
Naruto : Living A Fulfilling Life

Tags : #Evil_MC || #Villain || #Transmigration || #Dark || #SI || #Selfish_Mc || #Naruto --------------------------- TimeLine : Konoha Yr 48 (After Nine Tail Attack & 4th Hokage Died) --------------------------- Mc was a Peak Chunin Uchiha Guard and recalled his previous life when he passed out from exhaustion from the nine-tail attack and the frustration he felt when the Uchiha Family was driven to the outskirts of Konoha. Benjiro Uchiha (Mc) knows how dangerous Naruto World is. He also knows his own limits, so let's see how he creates his own little heaven. --------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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01 | Benjiro Uchiha

"Haa.." I heaved a sigh of relief. It's been almost 4 months since I received my previous life memory, and looking back, I still can't believe that the shinobi world I'm familiar with is just a fiction written by someone else, or so I thought at first.

Despite the fact that there are many, many differences between the real and animated worlds, I had to admit that if I hadn't known how dangerous my world is, I would be fighting Fugaku on the bright side, who had just accepted the order of Uchiha clan relocation; maybe my dead body would be in some corner of shinobi world; maybe some psycho would be doing experimentation with my dead body; maybe my eyes would become props for Izanagi or Izanami; maybe my soul would become cannon fodder in the 4th Ninja War; thinking this far, I am glad I got my memories back.

During these four months of observation, I discovered that the Uchiha clan is now divided into several factions. The majority are those who oppose Fugaku but don't dare oppose clan relocation openly. I fall into this category. This is similar to a political battle in which casualties are minimal and profits are extremely high.

Like we are paid a high monthly salary to avoid causing trouble and joining the second fraction, another advantage is that juniors in this fraction are poached by the Fugaku fraction and allowed to enter one high-level clan library, like Genin are allowed in the Chunin library, regardless of whether they join or not. Those who join just get a guide from Fugaku Fraction and a double-sided agent who reports all their activity to Fugaku, but I'm already 15 and a half, and it just doesn't sit well with me.

Second, those who oppose Fugaku and dare to oppose clan relocation openly; this fraction is led by Jounins who were peers of Fugaku and fought for Clan head position but were defeated or by Jounins who already had grudges against Fugaku and Konoha F4 families for some reason and this order was an outlet to vent their power and emotions.

I still remember hearing gossip about 5-6 missing Uchiha shinobi from the second fraction and more on the Fugaku side and even more on the F4 family side; after all, Uchiha are all inherently proud and narrow minded due to their glorious history, the stories they grew up listening to from their parents, and the dimensionally blowing strength that comes from Sharingan.

Even though I lost my mother when she gave birth to my younger sister, Uchiha Sachi, who is only three years younger than me, I am now certain that my mother did not receive proper treatment or received wrong treatment from Konoha Hospital. I am certain to burn their families to ashes when the time comes, but not now because I have enough problems on my plate. I muse that Uchiha sure are vengeful and will hold a grudge until their death beds.

Third Those who feel betrayed and think that choosing and supporting Fugaku was a mistake are now torn about whether to give him another chance. These Faction Shinobi remain neutral and perform only their regular duties, which they had prior to the Nine-Tailed attack.

Minority and Fourth ones who are literally brainwashed by Konoha's higher authorities, these Uchiha people consist of orphan Uchiha whose parents and relatives are dead. They have little to no interaction with and presence in the Uchiha Clan and are literally strangers to the Uchiha Clan if not for the blood flowing through their veins. These members are poached by Konoha higher authorities to be their potential double agents in the Konoha family and are given fake warmth, wealth, and Ninjutsu, as well as enough favor so that one day, even if they are told to commit suicide, they are overwhelmed and do so.

"Let's finish guard duty quickly and head home to cuddle Sachi." " Hais, I have an appointment with Elder Hiro tomorrow; perhaps I can gain access to the Elite Jounin Library Section. It will entirely depend on how well I can bootlick him." I sighed once more, thinking that my 27 years of previous memory had taken a heavy toll on my brain and emotional energy, and the memories I had experienced were not just scrolling through like movies; I had experienced all emotions: hate, love, regret, and many complicated emotions. In just two days, I understood and experienced all 27 years.

It took me a month to confirm that I am still Benjiro reborn, having awakened his prior life memory, and not some other dude who has seized possession of Benjiro. Worst of all, I made Sachi feel like I was another guy, and I knew deep down in her heart that she still wonders if I'm Benjiro or someone else. Sachi's miserable condition breaks my heart.

Sachi only got me after my mother died. Father looked after her, but did not pamper her as much as he did with me, sometimes. Father also blamed Sachi for being alive instead of Mother in his extreme drunken state, which I am sure was misinformation given by Konoha Hospital, hoping he would become depressed and die in the coming years.

Father's mental health deteriorated over time, and he began making mistakes during missions; if it hadn't been for elder Hiro and his other friends, who literally carried my drunk father home every day, he would have died before the third Shinobi war even began. Well, he did die in the Third Shinobi War, and I was just 11 at the time. I awoke Sharingan after seeing my father's dead body, and as time passed, I became emotionally dependent on Sachi. Later, after graduating from shinobi academy, I followed Elder Hiro's lead in War. Without him, I would have died 10–20 times by now; he is like a quarter-father to me.

