
Naruto: Legacy of Lava, Ice and Storm

Ken was four years old when the nine tails attacked the hidden leaf. His grandma died during the attack. Due to the grief, he awakened his hidden kekkei genkais Lava release and Ice release. Unknown to him and everyone he has also awakened a third kekkei genkai, storm relase. During the same day he awakened the memories of his previous life where he had watched a show called Naruto. He is also the first grandson of Hiruzen Sarutobi. His existence itself causes changes in the world. Read how he becomes the greatest ninjutsu practitioner in the world and his journey towards his goals. - No harem - Will have changes in the canon - A lot of action and training - Cool Ninjutsus - Not a serious kid Itachi - OP Grandpa Hiruzen ------------ This story belongs to Naruto franchise and i dont own anything except my OCs

Pikachu234 · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 16: Training Ninjutsu (2)

After learning the fireball jutsu, for the next three months, Hiruzen had to teach him jutsus from both fire chakra release and earth chakra release.

Originally, he had planned to teach him just one or two jutsus before Ken starts the academy. But Ken was really talented in performing ninjutsu and managed to learn the jutsus pretty fast.

Seeing Ken's enthusiasm, Hiruzen could not even say no to his grandson. He felt pity for his shadow clone who was doing paperwork while he enjoyed his time training with his grandson and spending time with him.

Ken first learned the Fire Release: Phoenix Flower jutsu. He had to spit a volley of small fireballs into the air. But the best part was he could control each flame with their chakra, allowing them to guide each at the target and, consequently, making this technique difficult to evade.

Though the flames can only be controlled to a certain degree. It can maybe turn about 30 degrees to both the sides. They were not like homing missiles. Ken really eanted to make a jutsu like that in the future.

This jutsu can also be used by hiding Shuriken within the flames, not only making them more deadly upon impact but also, by controlling the flames' movements, giving users a means of controlling the shuriken as well.

Ken and Hiruzen had forgotten that Ken had never been taught shurinkenjutsu.

Once Ken tried using shurinkens, he realized that he was not pretty good at it but he still managed to hit stationary targets. Moving targets were pretty difficult for him.

The next jutsu that Hiruzen decided to teach him was Fire Release: Fox Fire. In this, Ken manifests small ten fireballs in a circle in front of them and launches them with their hand motions. The technique is simple but can be used for strategic purposes. He can also use more than 10 fireballs but these fireballs are all weaker than the Fire style: Fireball jutsu. They dont cause much damage either.

The next jutsu that Hiruzen taught him was a jutsu to support his other fire-style jutsu which was Fire Release: Misty Flames Dance jutsu.

Ken was able to create and blow a flammable gas from their lungs. Once it comes in contact with fire or spark, the gas ignites. It can be used to make his other fire-style jutsu more powerful as well as use it to cover the vision of his enemy. But he had to keep in mind that the gas could also be used by the enemy to make his or her fire jutsu stronger or ignite the gas.

Ken now knew why Hiruzen was called the Professor. He had so many of the jutsus and he knew what jutsus would benefit his grandson. All of these jutsus were only C rank.

Hiruzen refused to teach him higher-rank jutsu until he mastered the jutsus that he had already taught him.

He asked them to master them after he had also learned the hand signs for the earth jutsus. Then he would have to master the jutsus of both natures simultaneously.

So the first earth jutsu that he learned was a very useful D-rank jutsu which was Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu. Yeah, the one Kakashi used against Sasuke.

While lurking underground, Ken would grab a target and drag it into the earth, leaving only their head above the surface. Because victims are rendered unable to move in this state, they are easily subjected to torture or decapitation. Ken could generally change the earth beneath his feet which allows him to slip into the ground to perform this jutsu.

The next was the most useful jutsu according to Ken. It was Earth Style: Hidden mole jutsu.

With this jutsu, he could change earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing Ken to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it large enough for Ken to move through. Ken can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. Ken can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy.

One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach. Can reach a depth of 40 meters. It also appears that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth.

As much as the jutsu sounds good, it is still a c rank and thus has its weaknesses. You would have to come back to the surface for oxygen. So it's not fit to just sit underground waiting for your enemy to leave.

The last two Earth jutsus that Hiruzen taught him were Earth Style: Bottomless Swamp and Earth Style: Earth Dome jutsu.

In the first jutsu, Ken would turn the ground around a target into deep mud, causing the target to sink into it until it reached its neck. The mud is very thick, making it difficult for the target to free themselves.

Earth Dome was his sole defensive jutsu.

Ken surrounded himself with earth in the shape of a dorm protecting him from jutsus from all sides. Ken can also manipulate the resulting shelter to have openings in it to be able to observe outside.

Ken wanted to learn the Mud wall jutsu but that was a B rank jutsu. Besides, Earth dome jutsu could be used as a tent when he is on missions outside the village.


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