
Naruto : Living A Fulfilling Life

Tags : #Evil_MC || #Villain || #Transmigration || #Dark || #SI || #Selfish_Mc || #Naruto --------------------------- TimeLine : Konoha Yr 48 (After Nine Tail Attack & 4th Hokage Died) --------------------------- Mc was a Peak Chunin Uchiha Guard and recalled his previous life when he passed out from exhaustion from the nine-tail attack and the frustration he felt when the Uchiha Family was driven to the outskirts of Konoha. Benjiro Uchiha (Mc) knows how dangerous Naruto World is. He also knows his own limits, so let's see how he creates his own little heaven. --------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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02 | Sharingan 

I heard faint sounds of birds chirping, and I knew it was already 5:30 a.m. During these months I had already developed my own biological clock, so I removed Sachi's hand without waking her. Immediately, after a few seconds, she hugged a pillow. "Gosh.. She's so insecure, even when she's sleeping." After freshening up, I went to the compound garden, where I did light stretching and yoga for 15 minutes.

"Sachi waki waki, it's already 6; you should also form the habit of waking up without me." I went into my younger sister's room; I'd already removed the bedroom curtain and opened the windows to let some fresh air in.

"Yawn, but I want oni-sa... Brother, wake me up; ohh.. its already morning." Sachi corrected herself while stretching; I already knew she had changed her subconscious behaviour after the Nine-Tail attack.

"Well, I'm off to do my Shinobi training, so freshen up and finish your morning exercise before I come back." Hearing her, a wry smile appeared on my face, and I thought as I walked towards the basement.

Time is really a cruel bitch. It makes people forget their memories, make things age, bury their history, change their subconscious behaviour, and can even cause people to doubt their closest trustees. Only those who survive time disasters are true winners, but just surviving wasn't enough for me.

I wanted to win against time and conquer it; I already knew I had the key, but now I was nowhere near enough. As I entered the basement, my current thoughts were nothing but delusional thoughts and ambition, which were quickly buried deep within my heart.

Soon after, I activated the chakra seals and, as usual, checked to see if I was the only one in the basement. Following that, I started my morning Shinobi training, which was very different from my night training. It was entirely focused on changing my behaviour, habit, and subconscious impulses in order for me to gain more control over my thoughts, emotions, and body.

The only thing a normal human can do is keep themselves in check; the rest is dependent on external circumstances over which humans have no control.

I began with 30 minutes of deep meditation, completely emptying my thoughts during meditation. I do it here because no one in Uchiha meditates in an open field, and if I did, it would be like hanging a sign saying, "Come see, I am Oddity in the Uchiha Clan." Shinobi stupidity at its finest Anyway, in 20–30 seconds, I was in a trance state, and my half-filled chakra in my body regenerated until my current body could bear it; it nearly amounted to 4 chidori quantity-wise.

It's not like I only meditated for 30 minutes because I wanted to; that was already my limit, and I can say with 100% certainty that no Uchiha can compete with me in this field. That's how poor Uchiha concentration is, and this is due to the Sharingan feature of photographic memory, or in some cases, Edict memory, and the emotional spike we Uchiha get every time we use Sharingan and recall some of our memorable life experiences in that short fraction of a second.

My second shinobi training included Shuriken, darts, senbon throwing Ninjutsu, trap-making Ninjutsu, inventory checking, and deception practise. It was easy and super easy with Sharingan, as it was with Uchiha, but my training was to do what I should have done with Sharingan and suppress my instinct from using Sharingan while training, which made training extremely difficult.

It was like a heavy smoker suppressing his desire to light a cigarette in his pocket, let alone Uchiha suppressing his desire to use Sharingan, which can be done in a single thought.

After a few moments to catch my breath, I began my third Training illusion. Uchiha have an overwhelming advantage in this field when compared to others, because Sharingan are very good transmitters of Chakra, just as gold is a very good conductor of electricity, but not everyone can afford it.

Illusion is similar to paint art in which there are many forms but no limit that one can say to fully master it, there can only be comparison with one another, since awaking my memories I have already started on focusing layered Illusion and part real like illusion with very small part of it being an illusion, this will cause opponent to make mistakes in battle while being mentally confused and irritated.

Of course, I perfected some genjutsu; I already had scrolls of single shinobi focused genjutsu such as Demonic illusion: tree Binding Technique, large scale genjutsu such as Temple of Nirvana Technique, deterrent and torture genjutsu such as Demonic illusion: hell viewing Technique and Misdirection genjutsu: False surrounding Technique, and finally Demonic illusion: Mirror Heavon and Earth change.

I was almost mentally tired and my chakra was low after 2 hours of genjutsu training and illusion improvement. I then began my Fourth training, which focuses on training my mental strength, instinct, and reaction time.

