
Naruto: Light of Konoha

What happend in early years of konha? Is Third Hokage really usless and weak? Slice of life type story. Lets immerse in dream world of Fiction. Support me on Pat-reon: patreon .com/FantasyDreamers29

FantasyDreamers · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6

A bird flew out from a tree. When he looked back, he only saw a shadow gradually diminishing out of his sight, silent as night.

Sarutobi Sato stops his impulse to kill the bird.

Usually, normal birds don't perceive the presence of skilled shinobi like him.

And those birds who detect his presence meant one thing that he has developed extraordinary sense be it sight, hearing, perception, touch, smell, or intuition.

It means the bird has started to develop sensitivity toward chakra and has honed his senses or it is a ninja beast trained by a ninja.

The bird or animal who achieves this step is called a beast and if it can perform Ninjutsu then it is called a ninja beast.

Ninja beasts can form a contract with ninja and can be summoned at will.

In times like this when you are spotted by a ninja beast that you don't recognize then you directly capture, chase away, or kill the beast.

There is always a possibility of him being a contract beast (in the jungle, wilderness), and if it is a contract beast then you are highly probably in danger of being targeted.

If you felt doubts about your strength then after killing the beast it's best to flee from that location.

In case of sufficient strength, you can stay there and counter-ambush the enemy.

But now different clans and individual ninjas live together in the same village. So it is not feasible to kill any unfamiliar beast as it can be trained by ninjas.

And it is not possible to keep the ninja beast at home at all times. So you can spot all kinds of beasts all over Konoha and its surroundings.

Sometimes a ninja's trust in his contract beast is higher than in blood relationships. Let alone trust between other ninjas.

Sato flew past trees as he pushed the chakra through the sole of his feet while pushing the tree branches.


[A brief intro: Sarutobi Sato (Age: approx 26) is cousin brother of Sarutobi Sasuke and 2 years older than him.

And fought various battles side by side with Sasuke and Haru.]


"Ahh! What a relaxing massage "

Sasuke murmured while his eyes were closed, lying in the bathtub.

"I'm off to make dinner"

Kana hung the towel up after gently drying her hair and with a sway exited the bathroom.

And slide the door off.


With a flick of a finger.


Blade vibrates and gives a melodious chime. Proving its flexibility and metal hardness at the same time. It's like soothing music that is pleasant to the ears and numbing to the mind.

"Fantastic "

Sasuke put down the short blade (sword) on the table, picked up his kunai and a rough cloth then rubbed the rough cloth on the kunai.

After a while, he put down the rough cloth took an oiled cloth, and wiped the kunai.

Kunai glows with a metal luster and its wavy patterns look like clouds.

Then he holds kunai in front of his eye to check the alignment and curves while closing another eye.

Sasuke puts his finger on the blade of the kunai and gently glides over the edge.

After giving it a tap, checking quality he puts down the kunai and goes over in maintenance of other weapons.


There was a knock.

Kana put down the spatula, and then went to open the door.

"Oh! Sato, come come "

Kana exclaim.

After entering the home Sato removed his shoes and put up spare sandals.

"How was your trip? Is it safe?", Kana asked.

"Ughm, it is very safe in Fire Nation, and in other nations you have to just disguise yourself as native, and Wala! it is safe."

After the village system no wars on a large scale but minor conflicts and friction are inevitable.

So there is no big hostility between local citizens but at the same time little wary of outsiders.

And in the ninja community hostility, anger, hatred, and blood feud between individuals and clans are still present but temporarily suppressed.

All the nations are in adopting and organizing mode.

Kana smiled and asked, "Did you bring something or come empty-handed"

They enter the living room and Sasuke cleaning and maintaining his equipment just glances and keeps working on his tools.

Sato looked around the living room and finding the decoration table, took out four palm size exquisite and life-like figurines (sculpture) and gave her a smirk,

"Look at these works of art, sculpted by yours truly. Great isn't it."

He put these figurines on the decorative table, in which Hiruzen sitting in Sato's lap sharing cake with his right hand and with his left hand stuffing the cake himself.

Kana wears a pointy hat and Sasuke eats cake by himself.

"Beautiful isn't it", Sato gestured toward them.

"It's great!"

Then as she looked at his smug face she said,

"I have also prepared a surprise for you, Huh-ah" she raises her eyebrow.

"Tomorrow at 10 AM sharp you have a date, no excuse allowed otherwise hmmm."

She snorted.

Sato has a blank face, "At least tell me who?"

"Surprise means surprise, and come on time." After a glare, she left.

"Date! Date! Date!, Marry! Marry! Marry!, huh unreasonable. "

Sato mumbles and walks up to the wall mirror and ran fingers through his hair.

Sasuke collected all weapons and equipment then put the sword on the stand and put kunai in the holster on his lower back.

"Well you didn't go last time she was very angry"

"I am still young "

Sasuke said, "Well I have a 3-year-old son"

Sato becomes speechless.


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