
Naruto: Light of Konoha

What happend in early years of konha? Is Third Hokage really usless and weak? Slice of life type story. Lets immerse in dream world of Fiction. Support me on Pat-reon: patreon .com/FantasyDreamers29

FantasyDreamers · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

"Where it is? " 

A young Sarutobi Hiruzen, searching in boxes, under the bed, and in clothes while murmuring. 

"Get up Hiru, it's morning" 

Came his mommy's voice from the ground floor.

"I am already up, wait a second" 

"There you are"

He finds his wooden kunai and goes downstairs. 

There he sees his mom Kana wearing an apron and setting the meals on the table.

Her movements are graceful and efficient as she navigated through the kitchen. 

She put down the food and veggies on the dianing table. Then cover the food which has to be served as warm. 

"What are we having meals for today?"

"Oh ! You naughty boy, first put aside this dangerous weapon aside, then call over your daddy". 


Hiruzen ran off to the washroom first with skips on his steps.


Breathe in 

Sarutobi Sasuke standing in a horse stance, wearing a white cotton inner vest and green camouflage pants.

Eyes closed. 

Feeling the cool wind caressing his face in the morning is refreshing. (Of course it's refreshing because there is no pollution).

He stretched his muscles and then relaxed them in sequence. 

Sasuke feels the presence of his son behind him. 

As he opened his eyes, he saw blue skies and yellow horizon. 

More than often he recalls about the precarious/arduous life before the establishment of Konoha. 

There are conflicts everywhere. There is no such environment for relaxation and practice. 

Clansmen have to be on guard in rotation for fear of enemy attack. There is no pattern to enemy attack as it was day or night. 


He shook his head and turns around. 

"Meal's ready" 

Hiruzen his son said with swinging his wooden kunai. 

As he walks past his son he snatches the wooden kunai. Feel the rough edges with his fingers. 

"One must keep his tool in good condition, they help you survive. Unless you are ready to be betrayed by them at critical times." 

Sasuke twirl kunai in his fingers.

Hiruzen eyes lit up seeing such dextrose movements. 

"Also, keep only weapons with you that you have mastery over. Otherwise, they become weapons to harm you despite being with you." 

"Always remember." 

He gave a last twist and catch the sharp tip, and pointed the handle towards his son.

"Let me wash up"


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