
Naruto: Legacy of Lava, Ice and Storm

Ken was four years old when the nine tails attacked the hidden leaf. His grandma died during the attack. Due to the grief, he awakened his hidden kekkei genkais Lava release and Ice release. Unknown to him and everyone he has also awakened a third kekkei genkai, storm relase. During the same day he awakened the memories of his previous life where he had watched a show called Naruto. He is also the first grandson of Hiruzen Sarutobi. His existence itself causes changes in the world. Read how he becomes the greatest ninjutsu practitioner in the world and his journey towards his goals. - No harem - Will have changes in the canon - A lot of action and training - Cool Ninjutsus - Not a serious kid Itachi - OP Grandpa Hiruzen ------------ This story belongs to Naruto franchise and i dont own anything except my OCs

Pikachu234 · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 15: Training Ninjutsu (1)

It has taken another three months for Ken to learn tree walking and water walking.

Hiruzen was quite surprised by it as according to him it should have taken Ken five months to accomplish his task. Nonetheless, he was proud of his grandson to have such exceptional chakra control at the age of four and a half.

"Now we can start your training with ninjutsu," Hiruzen said to which Ken pumped his fist in the air in delight

"Now, You have two kekkei Genkais- Ice release and Lava release. Ice is the combination of water and wind while lava is fire and earth. We will focus on only one for now. So choose which one you want to master first." Hiruzen asked Ken

"Can you tell me which chakra nature between fire, wind, water and earth is best?" Ken asked Hiruzen before answering his question

"There is no better chakra nature. It depends on the user. But I will let you know what the four chakra natures are capable of." Hiruzen said before explaining the four chakra natures.

"Fire offers you the most destruction capabilities. Fire has to be the best of all natures if you want to destroy something. It spreads by itself and since burning ignores durability it's the most effective in killing something. It is weak against water chakra nature but is stronger against wind release. Konoha has the most number of fire jutsus in its library since most of the shinobi here have an affinity with fire release." Hiruzen explained

Ken remembered Madara's fire jutsu in the fourth great ninja war. One of the only two fire jutsus that awed him. But he still believed that fire release had a lot of potential.

"Water offers you versatility. You can summon it to flood the area. Encase your enemy in water or just shoot water at your enemies at a high speed. It has much more versatility than any other nature and can be used for just about anything. Although it doesn't particularly excel in one area. And if there is no water source nearby, it takes a considerably large chakra to use most of the water jutsus. Water is strong against fire and weaker to earth. My sensei, the second Hokage was renowned for his water-style jutsus." Hiruzen said with a hint of melancholy remembering his sensei.

"Wind in the early stages is more of a support. You can use it to blow away things. Use it to enhance your speed. It's not really destructive at the early stages. Its destructiveness starts at A rank jutsus or above but they are tough to learn. The wind is weak to fire and strong against lightning release."

"Earth offers you protection with this nature you can construct anything. A fortress, a simple wall, an underground hideout, a tower, and probably an entire village. It can mainly be used to put something between you and your opponent or better yet around your opponent. It's the best chakra nature when it comes to defense. It's strong to eater release and weak to lightning release." Hiruzen finished his explanation

"So what's your choice?" Hiruzen asked again

'It would have been so much easier to choose if I had a lightning release. The best choice would be fire for offense and earth for defense thus lava release.'

"Lava release," Ken said

"Good choice," Hiruzen said with a smile

"We will start with the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu). Follow my instructions."

Hiruzen began to instruct him, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "First, focus your chakra into your belly, gathering it like a tightly wound coil."

Ken closed his eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to draw his chakra inward. He felt the energy within him respond, gathering in his lower abdomen.

Hiruzen continued, "Now, concentrate on the elemental nature of fire. Imagine the flames dancing freely but under your command." He gestured with his hands, mimicking the fluidity of fire.

Ken nodded, visualizing the flames. "I see it, Grandpa."

"Good," Hiruzen said, his eyes filled with pride. "Now, the hand seals. This jutsu requires the Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger. Remember, each seal must be executed with precision."

Ken watched closely as Hiruzen demonstrated the hand seals, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next. Hiruzen's fingers moved with grace and purpose.

Ken attempted to replicate the seals, his fingers trembling with anticipation. "Like this, Grandpa?"

Hiruzen nodded. "Exactly, Ken. But remember, the key to this jutsu is control. As you complete the hand seals, channel your chakra through your lungs and into your mouth, mixing it with the fire nature chakra."

Ken followed Hiruzen's instructions, molding his chakra with the fire element. He could feel the warmth building in his mouth, the sensation akin to holding back a dragon ready to unleash its fury.

"Now, release it," Hiruzen commanded.

Ken exhaled forcefully, his chakra-infused breath manifesting as a stream of fire manifested in the form of a huge fireball which burned through the rock and continued on its way burning the forest. The fireball kept burning as a stream of fire kept coming from his mouth.

Seeing this Hiruzen eyes widened.

"Stop the jutsu Ken." Hiruzen ordered Ken but Ken looked at Hiruzen as if to ask 'But how? You never told me how to do that.'

Realizing this Hiruzen said, 'Just stop the flow of your chakra."

He did as he was told as the stream of fire no longer came from his mouth. But the fireball was still there as it raged through the borest burning it.

Hiruzen quickly formed hand signs.

'Water Release: Water Severing Wave'

A high-pressure water wave erupted from Hiruzen's mouth which made quick work of the flaming forest and the fireball.

Ken stood in awe not at his grandpa's jutsu but at his own jutsu, his heart pounding with exhilaration. "I did it, Grandpa!"

Hiruzen could not help but twitch his eye as he saw the once-green forest turned into a burned one.

'He is causing so much destruction at the age of four with his first jutsu and he is not even feeling tired from the chakra exhaustion. He still has tons of chakra left in his tank. Worst of all, he is not sorry for the destruction that he caused. Why do I feel a headache coming my way in the future?' Hiruzen thought


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