaining members of our team, led by Yami's fierce determination and Kiba's unwavering combat prowess, engaged the remaining bandits in a ferocious battle. Explosions reverberated through the air as shurikens flew and the clash of metal against metal echoed amidst the chaos. The ground soon bore witness to the aftermath of their relentless assault, marked by the remnants of explosions, scattered bandit corpses, and the occasional missing limb—an eerie testament to the intensity of our encounter.

(Clone POV)

Ensuring no survivors remained, Riku meticulously inspected each fallen bandit, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of life. As for me, I retrieved a small scroll containing a potent corpse-dissolving solution from my pouch. It was a necessary measure to prevent the contamination and spread of disease, a duty that befell chunin and higher-ranked shinobi in Konoha.

The availability of this specialized solution to the shinobi was justified by the grim reality of their profession. On average, a chunin would encounter around ten individuals per mission, either directly or indirectly involved in their demise. With a substantial number of chunin and higher-ranked shinobi in Konoha, each undertaking at least one C-rank mission per month, the proper disposal of bodies became imperative to maintain cleanliness along the merchant routes. Failure to do so would risk the spread of plague-like diseases, reminiscent of the devastating toll witnessed during the warring states era, where four out of every ten individuals perished.