I moved around the basement, filling some of the automated Ninja gears with rubber shuriken, bounce balls, and traps with the help of shadow clone but didn't read its memory after releasing it, all I had to do was dodge every incoming, keeping track of its trajectory, avoiding traps, and mind map of all of this while predicting what's next and preparing a follow up strategy. Sounds easy for Uchiha with three Tomoe Sharingan, but I had to do all of this in my mentally exhausted state without Sharingan, and now I'm upgrading my training to Nightmare grade as if it were a game, and every time I fail miserably but improve from the last time.

After 30 minutes, I just lay flat on the ground with no energy to move a single muscle, my body just kept twitching and spasming for like 10 minutes and after another 30 minutes rest when I examine myself and feel improvement, I feel sense of satisfaction from deep within my soul, excited about my future and just as my chunni self was about to come out and think of nonsensical thoughts like uprooting F4 family, kicking Madara, and subduing Kaguya. I walk over to the mirror and look at myself, and then I use my three Tomoe Sharingans to complete my morning routine training. control of emotions, My senses enhanced to a very high level, as did my emotions; all I had to do was keep myself in check, staring in the mirror and examining my mental state.

"Definitely an improvement, Emotions are all already under control to a high degree, but I'm still a long way from being perfectly calm, I can already feel one more push and those eyes will open.." In a dreamy, trembling voice, I murmured.

'But first, I have to control myself; I can't let my emotions interfere with my awakening; if my theory about those eyes is correct, I can bypass kaguya strength and enter unknown dimension strength. So the time is still not right.' I walked out of the basement, crawling towards the bathroom, leaving a shadow clone to clean up the basement mess.

"Finally, a cold shower" I let myself fall into a tub full of ice and some medical herbs alone worth 30K ryo, which I had already included in Sachi's morning routine, gradually but surely my mental fatigue and physical exhaustion washed away, another reason Shinobi value money.

After refreshing myself, I changed myself into casual clothes and went to dining table, ate my meal since there was already fully packed breakfast because Sachi already at Vine Shop, Its been a family business for long time, I took over after Father and I had Sachi sit in shop since its relatively stable business with very few competitors in Konoha.

We sell high quality vines that are imported to konoha, another reason of having capital not everyone can afford to start and copy business and after my memory awaking I tweaked few drinks and raise their prices to 6x times those that hit off right at start and also changed model of shop to keep few limited premium drinks.

I also had Sachi leave shinobi academy because I felt there was no need for her to waste time and take such a high risk job; there are very few hours left for oneself after becoming a shinobi, sometimes we have to stay outside for months, and mission information is oftenly incorrect or misinformed, or the mission poster itself is malicious.

Sachi was still included in the logistic Uchiha police force because she has Chakra, and according to Shinobi regulations Sachi is reserved genin and officially Uchiha Civilian, but I felt there was no need to worry because there are many cases like Sachi, so quitting in the middle is common.

But, after my memory was restored, I formed a strict training routine for her. Sachi could become an Elite Jounin category Medical Nin, Poison Master, Sensor, Puppet Master, and finally a capable Secretary in the future. If Sachi awakens Sharingan, I should also plan for her Sharingan to evolve into Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, but I doubt that will happen in the next 5 years, so no rush.

I looked at an antique wall clock that I had replaced with a new one after we built this house. It was already 11 a.m., so I walked towards inventory where I keep my gears, but I stopped near the gate and rhythmically kicked the side of the door, and soon a secret compartment popped out from the ground after I stepped back, and I took a suitcase and two jewellery ring cases out of it, after that, I stored the suitcase in the storage scroll, which contained approximately 34 million ryo, nearly a quarter of my family's savings, as well as an irresistible bribe for Elder Hiro, and then placed things to its prior place, after changing into shinobi gear, I double-checked all of my supplies and weapons before proceeding to the Master bedroom.

I activated chakra seals in my fourth room or Master bedroom in the house where I had chakra seals engraved while building it, then I went near the mirror and opened the ring case. There was a platinum ring with a diamond on it, but that was just a deception because I soon removed the foam in the ring and put Special Contact lenses that were hidden inside it. I personally built it in this house, which took nearly a month and a lot of trial and error, and it was so secretive that even Sachi didn't know what I was up to.

I then activated Sharingan with a single thought as I looked into the mirror, but strangely, in the reflection, Sharingan had only two tomoe rather than three, and everything appeared to be very realistic. I was very pleased with my first chakra-based contact lens gear, of which I have made a total of 18 sets, five of which have already damaged during these months.

After that, I went outside, where my clone had already set traps so that if anyone broke into the house, I would know right away, I released it and digested those memories for few minutes and headed towards Uchiha Police Department and where i had to wait for Elder Hiro till 12:30 p.m. If he didn't arrive by then, I should go to his house.

