
Naruto: Light of Konoha

What happend in early years of konha? Is Third Hokage really usless and weak? Slice of life type story. Lets immerse in dream world of Fiction. Support me on Pat-reon: patreon .com/FantasyDreamers29

FantasyDreamers · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

At the meal table.

Hiruzen sat with his mother while on the opposite side of the table sat his dad(Sasuke).

All of them sit on their knees on the tatami while they eat.

Kana put green veggies from the bowl onto their plate and then put some for herself,

"Green veggies are good for health," she said with a smile.

Hiruzen looked at his father who also looked at him, then Sasuke put green veggies in his mouth.

After seeing his father eating veggies Hiruzen smacks his lips.

He picked up the vaggi with one hand and the soup in the other hand, After eating the vaggi he gulped down a mouthful of soup.

Then he put down the soup and patted his chest with relief. "Hoooo..."

Kana and Sasuke look at each other on his antics.

After breakfast, Kana puts tea leaves and hot water on the table and takes away bowls and plates.

Sasuke mentions Hiruzen to pour tea for him.

While putting tea leaves in the cup and pouring hot water from the kettle, Hiruzen asks,

"Dad tell me a story of our clan."

Sasuke rubbed his chin "Hmm" After a brief consideration he began to say,

"Our founded back in nearly 650 years ago, from Yoso clan when it disintegrated."

"Well, in the past our clan considered to be explored distance place far and near."

"These fire nation land we called them central lands, they are very fertile and climate changes are within normal human tolerance, especially for babies."

"And their crops and farming give rich harvest."

"As we move away from central lands, the population of normal humans goes sparse"

"You ask me why we have to protect these civilians, well civilians are also a resource for ninjas"

"They concentrate on the production of resources for us ninjas and in return, we protect them from various dangers."

"So we depend on each other"

"So central land always embroidered in human conflicts."

"So when we are strong we move towards central land and when we are weak we move away from central lands."

"This saves our clan from extinction many times and also due to all these travells we develop all five elements affinities."

"Those weak clans who neither moved away nor submitted to strong clans were annihilated from central lands."

"And clans who dominated these central regions are Uchiha clan and Senju clan and its allies."

At this, Sasuke narrows his pupils but returns to normal in an instant.

Hiruzen asks, "Senju clan allies?"

"Well, the Uchiha clan is strong, so strong that no single clan can be their opponent."

"Even the Senju clan has allies with Usumaki, Hyuga, and some other clans."

Hiruzen, "Dad then how come Sanju Hashirama beat Uchiha Madara "

"Sanju Ha~si~ra~ma, Hashirama is, is an anomaly, you can't even consider him to be Senju at all."

"He is special even in Sanju."

Sasuke said this with a far look in his eyes.

(Lost in thoughts/ looking into distance ;)

After the tea Sasuke stood up,

"Okay I am going out"

Hiruzen picks up cups and a kettle and takes them to the kitchen.

"Mom I am going out to play"

He rushes out of the kitchen and picks up his wooden kunai.


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