After a few hours, I arrived near the outskirts of Konoha. I could hear the soothing voice of a waterfall and the sun setting on my face. As I continued to walk my way home, I saw many houses, ranging from some ancient, large Japanese houses to your standard double-story houses, and as I continued walking by, I also passed some functional buildings, as well as a temporary police force office that was still under construction.

This is such a tranquil scene. I silently resolve to remove all impediments to my enjoyment of this peace. Soon after, I enter a medium-sized ancient Japanese house. After entering the house, I began to remove my gear and change into more casual attire. I heard footsteps approaching but didn't pay attention because I already knew who they belonged to.

(A/n : Mc House)

Soon after, I felt a soft hug from behind me, which I simply enjoyed and continued until I was fully dressed.

"It's a bad habit, Sachi. Come to the kitchen and show your brother what's for dinner." I reluctantly let go of her soft hand, kissed her on the forehead, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hmmp... you always ignore me; I vow I'll starve you one day." I hear her tsundere voice from behind me as she runs past me and begins serving me before I even get to the dining table.

"Hmph.. I prepared steamed rice, soup, pickles, fish, and vegetables in anticipation of my brother's visit to Elder Hiro tomorrow. You should thank and pray to God for blessing you with such a wonderful little sister. Hmph" Sachi introduced herself in her usual tsundere manner, and soon after I began digging in with her, I felt a strange gaze on my eyes. Sachi is staring blankly into my dark, black eyes, as if she wants to see right through me. I knew she wanted me to be honest with her and share my problems, but I can't because she's not ready yet.

After we finished dinner, I lightly smacked her forehead and said, "Don't forget to do your basic chakra training before going to bed," before walking to the washbasin to wash my dishes.

"Ouch.. meanie.. OK, come back when you finish yours." When Sachi awoke from her trance, I began walking towards the basement, hearing her yell.

After I arrived in the basement, I activated the enchantment barriers that had already been set up when I built this house. It is said that it can easily prevent someone with Byakugan and Chakra Sensors, but I don't trust it even 0.01%. Well, it's convenient to have money, and there are also silent seals to prevent someone from eavesdropping. After a few minutes of silence, I tried to detect any chakra signals in the basement, as well as any emotions or sounds I could hear, but none were detected.

I did a very light warmup to warm up my body a little, and after 10 minutes, I picked a few branches and wrapped them with chakra; soon, in 12 seconds, it started burning. This is an advanced technique for the fire attribute chakra technique after leaf burning.

Well, there is theoretically no limit; this could go like a leaf branch, steel, and so on." To complete the branch burning technique, I had to burn it completely to ashes within 1 second; I could now burn a leaf to ashes in 0.2 seconds. After completing this technique, I would be qualified to increase my fire ninjutsu technique to S grade ninjutsu.

My second training was to improve the shadow clone to the point where neither Byakugan nor Mangekyou Sharingan could tell them apart. I also had to improve its durability so that it could withstand a few Elite Junior attacks, and then I could replace the clone during Police Patrol duties, saving me a lot of time. I also needed to make it as realistic as possible, and the solution was simple: while performing clone ninjutsu, I needed to have a very clear image of what my clone should look like and what it should be capable of.

My third training goal was to improve my soil affinity. It was similar to that of fire affinity training; all I had to do was turn a branch into mud by wrapping this with my chakra. This training was to sneak around Konoha and maybe raid some places stealthily and build an underground base at least under a riverbed or 650 metres below the earth's surface.

Well, I also have another Lightning chakra affinity, but I already have my schedule booked, so that had to wait until later.

After two hours of training, when my chakra had reached rock bottom, I began my fourth technique, pouring my clear emotions and willpower into the remaining chakra to strengthen my control over it. I did it for a full 10 minutes before exhaling a foul breath and resting for 5 minutes to regain my mental strength, then pouring all my chaotic emotions and disruptive willpower with a clear image to destroy the remaining chakra to purify it from outside influence.

This last technique was extremely effective; I can see my chakra colour shifting from blue white to purple-blue-white. Because I want my chakra to be purple, I was always thinking during these months that if Ten Tail can suck chakra and Otsutsuki can refine chakra into pills, why do I even train chakra? I gradually decided to gain control of my chakra to the point where I could even explode a miniscule bit of it from afar. If someone used that in their chakra system, it would be poisonous to them.

I left the basement after finishing my training, took a shower, and went to my master bedroom. Sachi was already sleeping peacefully, hugging my pillow, and I was speechless. I went to the other side of the bed, laid down, removed my pillow, and assumed pillow position before hugging my sweet little sister.

I turned to face the window, the moonlight clearly illuminating me and Sachi's figure. Seeing such a clear starry sky, I wondered if one of these stars was the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy and Earth was still there.

(A/n : Starry sky here)

This is me, Benjiro Uchiha, the protagonist of my own life, and as my name suggests, I will enjoy peace to the fullest and bring hell to those who stand in my way. I fell asleep while thinking about this.


Well Stones and Review will do

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