
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Might Guy

  After the talk with Minato I was worried about his death in the near future for the village will go through turmoil. I know it is year 64 since the village was founded and Naruto will be born somewhere from years 64-65. I have to get stronger before that I don't want to but I think I have to coincidently vanish on the day of the attack like Danzo and Hiruzen.

---Sometime later---

In the middle of a spacious training ground, you see a teenager roughly 15-16 Performing punches, the sweat sticking to his skin... his shirt nowhere to be seen. The Youth was training diligently so he didn't notice someone watching him for quite some time. The youth's training was coming to an end when his senses started blaring.


Arashi was training to hone his taijutsu when he suddenly felt someone watching him, knowing that it wasn't likely he'd be attacked he shouted "Come out I know you there". The bush to the right of him started moving emitting sound. Arashi keenly noticing this took a fighting stance just in case his anticapation mounted. He waited as had seen a figure emerging he was slowing emerging. Once the figure fully exposed himself, Arashi immediately let down his guard it was a teen. He has fair skin a strong jawline, a large nose, and black hair. He is most noticeable for his shiny bowl-style haircut and thick eyebrows; He wears a green jumpsuit and orange striped leg warmers.

We all knew who this was...Might Guy. Arashi was flabbergasted and sort of angry he got so tensed up for nothing. Arashi fake coughed into his hand and started talking, "I don't appreciate people sneaking up on me" said Arashi breaths erratic from the intense training. Guy shouted, "The youth in you was just so glorious I couldn't help but watch, you were training so hard that I wanted to get your name!!" Guy continued basically shouting. Arashi with an enamored expression 'This guy is just as he is in the show sorta... Unique.'

I voiced "My name is Arashi Shizukesa". Guy looked at me and said "Ohh so you're the guy I have been hearing so much about and, it seems me and you are both chunin so here a change of plans sparr with me, only Taijutsu!!" He said sticking out a thumbs up with a big smile.

I looked at him with a calm expression Huh I expected this it seems he wants to spar but I'm not against it if I could spar with him from time to time it could greatly boost my taijutsu. I said, "yea as long as you take it easy on me but in the meantime give me a second to regain my bearings".


In the Spacious training Two people were facing each other one threw a rock in the air and once I came down the two rushed toward each other. One Arashi and the other Guy, Guy's with his speed immense, struck out with a testing jab to which Arashi dodged and retaliated with a leg sweep Guy promptly Jumped back which gave time for Arashi with his Senju-Hatake Taijutsu quickly like a dog viciously attack with a harrowing strike going for Guy's shoulder.

  Guy went serious and with his strong fist retaliated with a spin kick, fist against kick Arashi who was profficent in Taijutsu won the exchange. Guy flew back rolling through the dirt but he caught himself before he crashed into a tree  he looked at Arashi and with a big smile said "You are good but let's get serious", he started taking off his gear dropping them to the floor creating big "booms" every time one of them hit the ground Arashi knew what was happening and said, "Sigh what has my life come to?" 'I'm about to get steamrolled'. The opposite of the fight they just had happened Arashi was yes promptly steamrolled. 

Arashi expected this to happen his body was sore from all the sparring. Guy who had a content expression said "Wow this was a great warm-up". Arashi looked at him with disdain 'Is he doing this on purpose?' he thought inwardly. "Hey Arashi I want to spar with you again are you up for it?" Arashi was not stupid, 'If I want to get stronger this away... Might Guy Help me get better with my taijutsu and help get my body stronger after all I can't just rely on my Senju constitution'. 'I can maybe even ask him for some training weights'. Ok I will speak with you but you must show me how you train and give me some tips as well since you are better than me at taijutsu" I responded out of breath. Guy did a thumbs up and said "Sure thing".

Every 1 month me and guy trained and I even started wearing weights around everywhere. I was happy with the progress of my body and I was feeling more robust than ever. I also took time to practice with my Ninjutsu don't worry now my whole repertoire is good before my skills used to leak chakra and it was inefficient but now my entire skillset is efficient and no traces of chakra leakage can be found I was making quick and steady progress.